Open carry in Oceanside, CA
If you open carry where it’s legal, you can still expect to be confronted by the police, and not all of the officers are going to be this cool about it;
The officer kept his conduct professional no matter how hard “Jeremy” tried to be a dick.
Thanks to Zedechek for the link.
ADDED: I tried to embed this link to Guns and Ammo TV with advice on how to handle yourself when stopped by the police with a CCW license and a concealed gun, but I guess I’m an idiot today, regardless you should watch the video.
Category: Guns
Seriously, it’s guys like Jeremy who try to goad the cops into saying/doing something stupid. This is done in the hopes of pointing out the “thugocratic police state.” Yet those assclowns are the very same ones that give the idiot public officials/politicians the ammo they need (no pun intended) to do stupid shit like try to ban open carry in CA–which just passed the Assembly, IIRC.
Hey, Jeremy? How about just not being a dick?
Old Video but still worth seeing. I actually e-mailed his department a week after this was on YouTube to tell commend this officer professionalism.
This officer is the epitome of police professionalism, and should be commended.
But while I don’t believe we live in a “thugocratic police state,” those who argue otherwise are not without a leg to stand on, as we’ve seen from the Guerena fiasco, and we can see in this video:
The cop in this video is everything the Oceanside officer is not. I try to give cops the benefit of the doubt, but this guy needs to be at least suspended if not fired. His failure to follow basic procedures of a vehicle stop and search would have absolutely gotten his partner killed if the driver had had any malicious intent, and his completely over-the-top reaction when he realizes his own error and takes it out on the driver is unwarranted, and bordering on criminal.
THAT was pretty awesome. Too bad we can’t find out who “Jeremy” is to remind him that everyone, including himself doesn’t have to be such a prick. That officer was the best I’ve seen.
I have encountered many a shit officer to be sure… and this is why people should be cops. Because doing the right thing and maintaining your professionalism is what it’s all about.
I’m guessing Jeremy never learned that in the Marine Corps. If he had no problem with law and authority, he wouldn’t try to be a chest puffing asshole about knowing statutes or requirements during a traffic stop to a retired and fellow Devil Dog no less.
What a fantastic job by that officer. I know there are a lot of good ones out there, but it is nice to see them in action.
Meanwhile in the U.K., gun control is working great, if you’re a worthless crook who thrives on terrorizing the elderly:–93-died-burgled-FIVE-times-just-weeks.html
The officer was very professional. I think that if more people had an Open carry, it wouldn’t be as big an issue, but then what do I know.
Ok, “Jeremy” is filming this for his own protection, is a former Marine, says he has a “right” to carry, which the officer confirms, etc.; yet he says he doesn’t have any identification on him? I think this whole thing was a set up to try and play “gotcha” with the cops. If I were the cop, I would acknowledge that he has a right to open carry, if he is not a convicted felon and since I can’t know whether he is who he says he is, since he doesn’t have identification on him, I would run him in. But that’s just me.
“Jeremy” is a douche and we don’t need him on our side. Be responsible, follow the law, and if you’re going to open carry then you had better be prepared for this to happen and have your ID on you.
While “Jeremy” is an example of what not to do, the officer is the best example of how to be a professional.
As my friend and M4 Guru Pat Rogers has said:
“Some people should not be allowed to have children, or guns or oxygen”.
Jeremy (aka the douche bag) is one of those people…
Exemplary behavior by the officer, who seemed surprisingly unafraid and cool about the whole affair, given today’s policing climate. I wonder if he is a recreational shooter/2nd Amendment advocate himself? Also, not to be a wet blanket, but one also wonders how it might have turned out if the prick (Jeremy) did not have a camera? If I were the officer I would, at the very least, detain the prick until his ID could be verified.