9th Circus gets another opportunity to piss me off

| July 15, 2011

Couthouse News Serice reports that yet another stolen valor case is going to the 9th Circuit Appeals Court. This one involves David Perelman who convinced the Air Force that he had been wounded during a brief stint in Vietnam in order to get a Purple Heart. He used the award to get benefits from the VA which he didn’t earn and secure an executive position in the Order of the Purple Heart organization.

This is how his public defender lawyer tried to mitigate her client’s malfeasance;

“If a person can stand on the corner and falsely proclaim that they are the recipient of a Medal of Honor, why can’t a grieving mother wear a Purple Heart to her son’s funeral?”
“Is that what your guy is?” Judge Barry Silverman interjected.
“No, Your Honor,” Shell replied.
“Your guy is somebody who tried to get veterans’ benefits that he wasn’t entitled to,” Silverman said, in reference to Perelman’s other guilty plea last summer to the theft of government funds for receiving $180,000 in disability benefits from the Veteran’s Administration, where he also worked.
The federal court in Las Vegas accepted Perelman’s guilty pleas but allowed him to appeal.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Perelman’s wound was a 1991 self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Anyway, even though Perelman pleaded guilty, he’ll be appealing his case, somehow. Probably just so his shitbag lawyer can take a few more selfish shots at real soldiers and real heroes.

Category: Phony soldiers, Shitbags

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Had Perlman won, he wouldn’t get to appeal to the 9th Circus. Now, he gets off scot free (with apologies to all our scots); and his attorney gets to add more hours to the final bill.

Some folks call this “win-win.”


“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” – Dick the butcher, Henry The Sixth, Part 2 Act 4, scene 2, 71–78

Doc Bailey

I know someone would scream about this, but wouldn’t this be a STRONG case for judicial impeachment?