China complains that US is spending too much on military

| July 11, 2011

The Associated Press reports that Chen Bingd, Chinese chief of the General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army, told Admiral Mullen, his opposite number in the US that for the sake of the US taxpayers, the US should cut military spending;

“I know the U.S. is still recovering from the financial crisis,” Chen said. “Under such circumstances, it is still spending a lot of money on its military and isn’t that placing too much pressure on the taxpayers?”

“If the U.S. could reduce its military spending a bit and spend more on improving the livelihood of the American people … wouldn’t that be a better scenario?” he said.

It sounds a little bit like he’s running for office in a certain district in California doesn’t it? I wonder if the fact that their own policy is echoed by our most dangerous enemy will have any effect on defense cut proposals coming from Congress.

China’s military budget of $95 billion this year is the world’s second-highest after Washington’s planned $650 billion in defense spending.

Chen said China remains more than two decades behind the U.S. in terms of military technology and Beijing still needs to upgrade by adding new hardware such as aircraft carriers.

Well, if Congress wants to afford China an opportunity to catch up, they’re on the right track.

Category: Congress sucks, Foreign Policy, Military issues

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Or the Chinese can just do what they’ve been doing for the last couple of decades and steal the shit. I almost worked for a company in CA (L3) who had an engineer got busted for espionage. Let’s not even get into questionable credentials on guys working on shit that makes BIG booms at Los Alamos, etc. Or we can just put Hillary into the White House and she’ll just give it away too.

John Curmudgeon

WTF, the Chinese have one of the worst income disparities of the top 20 powers in the world. Why don’t they stop spending money on cheap electronic knock offs and start increasing the livelihood of their people? Their response would be “blah blah blah don’t stick nose into Chinese sovereignty blah blah blah”.


The funny thing is not that China’s 20 years away. They are only one theft, or an American presidential election campaign away from achieving technological par.

I say we spare ourself the false heartache and give them what we have. Then we can return to the basics of marksmanship, shooting-moving-communicating and drop at least 50 pounds out of the rucks.


“Chen said China remains more than two decades behind the U.S. in terms of military technology”

Don’t worry Chi-coms, with our “Every retard given a diploma”, aka “No Child Left Behind” and other educational farqe-ups, you guys will surpass us in no time….


If the Chinese government owns the factories that produce their knock-offs of Russian fighters, Russian submarines, Russian rifles, who, exactly do they write a check to, when they buy the next 500 knock-offs of the Mig 29? Themselves?
And, they pay a private in the PLA what? The equivalent of $1.72 a month?


Mr Bingd,

Here is our response to concern on the United States spending too much money on defense: SUCK MY ASS!

When China frees all of it’s political prisoners, stops censoring the internet, stealing our technology, quits hacking into our computer systems, and stops manufacturing lead laced products, then maybe we can discuss our defense spending.


Hey China, can you kiss us? We usually expect to be kissed when someone is MAKING SEX TO US!