Perry urges Holder to arrest Code Pink

| June 30, 2011

VTWoody sends us a link to to a Fox News article in which Texas governor Rick Perry urged Attorney General Holder to arrest and prosecute Americans who planning on illegally sailing to and protesting in the Gaza Strip;

“The state of Israel is a friend and critical ally of the United States, and the only stable democracy in an increasingly unstable and hostile region,” wrote Perry, a vocal supporter of Israel who is considering a run for president in 2012. “These initiatives to breach Israel’s maritime blockade of the Gaza Strip is an unacceptable provocation.”

Under federal law, anyone who “prepares a means for, or furnishes the money for, or takes part in, any military or naval expedition” against a friendly country can be fined or jailed for three years.

Of course the protesters include the hags of Code Pink.

Category: Code Pink, General Whackos

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Good luck with that I say…
while I agree with the premise, it ain’t gonna happen.
Not with this crew we have in DC. nor any others.
I wished all of them would get arrested, oh heck…they are
on that “freedom flotilla” … maybe they will get their “freedom”… 😉 “nudge”
Jus sayin


Yeah…I’m sure Holder will get right on this.

Peter Beck

I’m a Navy veteran, conservative pro-life Catholic. I don’t need to apologize to anyone for anything. Somebody explain to me how Israel became our 51st state without me knowing about it. Why is everyone defending these b******s who deliberately attacked an American Naval vessel, the USS Liberty, on June 8, 1967? I was on active duty then, and by God, I remember.
This pi**-ant little country is not worth any more Americans dying for. If you think US soldiers died in Iraq for America’s freedom, you’re not paying attention. We have too many Israel-firsters in our Government now. We don’t need to support another- I want a President who pledges allegiance to the American flag, and no other.


#3 Who’s paying you for that crap?



Wasn’t there talk about al Qaida linked militants on the last flotilla?

I think there was.


Yo, Beck–STFU and go back to your Stormfront and Ron Paul dick sucking, mkay?

Pretty please. Now nobody can claim I’m not nice.


Holder would actually be doing Code Pink a favor.

Arrest would be a lot kinder than what Israel might do to Code Pink if they attempt to breach that blockade.

Old Trooper

” I want a President who pledges allegiance to the American flag, and no other.”

Ok, Mr. Beck; who would that be?

Marine 83

The United States has only three friends in the world. The Brits, the Aussies and the Israelis. We would be a bunch of punk faggots indeed if we dropped our support for the Israelis. Which oh ya is exactly what the Big 0 seems to be doing.

Peter Beck

#8 Nobody on the horizon. They’re all kissing Israel’s ass. #6 ! guess you’d rather sit there in your easy chair pretending to be tough and let others do the fighting. #4 Nobody. Unlike all of you, I’m capable of thinking for myself and am not brainwashed by groups like AIPAC. You’re all apparently OK with sending Israel $3 billion+/year for nothing but misery in return. You all ignored the information on USS Liberty.

Marine 83

@#10. Let me guess. 911 was an inside job and Ron Paul is God. Right?

Peter Beck

So #11, all the surviving sailors from the USS Liberty are lying? Would you have the guts to call them liars to their faces? When you’re pledging allegiance to the Israeli flag, do you fantasize yourself making out with Netanyahu?


And that there was a accident proves what? This case of friendly fire is any different from other is? We bombed a Chinese Embassy in the former Yugoslavia in the mid 90s or the accident were US forces killed British troops due to friendly fire. Shall I go on?


Herr Beck is a troll.

44 years the USS Liberty got nailed by the IDF. Not too much after that, we sent an Israeli spy to jail for life. For real life, not Herr Beck’s shadow life.

Not to worry Herr Beck, we the US of A have joined with Gog and Magog in opposition to Israel. Happy now?

Peter Beck

#13, Choose your own truth, I don’t care.
This was no mistake.

B'emet Or

Hey Dick, I mean Peter…….what the fuck is your problem? The relationship we have with Israel is the only relationship worth having in the entire ME. I understand you are upset about the Liberty, and rightfully so. BUT, you need to suck it up…..we must back our only ally or, as Marine 83 put it, we’ll just be punkass faggots…….

Bad things happen in this world as I’m sure you know……but we must move forward, and your antisemitism is just making you look like an ass……

Old Trooper

I have read about the USS Liberty and if a person is pre-disposed to dislike Israel, they would agree that it was intentional. Was it? I don’t know and no one on this board knows, either. I would prefer to give money to the only true democracy in that region over a group headed by terrorists (the Palestinians) or other countries or groups who have a vested interest in the destruction of Israel. Israel could have wiped out the Palestinians and others that threaten it in the region, but they haven’t. They haven’t attacked anyone without provocation, yet have been attacked countless times in their history and continue to have rockets launched against them daily.

That you are anti-Israel, or maybe even anti-semitic, Mr. Beck, is not lost on us. You have a right to that opinion, but pardon me if I don’t subscribe to it.

That you claim to be a conservative appears to me, by your comments, to be a stretch. I would say you are more libertarian than conservative.

Finally, I have to ask; Why is it that people who want to bait us in to challenging someone always invoke “guts” as their bait these days? I mean; do you speak for the men who were on that ship? Do they want us to challenge them? Was anyone questioning the veracity of the claim that the ship was attacked? I haven’t seen anyone make the claim, but yet you invoke a 3rd party challenge to something that hasn’t been stated; why?


Israel owned up to the USS Liberty error… It is well recognized by all parties vice the Ron Paul tin foil hat/exterminate-the-joooos crowd that it was a friendly-fire incident. Based on the troll’s logic of absolutes, Canada must stop being our friend, drop out of NORAD, end its NATO affiliation, and mass troops on the border because the U.S. attacked Canadian troops in Afghanistan early on. But then again, the big difference between Canada and Israel is, once again, the Ron Paul crowd’s favorite scapegoat… the jooooooooos! (and blacks if you recall his racist literature).


Yea Peter because you were not only there but able to read minds of everyone involved and ONLY you know their true intentions. What next hold a grudge because of the stories that they killed Jesus too?

Marine 83

Lew Rockwell. Now there is an unimpeachable source for ya. See I was right (does a victory dance) a troofer and a paulbot.


@ #21-VIETNAM comes to mind….


Jonn–while not “shooting” per se, I’d say we’re a lot more comfortable with a lot of the former Warsaw Pact nations than we were back in 1967.

Then again, with all the backstabbing Obumbler has done to THEM as well, it’s a wonder we have ANY allies in the world right now. Maybe that was his plan all along.

And to think, all those liberals were telling us that once Bush was out of office, everyone would love us again. Well, maybe not so much.

Finally, Beck–GDIAF, already. That Lew Rockwell shit will rot your brain.

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