In Geezer News

| June 8, 2011

Henry (Peace With Honor) Kissinger Has weighed in on Afghanistan. Nixon actually said that, but it was Kissinger who sold it.

Honestly,  I thought Henry was dead, but?

The American role in Afghanistan is drawing to a close in a manner paralleling the pattern of three other inconclusive wars since the Allied victory in World War II: a wide consensus in entering them, and growing disillusionment as the war drags on, shading into an intense national search for an exit strategy with the emphasis on exit rather than strategy.

His OpEd piece actually makes some sense, but I have trouble accepting the source. YMMV

Let’s see, the current anti-war activists are a paltry few compared to back then, and more like clowns and yet he offers:

After America’s withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan and the constraint to our strategic reach produced by the revolution in Egypt, a new definition of American leadership and America’s national interest is inescapable. A sustainable regional settlement in Afghanistan would be a worthy start.

Yeah, Henry; that notion actually has a track record of note.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  Santayana

Henry helped write a chapter or two, yet…

Category: Politics

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He also told Nixon and other leadership not to make a fuss about MIAs in order to get the deal done with the North. Sorry, no respect here for the man.