The “resistance culture”

| May 5, 2011

Russia TV interviews Kevin Zeese who complains that the media doesn’t cover hippies when hippies get upset and protest. Of course, according to Zeese, it’s because of the ‘corporate media” not because we’re tired of seeing their selfish, unimportant demands;

He claims that the “corporate media” covers the Tea Party because it’s in their interest, but it might really be because it’s the first time conservatives have been moved to organize against what they think is potentially damaging to the country. On the other hand, the hippies protests are nearly weekly events – a “dog bites man” story.

I remember that the hippies had a protest scheduled against George W. Bush for October 2001 long before 9-11 happened and they just retooled it to be against the war at the last minute. It doesn’t help the left that they wave Soviet Union and Chinese flags at their protests and cozy up to socialists and communists wearing their Che Guevara T-shirts. Who wants to associate with people like that?

Thanks to one of my ninjas for the video.

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies, Shitbags

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Doc Bailey

Douche bag wants to complain about everything, but never confront his own involvement in how things are slowly turning to shit.

Army Sergeant

People who wear Che shirts..what’s Jimbo ever done to you, anyway?

Just Plain Jason

Here are some great Che shirts…

Ringo the Gringo

Personally, I think that the professional media avoided serious coverage of anti-war protests because they sympathized with the anti-war / anti-Bush movement, and a close look at these demonstrations would have revealed them for what they truly were (and still are)- a collection of crazies, Communists, anarchists, 9/11 truthers and assorted America-haters. The NY Times and CNN even if they share the anti-war / anti-Bush sentiment, but are savy enough to know that most Americans would be disgusted by the protesters if they saw them up close. On the other hand, the same media that never seemed to notice all the inverted American Flags, Communist banners and images of President Bush desecrated with Hitler mustaches and swastikas, will now send a journalist to scour a Tea Party looking for the most offensive image they can possibly find and use it represent (or should I say, missrepesent)the entire Tea Party.