The birth certificate

| April 27, 2011

Trump says he’s proud of himself (I’m sure it’s not the first time, though) for forcing the president to finally release his birth certificate;

The president remarked;

“We do not have time for this kind of silliness,” Mr Obama said. “We have better stuff to do. I have better stuff to do. We have problems we have to solve but we’re gonna have to focus on them, not on this.”

Mr Obama said he had watched “with bemusement” as the birther conspiracy had built and developed over the past years.

Then why didn’t he do it before? I mean, that’s poor judgement on his part if he was so concerned about the national discourse. He was probably hoping the media would carry his water like this weak sauce CNN report yesterday. it boils down to “because we say so”.

TSO emails;

Total horseshit, I had a guy come back from the future to tell me that the font used on there wasn’t commercially available until the middle of May, 2074 when James Tiberius Kirk invented it.

Boo Radley sends;

Thank goodness Obama released his BC. Now we can focus on his failures [as] a president, not BS.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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TSO epitomizes the “nirther/Ronulan” crowd. Even had they been there watching him come out in the delivery room, it won’t be good enough, whereas Boo hits it on the head. Just one less piece of bullshit Obumbles can hide behind when all he’ll have left to point to next year is his record, or lack thereof.


Sorry, clarification–TSO’s “email”, that is. Wouldn’t want to accuse him of something he hasn’t done, just in case some people haven’t developed critical thinking skills past the 3rd grade level or are looking for shit to troll.


Hi I am a drafter for an engineering services company. I edit 2D engineering documents for a living. I also have a background in computer animation and interned for Epic software (not epic games). In computer animation we had to make alot of our own textures and we did this in Photoshop.

I looked at the PDF provided from CNN that they claim was provided by the white house. Note that this is suposed to be a composite document. See the stamp of authenticity dated april 25th 2011 and the original document which is from Aug 8th 1961. So this is a composite of 2 documents. Thus the border between the two documents is the first thing I looked at.

Note the right side of the original document has no distinguishable edge between the copy and the composited image. Note the right side does have a distinguishable edge between the border and the original document. This edge is generated by the drop shadow that corisponds to the curviture of the original document. Note how the black lines are curved and the progressively darker shadow as if a curved book was photocopied.

Then notice the background pattern how there is no break between the edge of the document and the original document

The edges date from 2011 the center of the document dates from 1961 they should not match. This green hatching is shadowed but does not break. It should be curved like the black lines curve. That is to so if this image has depth like the curve suggests the background should also be curved.

It is not and is there for digitally altered. Note that the shadow was added in 2011 as was the background pattern. Since this background pattern is suposed to date from 1961 it is a fake.

Note that the white house faked a document related to the Oil drilling ban last year. Changing the document to included a recomendation of a drilling moritorium after it had been signed.

This is now the second forged document released by this White House.


Well one thing is crystal clear. Either this document is 100% legit or this is the dumbest son of a bitch ever to enter the oval office. An army of “Jasons” are going to go over this a million times. Any irregularity will stand out like a diamond in a goat’s ass!

Marine 83

I’m not a birther, but the Republican party needs to pay attention. Trump just punked Obama. Got inside his OODA loop and has been making him react ever since. What we saw today was a victory. Not because we now have a birth certificate, but because for once the Big 0 was made to answer questions he would perfer not to answer.

Marine 83

And to add to my post above he was made to look weak because of it.


whatever. at least my mother’s not a commie slut, mr. president.


I wasn’t nitpicking I was looking at the validity of the document. The center is suposed to be from 1961 and the edges from 2011. The document in the whole was made of layers in 2011. The shadow on a non curved background proves that this is no artifact it is doctored. There is no break between the border and the document in the center.

Others can nitpick about certain letters not matching or that there is no weight.


Trump may be a funny looking bugger, but he didn’t get where he is today by being stupid. But wouldn’t it be worth it, to hear him get up in 2012 and say:

“Mr. President…you’re FIRED!!”


OK< as a complete NON-BIRTHER- I do see Jason's point. On my certified copy I can see the difference between the original doc and the paper edge.
Obama's behavior has fed the fire in the birthers that won't be squashed that easily, which, frankly, I think was Obama's point. Make his detractors look crazy.

And Marine8 nailed it, time for the rePubs to develop a collective backbone.

Mr Wolf

Even if it were 100% legit as a ‘document’ of some sort, the real sluething begins.

The one item that ‘birthers’ were after was that one in the upper right- the document number.

Now, you can bet 1000% that they are going after whomever is numbers 40 and 42. JUST to prove that this document is what it purports to be, and is in justifiable sequence.

Yeah, it only now gets interesting… Jason notwithstanding…


I could give a damn less about the birth certificate, though I am of the opinion it’s a fabrication for other reasons. I’d prefer to see his transcripts and publications, as well as a reason why he’s so adamant that those are suppressed.


You, Mr. Wolf, have nailed it. A previous birth certificate of twins containing an earlier serial number was released by the birther crowd, only it was filed 3 days after the date on this long form.


I was going to say that this bums me out because this issue was always an excellent shortcut for identifying who the non-serious people were in the room. Glancing over some of the comments here though I’m relieved to find that it’s still netting some real winners.


OK I just want to reiterate that I have no qualms about Obama’s birthplace, just about EVERY SINGLE THING he stands for.


Old Tanker


NOTHING, will satisfy a hard core birther including video of the live birth with a window in the background and a view of the Arizona memorial in the same shot….Shit, Buzz Aldren just recently punched out a punk that still questions the moon landings… I’m in agreement with some here…it’s gonna be interesting/entertaining to see what the birthers come up with now!!!

Dave Thul

Trump is excited about the fact that he just got smacked upside the head by the President on live TV? Just this weekend Trump said he had it on good authority the document was missing, now Obama puts it out center stage.

Even if Jason is right and this thing is not legit, the majority of Americans think the issue is resolved and want to move on. The amount of free publicity Trump gets next week will be a tenth of what he got last week.

If the voters wont fire the president over his politics, they certainly wont fire him over a conspiracy theory, real or otherwise.


It’s more important to treat the document as real, at this point in time, because by releasing this long-form birth certificate, the POTUS defanged many of his attack dogs.

“Birtherism” was hung on conservatives much the same as allegations of racism, sexism, and who pays taxes. The association is meant to stifle debate on every topic, shutting down the person as some whacko. By accepting the form as valid, while allowing for cloud-checking of the document, conservatives can now speak to the issues.

It’s best if the conservatives went on the attack and started verbally mauling Obama’s attack dogs now, ensuring they don’t try to bring it up again.


Doesn’t look much like my 1968 birth certificate from Hawai’i. Mine is black with white lettering on really thick(kinda like photograph) paper. But it could simply be that this is what re-prints or official copies look like when you get them from the archives nowadays. It’s been a long time since I was home and things have changed. Also I find that GI’s and vets expect to always be able to get their hands on their birth certificate and dd214 and many civillians don’t, so his originals may not exist anymore.


Michael in MI

Interesting. The MF-ing media told us that the Certificate of Live Birth he released however long ago was his birth certificate and that was the end of the story. Then they smeared anyone who said they wanted the actual birth certificate as “birthers”. “He released it already, you radical, racist nutjob radicals!” And now Trump hits him hard on the issue for about a week and voila, he finds his actual birth certificate and releases it.

Funny how he can release something the MF-ing media (1) said he released already and/or (2) said did not exist.

Now, the next step. We know all about Sarah Palin’s collegiate history, ie her records and grades, etc. Because it was highly important that we know the collegiate history of a VP candidate! And for Dubya, not only do we have the MF-ing media release all his records, they actually release additional FAKE records to smear him! Yet, for the most geniusey genius messiah godlike prodigy, we see nothing. Interesting how that works.

Oh yeah, and how long has it been since John F’ing Kerry promised to release his medical records? The MF-ing media can’t seem to find those either.

Interesting how all this just falls into place like this…


This birther crap was started by the Clinton Camp gentlemen and women. 2007 – 2008 campaigns. Democrat operatives have been running with it ever since, invading conservative sites and groups.


This was a stupid move for many of the reasons pointed out here. The hardcore Nirthers are still going to say that the document is a forgery and the issue will continue to rise from time to time. If it was going to be released it should have been done back in 2007-2008 when the issue was first raised in the blogosphere.

Releasing the certificate now looks weak, looks like the president is reacting to Donald Trump of all people. It is a pitch in the dirt. Nobody wins this type of argument. He should have stuck to issues. I doubt that serious candidates would have taken up the banner once The Donald decides that something else has come up and he is not going to run. Again, just like the last several open elections.


Doc, the reason Obama won’t or can’t stick to the issues is because if he does, he’s gonna get his head handed to him.

And NO, the issue wasn’t raised “in the blogosphere”, as you put it. It was Hillary supporters who first put it out there. Your people, remember?



Clearly we disagree. Your boys have been around for more than 100 days and there are no jobs bills (remember the economy was the major issue) yet they go after Grandma’s medicare and try to spend tax payer money for private lawyers to defend the DOMA. But, I digress.

The issue was raised by Hillary supporters on blogs and then taken on full force by the Paulians et al. The fact remains that when the issue was first raised, that was the time to release the certificate if you were going to do it. I would have advised against it. It does not matter. You can’t argue with batshit crazy. The nirthers will always believe he was born somewhere else.

Old Trooper

HM2: Can I ask why we were told that the original long form didn’t exist and then told that the State of Hawaii doesn’t release the long form, yet here we have the long form that didn’t exist and the State won’t release?

I’m just asking, since I paid more attention to what the excuses were than whether or not he was actually born here. I think that there are more important things to work on than the birth certificate issue, but I knew if given enough time that Bobo would step on his weiner and he didn’t disappoint.

Trump made him dance to his tune. Bobo never had any intention of releasing it, yet Trump walks in, starts yapping and the poll numbers start going in the shitter and lo-and-behold; here’s the birth certificate!! Bobo was Trump’s bitch on the issue, plain and simple. All the excuses as to why he wouldn’t/couldn’t produce it went straight out the fuckin window when Trump started barking.

Bobo’s not a leader, he’s a whiney bitch that throws a tantrum when someone, anyone questions his dumbass.


I don’t know what the excuses were or why they were made. The point is you can’t argue with crazy. So why bother? The certificate should not have been released.


Actually, O should have released it when the dems began yapping about McCain’s status, along with his passport records(trip to Pahk-ee-stahn), transcripts, applications to colleges, appointment logs, articles, and anything else, in the interest of “openness”.
OT is right, O danced to Trump’s tune, and his claim that he was doing this to get down to the “serious business”, then hopping a flight to do the Oprah show and 3 fundraisers make him look even weaker.