Oh, sorry, GOP, I thought you were serious
I got an email today from Reince Priebus, the RNC Chairman asking me to take part in a straw poll at their website. I thought it was nice that they asked me to tell them who I think the candidate should be next year.
I saw at the bottom of the page that there was a bunch of campaign contribution stuff – I haven’t given money to the RNC since 2004 because they act like Democrats and if I won’t give money to Democrats, why should I give money to people who act like Democrats? Well, I skipped over the contribution part and clicked to send my choice for president.
I got an error message rejecting my choice because I didn’t fill out the “required” fields. The required fields were the contribution part.
Sorry, GOP, I thought you were serious about wanting to know which candidates would earn my vote and contributions. I’m still not giving you any money, until you come up to my standards and quit wallowing in the Democrats’ mudhole.
Category: None
They call my house. I hang up. Until they grow a pair and/or a spine.
I got it as well….I didn’t fill it out because of the contribution thing.
I’m w/ Mommynator – until they grow a pair, they get no money from me!
maybe they changed it since you posted this, but the last selection is “other amount or no donation”, which is what i clicked and left the $ amount as 0.00.
they still want your info, but that’s easy to munge, so i did.
i don’t know if they rotate the name order, but on the list i saw, they had Sarah Palin and Laup Nor right next to each other…
No More RINOs!
Amen, Jonn.
I don’t think that the two parties are indistinguishable. One is certainly worse than the other. One is pure evil.
But the other caves in to the pressure applied by pure evil. They make deals with pure evil. They meet evil “half way”; or seven eighths of the way, as the case may be. They try to look reasonable and win friends with pure evil.
And as long as they do, they don’t deserve our money.
I don’t think that the two parties are indistinguishable. One is certainly worse than the other. One is pure evil. But the other caves in to the pressure applied by pure evil. They make deals with pure evil.
And I am reminded, on this holy day, of the sad story of Kitty Genovese. As you all may remember, a long time ago, almost thirty years ago, this poor soul cried out for help time and time again, but no person answered her calls. Though many saw, no one so much as called the police. They all just watched as Kitty was being stabbed to death in broad daylight. They watched as her assailant walked away. Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men. —Monsignor, Boondock Saints (1999)
The Democrats are the evil bastards stabbing America to death in broad daylight. And the Republicans are the evil dipshits who just stand there and watch, saying “my esteemed colleague…” or, the phrase that causes me to want to drive a f-ing ice pick into my head, “My friends,…”
I just wish they would quit putting Newt Gingrich out there as a candidate. The guy is just another one of the old guard that has screwed up.
I got one of those in the mail last week. I checked off Michelle Bachmann plus a write-in. No donation. And I wrote in at the bottom “I donate to the person, not the party.”