MFSO’s ED Oskar Castro, racist tool

| April 19, 2011

TSO sent us these links to Military Families Speak Out’s new executive director, Oskar Castro. To demonstrate that he has a keen grasp of military strategy, he tells the braindead how counterinsurgencies are fought;

They send in the elite troops — they send in the Navy Seals, the Marine Corps, the Green Berets, the Army Rangers. They send in these folk, who are overwhelmingly white men, not even women of course. They go in and they make the early mess.

But who comes back to the front line to maintain what these folks have done, or to continue moving, and it’s overwhelmingly people of color, poor people, African American, poor white. Latinos are overwhelmingly represented in combat positions, even though they’re under-represented in the military. So almost 18 percent of them who are in the military are in combat positions. And there’s a lot to say about that culturally and economically; you get more pay if you’re in those more dangerous roles.

So i guess there are no white men who aren’t in SpecOps, huh? And apparently SpecOps weeds out the brown people. And how exactly do they “make the early mess”?

Castro goes on to explain why shouldn’t allow yourself to be recruited by the evil military recruiters;

Between The Lines: You said 65 percent of those who sign up don’t get the benefits they thought they were entitled to, like $50,000 for college, because they don’t fulfill all the requirements necessary, and military recruiters never tell them about those things. But is it spelled out in the contract, and it’s just that recruiters verbally are less than honest?

Oskar Castro: It’s in the small print. It’s part of military regulations that enable that. And in order to get even the full $50,000, they say “up to $50,000,” some recruiters say, “You’re going to get $50,000, I guarantee it.” They won’t put it in writing. But they’re not told that in order to do that they also have to qualify for the Army Navy College Fund and very few people will qualify for the Army Navy College Fund and have the right test scores in order to get the full $50,000, and leave the military under honorable conditions, and serve the full four years. So, yeah, it’s in the fine print; military recruiters don’t usually read the fine print. You’d be challenged even to get a military enlistment contract for your parents to read. Why would you want your parents to read that? Just sign, you know.

Between The Lines: And what percentage don’t get honorable discharges and what percent don’t serve their full hitch? You said both these things prevent enlistees from getting their benefits.

Oskar Castro: It’s about 20-25 percent, I believe, who get discharged under less than honorable conditions. And therefore, even though they’ve put $1,200 of their hard-earned money into the GI package deal, they don’t get that back, they don’t get anything they might have accumulated in terms of the matching of the funds, so if you’re booted out of the military under a bad conduct discharge, other than honorable, even a general discharge, you don’t get the money for college. You have to get an honorable discharge. Otherwise, you don’t get anything at all.

Yes, you read that right. Oskar says that 20-25% of enlistees don’t finish their commitment to the military with honorable discharges. And 65% of total recruits don’t qualify for education benefits after they’ve fulfilled their enlistment commitments. Who is the lying sack of shit now? Is that how you combat what you claim is massive disinformation – by pulling bogus statistics out of your ass?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Military issues

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Old Trooper

Who the fuck is Oskar Castro, Fidel’s nephew?

El Jefe

Hey…he’s full of crap. Someone released an “ethnic accounting” of the racial composition of combat MOS demographics for ALL services back in 05(?) when Wrangle started harping about “po’ black kids” being the majority of front line troops.

I can’t find the exact report at the moment, but if you can research it, the percentage is overwhelmingly white (non-hispanic) males in all combat MOS’. From grunt to pilot to special forces.


My company in the 101st was almost entirely white; one of the few Hispanics in the unit (a close friend whom I took to Louisville to be naturalized AFTER Iraq) went on to become one of the “elite troops”, joining SF. Funny, though, for the sake of enlisting being Hispanic is considered an ethnicity–not a race. TOG was the same, only with a higher ratio of black senior NCOs (for a while my company had three blacks E-6 or below but two E-7s and a 1SG–not to mention both battalion and regimental CSMs). This seemed true across TOG and I always found it odd. My experience is limited but I’ve noticed that most support units are filled with minorities while most combat arms units are overwhelmingly white.

This idiot must not realize that the Montgomery GI Bill is owrth over 50k; the College Fund adds another 36k or so. I spent seven years in the civilian job sector and held more than ten jobs (sometimes working two or three at a time). The Army is the first employer I’ve seen that attempts to give second chances to those that make mistakes. Many people don’t make it through their first enlistment but many more fulfill their commitment and allow their benefits to expire.

As for the DD 4/1, it can be found online with little effort:


El Jefe: Actually the information just came out in the Military Leadership Diversity Council report a few months ago.

The report showed that there was no evidence that enlisted career fields were under or over represented based on ethnicity or gender (p. 63).

The Officer and Senior NCO ranks showed an over-representation of non-hispanic white males in combat arms branchs (p. 68).

Basically it further proves Jonn’s point that everything Mr Castro is saying is complete and utter nonsense with no factual basis.

The report is over 160 pages long but you can download a copy here:


Anyone with eyes can see that different types of units, different MOS’s, attract different kinds of people. Yes, “different kinds of people” can mean different races of people.

Rangers, SF…white guys. Yeah. He got that right.

But let’s say that the SpecOps guys weren’t white. Then he’d be complaining that we always put the black and brown people into the most dangerous spots. Turns out that such a theory doesn’t pass the laugh test. So now the military is racist because they send the white guys in first and everyone else second.

At some point these debates just become stupid. People in the Army do different jobs because they volunteer for different jobs. However the racial makeup may be, just let the chips fall where they may.


I feel I should mention that I am one of those lucky few who made it through four years and got out with an honorable discharge, I had never heard of the Army Navy College Fund till after I enlisted, and when my GI bill benefits run out next month I will have collected somewhere north of $60,000 toward my education, all for the initial investment of $1800. So, suck it Castro. I would have gladly served even longer to be able to have this benefit on the back end.