Unicorn flatulence refining capability on the rise
Well, that’s how I read the latest from the President anyway;
President Obama called on Wednesday for a one-third reduction in oil imports over the next decade, and said the effort had to begin immediately. In a speech at Georgetown University, the president said that the United States could not go on consuming one-quarter of the world’s oil production while possessing only 2 percent of global reserves. He said that the country had to begin a long-term plan to reduce its reliance on imported oil, and that the political bickering that had stalled progress toward that goal for decades had to end.
I mean, no one in their right mind would call for cuts in imported oil without a way to replace the energy needs, would they?
He called for a fuel-saving strategy of producing more electric cars, converting trucks to run on natural gas, building new refineries to brew billions of gallons of biofuels and setting new fuel-efficiency standards for vehicles.
Oh, good, I thought he was talking out of his ass there for a minute.
“We can’t rush to propose action when prices are high, then push the snooze button when they go down again. We can’t keep doing that. The United States of America cannot afford to bet our long-term prosperity and security on a resource that will eventually run out.”
The Democrats have been on “snooze” since 1979 when Jimmy Carter and the Democrat Congress formed the Department of Energy;
To make absolutely certain that nothing stands in the way of achieving these goals, I will urge Congress to create an energy mobilization board which, like the War Production Board in World War II, will have the responsibility and authority to cut through the redtape, the delays, and the endless roadblocks to completing key energy projects.
We will protect our environment. But when this Nation critically needs a refinery or a pipeline, we will build it.
Yeah, and they haven’t built a refinery or pipeline since. Carter also said;
Beginning this moment, this Nation will never use more foreign oil than we did in 1977 — never. From now on, every new addition to our demand for energy will be met from our own production and our own conservation.
Our own production? Oil fields lay untapped, refineries remain unbuilt. And yet another President expects us to buy crap box electric cars and use unproven technology. I just bought two new cars in the last two years to help save us from the last crisis…think I’m going to sell them off and buy some shit boxes to save us from the next crisis?
Back to the present;
“So any claim that my administration is responsible for gas prices because we’ve shut down oil production — any claim like that is simply untrue,” the president said.
You ain’t opened up any oil production either.
On Tuesday, House Republicans introduced three bills to reverse the administration’s offshore oil drilling policies, calling for vast new tracts of offshore territory to be opened to deep-water drilling and for speedier approval of drilling permits.
Let’s watch how well that shakes out.
Drill, baby, drill.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
Clearly Teleprompter Jebus has the jump on this…I mean seriously, he’s out on his electric golf cart like 50 bajillion times a week.
I think you win the prize… The silliest concepts ever put in a post here?
Oh wait, yer quoting our President?
Never mind.
“…the responsibility and authority to cut through the redtape, the delays, and the endless roadblocks to completing key energy projects.”
Oh, goody. He’s going to fix our energy problems like he fixed our healthcare.
God help us all.
PN, it was Jimmy Carter who said that.
Thank you, Jonn. I’ll go back to sleep now…..(* I am SO embarrassed…*)
He oughta take that act on the road, oh wait, he does, every other week. He gives Brazil two billion dollars to deepwater explore and drill so we can buy their oil? Pardon the fuck out of me but does’nt that fall under foreign oil? Wonder how the Canadians like hearing that when we’re their largest oil export customer. Maybe he should speak to that lying asshat Interior Secretary Ken Salazar about his red tape and the thousands they have put out of work. Not to mention those sponge brains in the EPA.
GruntSgt, nope, it’s not foreign oil, it’s Soros oil, and what’s good ole Georgie, is way good for Ears. The puppet does have to dance for it’s master, from time to time.
Indeed, he should try to talk to Salazar, or anyone else in his cabinet, for that matter, and find out how many wells have been shut down, or not even begun.
PN: #5
Don’t be like that. Jonn wasn’t really being tricky, We’ve had several Presidents that pretended to ‘walk the walk’.
In this case, President Obama is simply the latest.
Aside: There have been several reports just recently that suggest the US has gas/oil reserves that dwarf those in OPEC. Some Presidents seem to have an intentional disconnect.
Funny I don’t hear anything serious about REAL sources of energy coming from this administration, nor do I see any means of distributing that energy–that means right-of-way permits, etc., being streamlined. All the power plants in the world aren’t going to do anyone a shit bit of good without a way to get that power from Point A to B.
How else is Obumbles going to charge up that Chevy Volt for his 25-mile trip?
Also, you want to talk domestic production? Okay, boys and girls, here goes. We are producing from our own sources the same amount we produced in….(drum roll please)…
1947. Yup. And no, we weren’t producing nearly as much as you might expect back then.
There is no reason we can’t support our own needs. We just don’t have anyone in DC who has the balls to actually DO it.
“He called for a fuel-saving strategy of producing more electric cars”
Lithium is the fly in the ointment on that great idea…
From the Chevy web site:
“More power from a superior battery
The Volt battery has gone through numerous environment-specific tests, including corrosion and hot- and cold-weather testing and the results were so promising that the 16-kWh lithium-ion battery pack is backed by an 100,000 mile/8-year warranty(3).”
M’kay, lithium is a scarce element & the Chi-coms have the market cornered on it… Then there’s lead acid batteries, toxic to extract & toxic to dispose of. The electric car isn’t the silver bullet his teleprompterness thinks it is.
16 KWh? Are you shitting me? And an 8-year warranty? You can guarantee 3000 cycles? Really?
Let’s see, that comes out to 5.76E07 joules, whereas one gallon of gasoline gives us about 1.3E08 joules.
Yeah, not the good deal. Yes, Joe, I know that not all the energy generated by the gasoline is transferred to the wheels, but you get the point. Even 30 percent efficiency is better than the battery.
A junkie complains that the price of his daily fix keeps going up when he should be asking how do I get off this stuff.
Wish I was G.E.
GE Math: spend 200,000,000 on 50,000 Chevy Volts. Receive 375,000,000 in tax rebates, for a profit of $175,000,000.
Wonder who’s getting a BIG donation to the campaign coffers?