Code Pink; We need another 35 years of diplomacy to settle Libya
TSO sent us a letter from Code Pink in which they urge us to tell the White House that 35 years of diplomacy to bring Gadaffi out of office just isn’t enough time;
We know that Muammar Gaddafi is a dictator and we support Libyan people who are rising up to oust him. But bringing in the cruise missiles to the “rescue”? No way! Our government’s involvement should be to use creative diplomacy, negotiations, and international pressure, not war.
Never mind that every time Gadaffi adjusted his behavior to the world’s will, it was the direct result of the West’s military action.
Spitballing what the hags of Code Pink meant by “creative diplomacy”, TSO suggested; Creative diplomacy…probably entails sending a card with macaroni glued to it in a peace symbol shape. In turn, I posited that they were threatening to stage another “breasts not bombs” demonstration if Gadaffi didn’t stop bombing his own people.
Which brings up another point; before the US started striking at Gadaffi’s forces, those forces were killing Libyans. I guess Code Pink thinks only US ordnance kills.
Category: Code Pink
“…I posited that they were threatening to stage another ‘breasts not bombs’ demonstration…”
If we could get them to stage that in Libya, would that mean we had boobs on the ground?
I get so confused by all the technical terms…
THAT’S IT!!! Show Quadaffi a movie of the Code Hags’ “boobs not bombs”.
I’d be willing to bet a dollar to a doughnut that he’d surrender in a New York minute.