Manning faces 22 more charges
Rurik sends us this MSNBC link which announces that the Army has charged Bradley Manning, the 23-year-old former Private First Class with 22 more crimes.
The charges filed Wednesday include 16 specifications of wrongfully causing classified material to be published on the Internet and knowing that the information would be accessed by the enemy; theft of public property or records; transmitting defense information and computer fraud.
He was also charged with “information assurance” and “security program” violations.
“The new charges more accurately reflect the broad scope of the crimes that Pvt. 1st Class Manning is accused of committing,” said Capt. John Haberland, a legal spokesman for the Military District of Washington.
While conviction on the charge of “aiding the enemy” could result in the death penalty, military prosecutors recommended that he be sentenced to life in prison if convicted on that charge alone.
I love the smell of frying bacon in the morning.
Of course, MSNBC can’t report on Manning without stirring up some sympathy for the little traitorous turd;
Coombs, Manning’s lawyer, has complained that his confinement conditions — in maximum custody under a “prevention of injury” watch — are unduly harsh and undermine his right to a fair trial. Manning has been confined in a 6-by-12-foot cell with a bed, a drinking fountain and a toilet for about 23 hours a day, Coombs has said.
Anti-war groups, a psychologist group as well as filmmaker Michael Moore and Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg have called for Bradley to be released from detention. Amnesty International and other human rights organizations have condemned the Obama administration’s imprisonment conditions.
Dude. He has a bed, a drinking fountain and a toilet? When I did my time in prison in Panama, my bed was a newspaper spread out on the concrete floor, my toilet was a one-quart milk carton, and the only time I got to drink water was at meal time. He’s got it sweet.
And I’m sure that the Army will release him to Amnesty International and Michael Moore. Ten seconds after he is released, they’ll smuggle him to some sympathetic country in the folds of Moore’s belly fat. Since the charge of “aiding the enemy” could bring the death penalty, they ought to keep his little monkey ass in the lock up.
Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos, I hate hippies, Liberals suck, Military issues
Expect a presidential pardon in January, 2013.
And when I was underway, I had to SHARE a 4′ X 2′ X 18″ bunk, had 4 shitters for 120 guys, and was stuck there 24/7 for MONTHS on end. Oh, and no fucking way was I ever getting seven consecutive hours of sleep. EVER.
he is charged with one capitol crime. By my count he committed 3. Treason, Espionage, Aiding the Enemy.
Hopefully soon to be a crispy critter.
That little fucker deserves what he gets as punishment! IVAW and these other antiwar groups are calling him a hero? If that were the case he would be awarded the Medal of Honor, but instead he should get some metal (brass) in his forehead during execution for treason