Carter sued for book
We all know how Jimmy Carter’s book “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid” was just like his other snoozers – devoid of any useful information. Well apparently some readers feel victimized by buying the straight-to-the-bargain-bin tome and are taking Carter and his publisher to court according to the Washington Post;
[F]ive disgruntled readers have filed a class-action lawsuit against President Jimmy Carter and his publisher, Simon & Schuster, alleging that his 2006 book “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid” contained “numerous false and knowingly misleading statements intended to promote the author’s agenda of anti-Israel propaganda and to deceive the reading public instead of presenting accurate information
According to the New York Post, the aggrieved five estimate their being duped worth 5 million bucks.
I think all of us have a claim against Jimmy Carter.
Category: Jimmy Carter
How about a class-action lawsuit for his bumbling and stumbling for four years? The People of the United States v. J Earl Carter? It has a nice ring to it.
While I’m no fan af Carter I have to ask: $5 million? For what? The fact that they’re the dumbasses that bought his bullshit book to begin with?
How about the judge throw this out because the plaintiff’s are idiots?
Sorry, post #2 was me, if you didn’t notice by nuanced writing style.
Oh I don’t know OT, I kind of like the legal system being used to hold people accountable for their false public statements and abuse of the national trust. The case could be made that the crap he’s written has caused damage to our national image internationally, resulting in actual monetary damages to our economy. How to actually measure that I have no idea, but I applaud the effort.
OK, it told me to slow down, I was posting too fast. So at the risk of a double post:
Maybe AIPAC put them up to it. Also, it’s fascinating how contingent history is. If not for an ill-timed sandstorm, Carter’s rescue plan for the hostages might have worked, and then he’d have been a hero, defeated Ronnie in the 1980 election, and we might not be the current mess that Reagan started and W finished.
Joe, Joe, Joe; what the hell are you talking about? What mess that Reagan started? The fall of the Soviet Union? The fall of the Berlin Wall? The freedom in Poland during the Solidarity Movement? What mess?
OT…shhhhh…don’t disturb him. He’s so cute when he’s ranting on like that.
I have to admit, I kinda like seeing lawfare used against the left for a change. God knows the left has done enough of it over the years. Lets turn the tables and use their own tactics against them.
Old Trooper, Old Trooper, Old Trooper;
The destruction of the middle class? The rape and looting of America by unregulated financial institutions? The decimation of unions that protect regular working men and women. The corporate takeover of US elections?
Ah, I see you were reading your communist talking points again. The destruction of the middle class? How? Lay it out for me. The fallacy of the middle class was being destroyed before Reagan came on the scene, but it’s nice that you want to give him credit for that one. The decimation of unions that protect regular working men and women? Really? You’re going to stick with that? I belonged to 2 unions in my life (not out of choice since if I wanted to work, I had to join; which doesn’t sound very regular to me) and the one thing that I never saw was the protection of jobs, but rather the protection of slackers that moved up because of the amount of time they had in, not their abilities. Plus, since you opened the can of worms on unions and regular working men and women, I want you to explain the private UAW golf couse/country club to me; which isn’t open to the UAW membership, just the muckety mucks (it’s all about the workers, ya know). The corporate takeover of US elections? Really? You mean to tell me that I don’t even have to bother voting anymore? I’ve got a corporation to do it for me? It sounds more like dick envy than an legitimate gripe. I work in one of those corporations, btw, so as someone who gets a paycheck instead of a welfare check, I hope that the corporation I work for continues to prosper. Rape and looting of America by unregulated financial institutions? Why don’t you talk to your messiah in the WH about that. Maybe you can talk to Jimmuh Cahtah and Wild Bill about the CRA thingy where they pretty much forced financial institutions to take on risky loans and force that toxic debt on the taxpayers through guarantees by the government through Fannie and Freddie? Did I mention that Rahmbo “dead fish” and several other “advisors” and cabinet members came from Fannie and Freddie at stages in their permanent political careers? Yeah, you can blather on with your socialist bullshit all… Read more »
So, Joe, you’re claiming that all of today’s economic problems are to blame on Reagan, W and the presidents in between such as your beloved Clinton? Truth be told, you should delve further back in time then to the start of this mess and blame FDR for the start of Social Security and then continue on the LBJ for all the social welfare programs that he saddled us with, too. Those have been creating a drain on our pocketbooks ever since and have perpetuated a Couch Potato class of citizens in this country who do nothing but leech off of society without contributing anything useful. The destruction of the middle class began with the cheapening of the labor that they have performed over the years by giving free money to useless ticks on society’s ass. Strike that. A tick is better than those people. And if you are ignorant enough to believe that corporations didn’t get involved in elections until recently, then you are too far gone to even think of saving. Businessmen have been working the halls of government since government was founded hundreds of years before North America was even discovered. Do you honestly think that people of the likes of Morgan, Vanderbilt, etc. didn’t influence elections and polticians? But your defense of the unions says it all to me. If anybody can ever be accused of buying elections, it is the unions. Unions were created to represent workers in companies, not host Congresscritters on all expense paid jaunts with hookers in the Bahamas. They have abrogated that duty a long time ago. THAT is why union membership is falling across the country. People realize that they don’t need them anymore. Joe, my rant comes to an end and I predict a venomous response from you filled with lies and distortions. I care not for I have seen your type come and go. But, as a parting shot, I would also point out that you’re little comment never once mentioned any of Carter’s foreign policy failures. So please, do tell us how a skyrocketing inflationary period of the… Read more »
Stonewall6: Mmmmm. I think he’s blaming todays economic problems on the sandstorm? Not quite sure. Apparently the sandstorm screwed up a wonderfully planned and executed operation, so Carter lost the election, and CA is going bankrupt because Unions were broken up by Reagan? Perhaps I am paraphrasing.
*sorry, Stonewall116 I meant.
5 years after the book was published these dillweeds suddenly figure they’re outraged? Really? 5 years to determine a legal theory that could net them a cool $1000 each after lawyer’s fees?
I object!
I feel like I am watching Billy Madison…
No, no, no. It’s all very simple, really.
The plaintiffs in the lawsuit read TAH’s thread the other day about how much taxpayers are paying to keep up Carter’s home in GA. They obviously have decided to recoup some of their lost taxes through the royalties from one of Carter’s books.
Now doesn’t that make perfect sense? 🙂
A little story here about how unions take care of their members. A friend of mine, now deceased, belonged to a union for a few years. When the big cheeses decided to strike for whatever they could squeeze out of his company, he was payed a grand total of 30 bucks week! Lord love a union, always looking out for the little man. ‘Course he only had a wife, 3 kids and himself to feed, pay bills and a car payment on that 30 bucks and I’m sure, to show solidarity to the workers, the union bosses paid themselves 30 a week, too.
Joe, I joined a Union. Funny thing, If you are even one month behind, all that great stuff, pension, benefits gone. More than one person has been injured on the job only to find, WOOPS I was a month behind on my dues, and didn’t get shit.
I also take issue with the idea that the rescue operation would have worked. I doubt very highly that it would have. I do not question that the warriors would have done their best, but the plan was horribly complex, and didn’t allow for any number of contingencies. I also think that Carter micromanaged the shit out of it, which would have most certainly caused failure (as Johnson found out)