Don Surber to Left: Bite me
Fellow West Virginian Don Surber hits a home run in his latest column. Here’s a small sample;
I was not consulted on that stimulus. I had a very good argument against it. I said the money supply was too large and printing more money would fail. I said let the economic downturn run its course.
Lefties were too busy celebrating the 2008 election to listen.
When people protested lefties made vulgar remarks about tea-bagging and giggled.
So screw you and your civil discourse.
I don’t want to hear it.
Every time they lose an election, the Left demands “civil discourse” all the time proving that they don’t want that civil discourse to apply to them. Surber is beyond right. The Left needs to learn it’s place and show us that they deserve civil discourse.
Read the rest of Surber’s column.
Category: Liberals suck
The Left needs to learn it’s place and show us that they deserve civil discourse.
Yeah. Like this “civil discourse” they showed us the last 10 years? Yeah, fuck them.
Seriously. FUCK.THEM. We sat by for the last 10 years while they smeared, lied, made shit up and wished death upon President Bush, VP Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, etc. And now they have the utter fucking audacity to claim ‘moral authority’ about “civil discourse”?
Liberals have some fothermucking nerve to pull this shit now.
As Michelle Malkin said “The Tucson massacre ghouls who are now trying to criminalize conservatism have forced our hand. They need to be reminded. You need to be reminded. Confront them. Don’t be cowed into silence. And don’t let the media whitewash the sins of the hypocritical Left in their naked attempt to suppress the law-abiding, constitutionally-protected, peaceful, vigorous political speech of the Right. They want to play tu quo que in the middle of a national tragedy? They asked for it. They got it.”
ENOUGH is ENOUGH. The “silent majority” needs to open up their gawddamned fothermucking mouths and not allow the Left to get away with their lies and smears and vitriolic hatred and incitement anymore. SPEAK UP! Debunk them! Do NOT allow them to spread lies and allow a ridiculously ignorant and apathetic American public to fall for this bullshit anymore.
Wow… Nothin but net on that one.
Also, recall in JAN 2001, President Bush came to Washington, D.C. wanting a “new tone” and “Compassionate Conservatism”. His efforts were met with nothing by hate, lies, smears, incitement to assassination and vitriol.
So the Left is 10 years late to the “civil discourse” train. We tried it the past 10 years and they responded with everything in the link I posted above.
So again, FUCK THEM.
Don’t forget the horse they rode in on.
“Every time they lose an election, the Left demands ‘civil discourse’…”
I have to disagree with this statement. The civil discourse con-job usually occurs when they WIN elections. Once they’re in power, they try to hush criticism by asking “Can’t we all get along?” When they’re completely out of power–as they were from Jan 2001 to Jan 2007–there is no such chatter. In fact, the more irrate, loud, hateful, and “vitriolic”, the better.
Now, some of you may be saying to yourselves, “That doesn’t make sense. The Democrats just lost the last election big time.” Yes, but keep in mind that they still have the Senate and White House. Furthermore, this “civility” talk has a lot to do with keeping incoming congressmen from shaking up the beltway culture, lest they get the idea that their constituents sent them there to change things. (Which they did.)
When liberals are shut out of power, they throw temper tantrums of epic proportions. Every bit of poison they spew is “patriotic dissent”.
Dissent ceased to be patriotic the day Barrack Obama laid his hand on the Bible.
When liberals are shut out of power, they throw temper tantrums of epic proportions. Every bit of poison they spew is “patriotic dissent”. Dissent ceased to be patriotic the day Barrack Obama laid his hand on the Bible. ========== Exactly correct, Ben. When Dubya was in the White House and the GOP had Congress, the Democrats/Left shouted “dissent is the highest form of patriotism!” Recall then Senator Hillary Clinton screaming about being able to disagree with the Bush Administration blah blah blah. But then when they take power, all of a sudden, dissent becomes “racist” and we all become “NAZIs” and “evil mongers” and “tea baggers”, etc. Recall when Dubya was in the White House, OlberdouCHE and his ilk in the MF-ing media would everyday accuse Dubya and the GOP of “fascism!” Then, when the Democrats and Obama took power, they did a complete 180 and everything the Democrats and Obama have done or said has been golden and perfect and skittles and unicorns and rainbows. Remember how the left adored the “anti-war” protesters and Cindy Sheehan. Were they called terrorists and evil-mongers and given disgusting derogatory sexual names akin to “tea baggers”? Nope. Were they ever taken to task for their incitement of hatred and vitriol and death and assassination chic? Nope. Imagine if a TEA Partier were to camp out at Obama’s mansion in Chicago and hold vigil a la Cindy Sheehan did at Dubya’s ranch. Think the MF-ing media would adore that person as they did Sheehan? Not a chance. The fact is that the Left and the Democrats and the MF-ing media have always been the true fascists. When they accuse Conservatives and Fox News Channel and the GOP of being so, it is simply an exercise in projection. Conservatives’ heroes are the Founding Fathers and Ronald Reagan. The Left’s/Democrats’/MF-ing media’s heroes are Karl Marx and Rev Wright and Billy Ayers and Saul Alinksy and Che Guevera. How on earth the majority of this nation put their electoral support behind a Party whose heroes are Marx, Wright, Ayers, Alinksy and Che in 2006 and 2008 still… Read more »
Someone point me to a time in America’s history when serious conflicts of ideology were resolved with tea, crumpets, smiles and handshakes.
Ahah, here’s Hillary:
“I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.”
As Ben mentioned, once Obama put his hand on the Bible, this sentiment was completely rejected by the Left, and replaced with the idea that if you debate and disagree with the Administration and Congress, you are a racist tea bagger.
Michael in MI:
“How on earth the majority of this nation put their electoral support behind a Party whose heroes are Marx, Wright, Ayers, Alinksy and Che in 2006 and 2008 still utterly baffles me.”
It is simple really. Ignorance, apathy and stupidity are to blame here.
1) Ignorance in that the voting populace don’t take the time to actually research things but merely take the MSM information as fact.
2) Apathy in that they simply don’t care anymore. They feel out of touch with their elected representatives and, again, buy into the MSM “truth” about our government. When you feel like your vote doesn’t matter, then why bother?
3) Stupidity in that follow the strongest voice in their little circle of friends/family/co-workers to the voting booth like a herd of lemmings over the cliff. Nobody thinks for themselves anymore. We truly are living in a “herd mentality” today.
Don’t forget, this is the same society that would rather vote for an American Idol than President of the United States of America.
Stonewall, to add to your 3 points, I’d add the “gimme mentality”. If they can vote themselves bennies, you can bet that there’s a large percentage of the people out there who’ll do it. After all, they’re “owed it”, it’s their right, and, if the gubermint don’t have the money, take it from the “rich”. In this case, the rich being anyone who has $10.00 more than they do.
But, to go along with the thread, Michael hit it out of the ballpark, FUCK.THEM!!!
You guys live in a fantasy land – a troubled, angry fantasy land. You and your ideas and your lies brought this country to its knees, and you still don’t get it. To quote Goethe, “There is nothing more frightening than ignorance in action”, and you guys have a lot of that action.
To which I’ll add “paranoid”…
What lies, Joe? You mean lies like “If we don’t pass this $787 billion stimulus bill, unemployment will go above 8%”? Or maybe an idea like the $400 billion omnibus to tack on to the $787 billion stimulus? Are those the type of lies that you are talking about when you say lies that brought the country to its knees?
If anyone lives in a fantasy land, it’s you, Joe. You blame the right for doing everything the left has been shown to do. You fuckstains were foaming at the mouth for 8 solid years against Bush, saying the most vile and disgusting things about members of his administration. Then, when people were questioning the amount of spending on social bullshit that Obama was doing, all we heard from your side was name calling and vitriol for the last 2 years.
While I like Surber’s response, it just doesn’t have enough kick for my taste, so I will modify it just for you, Joe.
Fuck you Joe.
Joe, it has been said that politicians are apolitical; that is, they mouth the platitudes that will get them their powerbase as, and where, it is needed. Hence a couple of modern terms, such as RINO.
The fear and anger you are seeing and hearing from the right is coming from the fact that the leaders that WE elected have turned out to be just as deaf as the ones that YOU elected, as far as what we want done goes.
I think Joe is just mad because the latest lefty moral authority got involuntarily committed because he was making death threats.
You guys live in a fantasy land – a troubled, angry fantasy land.
Riiiiight. Because polls show 50% of Republicans believe that the Bush Administration orchestrated the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001. Oh wait, that’s the 50% of Democrats who believe that. WE live in “troubled, angry fantasy land”? Nothing but projection, Joe. Typical lunatic liberal.
What lies, Joe? You mean lies like “If we don’t pass this $787 billion stimulus bill, unemployment will go above 8%”? Or maybe an idea like the $400 billion omnibus to tack on to the $787 billion stimulus? Are those the type of lies that you are talking about when you say lies that brought the country to its knees?
Or how about the lies that Chris Dodd and Barney Frank made about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac concerning the housing market. President Bush and John McCain and the GOP tried numerous times to reform Fannie/Freddie, only to be accused by Dodd and Frank and others of racism and being delusional about the inevitable crash of the housing market. Hmmm, who turned out to be exactly correct on that?
Or how about the lies that the Democrats told about the inevitable collapse of Social Security and their claims that it is fine, doesn’t need reform and anyone who talks about it collapsing just desires to take away food and shelter from the elderly. And let’s not forget the entire Democrat Party standing and raucously cheering after President Bush announced during his SotU that he failed to get SS reform passed.
Or how about all the lies about Obamacare that are too numerous to list.
“There is nothing more frightening than ignorance in action”. Shit, Joe, every last one of your fucking posts on here is the epitome of Goethe’s quote. You simply have no idea how ignorant you are, yet walk around with such arrogance and condescension. I’ll just refer to Reagan: ‘It’s not that you’re ignorant, you just know so much that isn’t so.’
And really, ignorance is not frightening. Ignorance can be corrected by seeking facts and knowledge. What is truly frightening are those who choose to remain ignorant and then spread their ignorance to others.
I posted this somewhere else today, but I’m gonna post it here, because it applies very well. It is a lesson all Conservatives — and all Americans for that matter — SHOULD have learned 2 1/2 years ago when Bill Whittle first wrote it: We are in a Political Fight to the Death with People Who Will Stop at Nothing Alinski could see that moral people have to be held to moral standards when immoral people do not. We’d better learn a lesson from this, right quick. Here’s an example of the kind of lesson good and decent people must learn about people like Saul Alinski and his followers: The Battle of Guadalcanal was the first real test of the US Marine Corps in World War II. There was real anger toward the Japanese after Pearl Harbor and the atrocities they had committed in China and to American prisoners at Bataan, but the Marines had not yet dealt with them face to face and still reserved a professional soldier’s decency towards surrendering troops. A Marine recon unit reported seeing Japanese troops flying a white flag on an isolated spit of land near Guadalcanal, and so A Marine named Frank Goettge asked for volunteers to help rescue these surrendering Japanese soldiers. 25 men stepped forward, and when they reached the beach the Marines warily went ashore to help the trapped Japanese. Once they were all within range, the Japanese opened fire with machine guns, and after hours of fighting only one Marine was able to escape. As he swam away he looked over his shoulder, and saw the flashing Samurai swords of the Japanese officers as they hacked at and beheaded the survivors. When reinforcements returned they found that their buddies had been mutilated and dismembered, and any Marine corps tattoos had been hacked off their arms and stuffed into their mouths. The Marines never treated the Japense the same way after that. Alinski and his followers want you to believe that if you fight dirty in response to people fighting dirty with you, then you have lost your morals and… Read more »
#18 Michael in Mi
I find it truly frightening that the immoral and brutal actions of the Japanese soldiers and officers have been used as an analogy for the political arena. On a side note, I cringe every time I read about such atrocities… and I feel a sense of guilt and shame that they could have been so barbaric. Odd how I feel this when I had nothing to do with it, nor did my parents, or my grandparents. (I know absolutely nothing about my great-grandparents.) The guilt and shame however subside because I know in my heart that there was no honour and courage in their actions, no matter what they themselves believed by way of their archaic and twisted warrior code.
Joe……… aw, fuck it. I’ll just echo OT’s comment, Fuck. You. Joe.
The angry rejection of ‘civility’ is not a rejection of the pattern of societal behavior Mr. Webster would recognise as ‘civility.’
You see the angry rejection of the accusation of murder, explicit and complicit by the leadership, funding sources, and the yeomen of the Left against Americans who’s attributes are patriotic, usually veteran or veteran-associated, non-union, private sector. The first time the NYT accused me, and many readers of this blog of complicity in the Tuscon massacre, your responsibility, Joe, was to take Pinch Sulzburger and our President to task to make them admit the truth.
This theme is not about civility in any form. The theme is associate guilt of murder on innocent people, preferably TEA Partiers, patriots, and conservatives. The Left has never cared for civility, not since a Democrat beat a conservative senator near to death on the floor of the Senate just prior to the Civil War. Yesterday they used assassination-speak against our then President to broadcast their so-called dissent.
Today, they wish Republicans, conservatives, and TEA Partiers to behave in the very Christian manner of turning cheeks, of meekness, and above all, civility.
They don’t want civility. They want dominion. As a former Virginian, I echo my old home state’s motto: “Sic Semper Tyrannus.” Even when Tyrannus calls for civility.
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