Joe Zamudio sets Ed Schultz straight on gun laws
ROS sent me this video, with the advisory that she has a crush on Joe Zamudio;
There are millions of responsible gun owners like Joe who only draw their gun when they have to draw it. He says he had his hand on the butt of his gun and the safety off when he approached the guy he thought was the shooter, yet he made the man disarm without drawing.
I feel safer just knowing Joe is out there.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
I only wish the interview had been in person and he’d buttstroked Mr. Schultz.
And I can’t say that I’ve ever seen a 10 ga, 12 ga, or 20 ga rifle.
Lastly, Mr. Schultz “can’t imagine ever owning a firearm”? Do I even really need to say it?
Well, he said he can’t imagine owning a pistol and one that holds 30 rounds. First off, Ed is either the worst liar there is, because anyone that owns rifles and shotguns usually will own a pistol for when they are hunting, or he’s the dumbest hunter/gun owner on the planet for not knowing anything about firearms.
I do like how he deflated Ed Shultz’s balloon there. Joe Zamudio showed courage that I think is more common than most want to believe. It reminds me of the Luby’s shootings down in Waco years ago. One woman who lost her mom and dad was obeying the law and left her gun in the car. I know she ran for office and got the law changed.
“I couldn’t imagine owning a firearm because I wouldn’t know what to do with 30 rounds.”
It’s gun owners like him that scare me. He’s woefully ignorant in regards to firearms in general and comes across as one of those people who are more scared of them than anything.
And what you do with 30 rounds is save time by not reloading.
…yeah…hunting was the reason for the 2A…dumbass.
Sgt. Schultz should evaluate his own relevance, he would find he’s as irrelevant as tits on a bull.
Impossible. This guy was just a regular Joe (rimshot) carrying a gun at the scene of a massacre, and he exercised the self-restraint and discipline to not start firing randomly, and not kill the first person he saw with a gun in his hand? Nor was he shot down by mistake himself?
But but but! Regular people don’t know what to do when violence breaks out! Only cops, by virtue of their semi-annual pistol training, are qualified to wield instruments of deadly force!
Geez, between Zamudio’s armed-but-compassionate demeanor, and Christina Green’s father reminding us that freedom comes at a price, it seems the people with the most level heads are those closest to and most directly impacted by this tragedy. Imagine that! Regular Americans who suffer like the rest of us in the wake of horrible events, but realize that not everything bad that happens needs to be viewed as a thematic problem which demands legislative reform.
And Ed Schultz is a pompous fucking windbag whose disdain for ordinary Americans like Zamudio bleeds through in his tone. The sooner this turd is off the air, the better this country will be.
sorry guys I need to pop smoke and cool down. I can’t read this stuff or I’ll start breaking things
“You are Damn Right!”
Poor Schulz, it must be embarrassing for this media wuss to speak with a real American man.
MSNBC has to smear our veterans.
FanFrigginTastic. That young man is now on my list of personal heros. Take that you pompous ass.
Ed Schultz is on MSNBC, the twin sister of CNN, Communist News Network.
‘Nuff said.
Ed is just a fucking tool. That mentally ill people get a permit is not the question! Ed is trying to push that blame away from someone who knew what would happen, sick or not. It was just plain wrong.
Anyone who has a firearm would never draw it if they could not find the target just to randomly shoot. Good God and no cop would either. I hate the people who act as though all who carry a weapon only do so because they *want* to kill. How is restricting any law going to stop the crazy!???
loved it! i am with him all of the way! I WISH THAT PEOPLE WOULD WAKE UP! THIS IS OUR AMERICA! THIS IS OUR RIGHT……to protect.
stand your ground young man. thank you.
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