House members want more security

| January 12, 2011

Tough. I wanted more security and I bought a slew of handguns and a security system. I didn’t go to my boss and tell him he had a responsibility to pay for my new security solutions. I work at home most of the week, so that would justify my employer paying for it, right? But the thought never crossed my mind until now.

The Washington Examiner says;

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. on Tuesday called for an increase in House budget to allow for augmented security for members. Just last week, the House voted to slash its operating budget by 5 percent, or $35 million, as part of the GOP drive to reduce federal spending the cut the deficit.

Jackson wants that money restored, plus 10 percent, in order to augment security in the Capitol and in districts, where he said some lawmakers may need to hire security for constituent events and install surveillance cameras in their district offices.

“After the events of last weekend, it is clear that our district staffs are vulnerable,” Jackson said in an e-mail. “Members should have the resources and the latitude to take appropriate security measures in order to protect themselves and their staffs.”

Again, tough. You should have thought of that before this weekend when you were spending your money on military aircraft to fly members to their districts and those lavish receptions and goodbyes to lame duck members.

If members of Congress want more security when they go to their districts, they can carry their personal firearm or hire their own protection…or convince their local PDs to patrol their events. They volunteered for their jobs, they can quit at anytime if the kitchen gets too hot for them. Maybe that’ll keep them in Washington more than three days every week.

Category: Congress sucks

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I hate to sound like a cold hearted bastard…wait, no I don’t…I have two words for these “Distinguished Gentlemen”: Occupational Hazard. This reminds me of the shitbirds who enlist and then go apeshit when they actually are deployed into a life threatening situation, whining that all they wanted was the college money. Fleas come with the dog, Jackass Junior.

Old Trooper

I’m sure Jesse Jr. can rustle up a security detail from NoI or the NBPP.


Claymore, that was one the first things that came to my mind too. And Jonn, I’d rather they get out of the kitchen than stay in DC more. The more they’re there, the more trouble they cause for the rest of us.

Frankly Opinionated

I remember these same bastards and bastardettes raking Col. North over the coals over his “security fence”, when he, in fact, had a credible threat against him and his family. If the dipshits would just “go to the Range” instead of the golf course, we could lay off half the Secret Service, cutting expenditures at the same time. Win/win.


Dear Rep. Jackson
Not only no, but fuck no. Use your own money if you think you need a security detail. Or, get daddy to front you the money. Or, maybe get a loan from Soros.
Or, as Jonn said, go buy your own weapon. If you qualify.
A tax payer.


This isn’t about security. It’s about money. The Speaker of the House plans to cut operating budgets (aka staff jobs), freeze salaries, and put Congresspeople on a budgetary diet.

The Capitol Police, the Secret Service, the FBI, the state police of the 50 states (57 if you’re in the WH), and local police already exist and are for the most part decently paid volunteers to can be called upon to protect any and all Congresspeople. These folks don’t come cheap as it is.

Just cheap political theater is all this is.