This Used to be called “Mopping Up”
The Jawa Report has this from the Washington Post
BAGHDAD, July 30 — The leader of the Sunni insurgent group al-Qaeda in Iraq and several of his top lieutenants have recently left Iraq for Afghanistan, according to group leaders and Iraqi intelligence officials, a possible further sign of what Iraqi and U.S. officials call growing disarray and weakness in the organization.
Couple of points here:
Number 1: This punk-assed pansy is running like the beaten pig that he is. No thanks to Nancy and Harry but he and his hoard of brain-dead radicals have been thoroughly throttled in Iraq.
Number 2: He did not run to Afghanistan because he knows he would be hunted down and ventilated by US forces. He went somewhere far more friendly like Pakistan or Berkley.
His day will come however and the sooner the better.
Category: Politics
He, like Saddam, like bin Laden, like Mookie; tell their followers, (the local idiots), to die for allah and the pedophile mohammed, while they hide. Nutless as a democrat politician. Just plain nutless.
For description, Jack Murtha comes to mind.
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Frankly beat me to it. I was going to compare him to the ‘dead inside’ democrats who have no pride left for themselves or their country. They can run their mouths but when the fight starts they are no where to be found. The wussiefication of America was successful only in democrats.
Like the rest of the Islamic turds we’ve waxed, he’ll die of heartbreak, and also getting his ass blown to smithereens by a Predator, but mostly by getting his ass blown to smithereens by a Predator.
GI Jane Says:
“Like the rest of the Islamic turds we’ve waxed, he’ll die of heartbreak, and also getting his ass blown to smithereens by a Predator, but mostly by getting his ass blown to smithereens by a Predator.”
That’s one hell of a visual now, lmao!
have to agree w/GI Jane…I can see it now… BOOM!
Holy ZarQawi, Batman; did you see that guy vaporize??????????
Perhaps another 500 lb stunt by the C-in-C?
If our military keeps it up, the Democraps will know that they are behind their Commander-in-Chief; what with all the positive changes over there and all…………. They are really making it difficult for the Democraps to lose this damned war.
On a completely different thought, sort of,,,,,,, if the Messiah should make it to the White House, he can get his photo on a 3 dollar bill. Poor fella, don’t look like the guys on the dollar bills………..
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This guy is a traitor to the anti-war crowd and Code Pinkos. Perhaps once he saw that the grown-ups weren’t going to let the children (Dems) surrender, he got outta Dodge right quick.
If it were up to the Dali ‘Bama, Zarqawi would be there while all our troops would be home watching al qaeda and Iran wipe out the families we abandoned, all on CNN.