Liberal Fascism

| January 9, 2011

From Politico:

Pennsylvania Rep. Robert Brady, a Democrat from Philadelphia, told CNN that he also plans to take legislative action. He will introduce a bill that would make it a crime for anyone to use language or symbols that could be seen as threatening or violent against a federal official, including a member of Congress.

Also some dumbassery from the same the article:

Loughner legally purchased his weapon – a Glock 19 with an extended magazine – from an Arizona store. The same kind of extended magazine was illegal under the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004.

A two minute read of the Wikipedia article on the Assault Weapon Ban could have told that those magazine were not outlawed under the ban-they just couldn’t be manufactured for civilian use. But hey I didn’t go to journalism school so what the fuck do I know?

Category: Politics

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Dan, you’re right. I was able to purchase high cap mags during the failed AWB. The ban never outlawed selling them, only manufacture of them. Many of them were also marked “for LEO Use only”.

As far as Brady, that’s the way Liberals roll. It’s sad and unfortunate that they don’t respect the Constitution. This begs the question as to where were all of these “forward thinkers” when threats were being made against GOP representatives, Bush & Cheney??


How about a bill that make it a crime for actions, words, deeds that are threatening, nasty, ugly, rude, violent, obnoxious, hateful, and those that murder our Veterans a hate crime?
Where is that bill?

Doc Bailey

I’m sorry to say that “assault” weapons is a bit of a misnomer, also as an NRA instructor I get mighty peeved at the continued use of the “weapon” moniker. Words have so much meaning in the law, and in politics, and how we use said words tends to affect how people act.

How about a bill that makes it a crime to besmirch Veterans without proof?

Old Trooper

Well, boys and girls, after watching and listening to everything going on out there, all I can say is hang on to your skivvies, because the anti-gun types have their big time crisis to use for their political agenda. Have you noticed that they aren’t just going after the 2nd Amendment, but also the 1st Amendment in just this 1 story? I have held myself back from really getting into this, because since noon on Saturday, the media as well as legislators and leftist hollywood types have been babbling non-stop. The media and agenda driven leftists have come out swinging and throwing shitballs to see which ones will stick. First he was a Vet, then the dumbass sheriff decided to turn it political and the media and leftist talking heads grabbed onto it and ran with the “It’s Palin, Beck, and the Tea Party’s fault!”, because of the “vitriol” that comes from the right. Then, they were saying that this scumbag was a Tea Party member and rightwing nut. Facts be damned, but they put it out there. They know there are enough people that don’t pay attention and are intellectually lazy enough to swallow that bilge. Interestingly enough, not once have they mentioned the vitriol and calls for violence coming from the left. Just this past week we heard calls for violence from our favorite commie; professor Piven. Wasn’t it Bobo that told his supporters to “get in their face”? Haven’t we seen anarchist type violence from all these little hooded thugs at all the G20 and World Bank summits? Isn’t there calls to violence every other week in Berzerkly and San Fran by the peace loving crowds that have to have protest marches 2-3 times a month out there? They’re planting the seeds of blame, whether accurate or not, in the minds of the sheep and it seems to be working, because a very liberal cousin of mine called me last night to go on a tirade about how the rightwing nutjobs like Palin and Beck are to blame for this. With their hate speech and Palin’s veiled… Read more »


Old trooper, it is nice to see you insinuate Palin and eck are as fringe as anarchists or some guy named Piven. I don’t think the anarchists or Piven have national tv shows or book tours like Palin and Beck. Show us where the “left” put crosshairs over an opponent or had an M16 shooting event or said the answer is to “take out” someone. Responsibilty and consequenses. Lets all start accepting them.


J–Zombietime. It is NOT your friend. Quit acting all butt-hurt over what you know you’ve done.

Old Tanker

I wonder what Brady thinks of his side of the aisle? Just take a look at this wrap up at Michelle Malkin’s. Gonna be alot of leftists in jail….

J, you especially need to check out the link….you can start with the photo of someone pointing a rifle at a picture of Sarah Palin’s head that was for sale on Getty images website and go from there….

Old Trooper

J: Go to this link

Then tell me that Boxer didn’t call republicans “the enemy” and that you actually have a fucking brain, because Piven is a woman, for one, and there are many, many, examples of calls for violence from the left. Did you know that Palin had taken down the crosshairs ads before the election? Yeah, I thought not. Did you ever see the bumper stickers with Bush in crosshairs? Did you know there was a movie made about assassinating Bush, a sitting President at the time? Yeah, live in your dream world and ignore all the crap being spewed by the left, because you fit in nicely with the lefts target audience of intellectual midgets.

Stop being a douchenozzle and start using logic and common sense. I know it will be hard for you, but work at it; mmmmmkay?

Old Trooper
Old Trooper

One more thing, J; did you know that in his favorite books list was the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf? Along with Animal Farm and other fringe books? Did you know they found a clearing in his back yard where he erected a satanic ritual site? Yeah, he was definitely out there, but the left can’t let go of their agenda and are working feverishly to make political hay out of a tragedy that wasn’t about whether she was democrat or republican, but an elected official. That’s the sad part is that the left can’t recognize it for what it is, a lone nutjob, but they have to lower themselves to depths that respectable people won’t go. So, you keep thinking it was all because of Palin, Beck, and the Tea Party, instead of the reality that he was just nuts/evil.

So; would you, the left, and democrats be this whipped up had she been a republican?

No need to answer that, because I already know the answer.

Old Trooper
Old Trooper

Now, J; this is what Palin is being blamed for; right?

It was Palin who said all this stuff, right? – “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”

To Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”

On ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”

To Followers: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”

On the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“

To voters: “Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”

To Followers: “It’s time to Fight for it.”

To Latino Supporters: “Punish your enemies.”

To Followers: “I’m itching for a fight.”

Palin is to blame; right? She said this stuff; right?

Oh, wait, no she didn’t. That would be President Obama that said all this. Now, would this be considered vitriol that could be construed as violent?

Ok. I’m done now, but I will not let it stand when some buttmunch comes at me with that intellectually lazy bullshit that is being sputtered non-stop by the left and their media enablers.


0bama quotes of violence:

** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
** Obama to democrats: “I’m itching for a fight.”.

Finally, there this, showing that Loughner IS a far LEFT radical:

Honestly, if they want to throw stones, that’s fine. I’ll throw them right back. Perhaps if they cleaned up their own house before coming after Conservatives, things would be a lot better.

Old Trooper

Heh, heh, heh. Thor, it looks like great minds think alike 😀

Old Trooper

I’m shocked that J doesn’t want to come back here and attempt to refute this viscious pack of facts.

Dirty Al the Infidel

Guns don’t kill people LIBTARD/ANARCHIST/ATHIEST do! And oh J what everyone else said plus have a cup of STFU and go back to shining your boyfriends belt buckle with your forehead.