Apology? Naw, I want blood

| January 9, 2011

Yesterday, everyone from Sheppard Smith to Linda Lopez to Fred Phelps was calling Jared Loughner an “Afghanistan veteran” when he murdered six people and wounded 13 others in Tucson. They seemed absolutely gleeful over the media’s half-assed research. It took me all of ten minutes to determine that he hadn’t been in the Army or the Marines. And it only took that long because I’d let my AKO password expire earlier this month and I had to reset it.

Yesterday, CJ at A Soldier’s Perspective, did a yeoman’s job of tracking all of the Loughner news that was fit to print.

Today, Mr. Wolf is calling for an apology from State Representative Linda Lopez from the bulwarks at Blackfive and Big Peace. Apology, hell, I want her scalp on a stick.

We’re constantly warned, since 1991, to be careful about calling terrorists terrorists. We’re warned about speculation whether a terrorist is Muslim, an attack comes from Islamic extremists…shit, we can’t even profile at the airport. But one little douche-bag shows up at the MEPS station and gets rejected and goes on a shooting spree with a girl’s gun (yeah, a Glock in 9mm is a total chick gun), suddenly he’s a combat veteran.

Ever since the Oklahoma bombing, the Media and the Left have been eager to pin some violence on a veteran. Nearly two years ago, in one of my iconic posts, I addressed the McVeigh Syndrome which afflicts the Left and the Media;

McVeigh was a Bradley gunner in the same division that I went to Desert Storm with – no one I know got any “training” in anything McVeigh did that day in Oklahoma City. Nothing. He built a truck bomb, he parked a truck bomb, he ran away. Check the eleven-mike skill level two tasks. He was never trained by the Army to do those things. Any doofus off of the block could accomplish those things without ever having served in the military.

And apparently, any doofus off the block could do what Loughler did yesterday, because that’s what Loughner is; some doofus off the block.

If we can accept that not all terrorists are Muslims, why can’t we get past the fact that not all white-boys in the military aren’t terrorists, too? I wonder how pissed off Ms. Lopez would be if I declared that all stabbings in Arizona are done by Mexicans. A legislator who seems so protective of her brown constituents from racial profiling should be more concerned about racially profiling white boys who commit terror.

Lopez should lose her job because obviously she has a racial blind spot when it comes to white boys who stop by the MEPS station. Or her scalp on a stick, metaphorically speaking, of course.

Category: Veterans Issues

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Sgt K

Of course, metaphorically speaking…

Zero Ponsdorf

Shucks… Jonn now YOU are profiling.

Nitwits Unite! Check out Ms. Lopez at her website.


Remember, all of the world’s problems were caused by White Anglo-Saxon Protestants as they sought to exploit, rape, pillage and rob those they deemed their “lessers” as the WASPs spread across the planet like a plague. (Their viewpoint, not mine, BTW.)


You know what is funny is that all these idiots give lip service to those with PTSD, but this type of reaction drives those with real PTSD from seeking help. This damn stereotype of a Vet losing it and shooting up a crowd.. I agree screw the apology!

Thunder 26

Look at all the Movies/TV that has come out and the Desert Storm/Iraq/Afghanistan Veteran is the perpetrator of some violent act. Same thing happened after Viet Nam. Never mind that you are much more likely to be robbed,assaulted, killed by a gang-banger or hoodrat.


I agree, she should lose her job, as should every idiot ‘reporter’ who parroted that FICTION about that murderous little dipshit yesterday!


Ms Lopez is a woman and I’ve seen women in SE that were obviously prostitutes. Therefor I think I can declare that Ms Lopez is a whore.


I have to agree the MSM REALLY screwed the pooch on this one… as well as a substantial amount of “followers” on Twitter. With all the “Big Brother” programs the gov. has put together to “keep us safe” I’d like to see one that holds MSM responsible for their reports that are biassed, undocumented. liable, and full of malice. I wont hold my breath, but think it would be fun to have the guys here at TAH to be the enforcers.

Doc Bailey

Speaking of McVeigh I’m not sure if he was in 1/16 or 2/16, but I was shocked to know that he’d gotten the truck right there in Junction City, and he was (possibly) in the same unit as I was.

Now I personally have never gotten any training in how to make, arm or disarm bombs. Assuming soldiers have that knowledge it bogus. I DO, however know how to use a 9MM to great effectiveness at short range, but again my training focused on “two to the chest one to the head”

I think it is clear that NO true soldier would have let his shots be so random as to kill a 9 year old INSIDE THE STORE. As for this crap about the Tea Party inciting this. . . I’m not surprised, but it is classless and vulgar to try to get a parting shot at this kind of tragedy.


Phoenix New Times is reporting a classmate and friend of the shooter says he was a “Left wing pothead”. You think that will make a difference to any of these “news” people begging dems to condemn the “heated rhetoric”?


Dirty Al the Infidel

Yeah blood shot out of my eyes when I heard Ms Lopez’ remarks also while hearing Sheriff Dumkauph’s rant. I’ve takin twice the amount of blood pressure meds than usual the last 2 days. God the hypocracy of the left knows no bounds or shame. Besides they can’t let a crisis go to waste. Oh! Thanks for the remarks about Glock 9s. So much for that Model 23 I was gonna get. Wouldn’t want to get caught dead with a Girl’s gun. Guess I’ll have to get one in 40 S/W or 45 ACP.

Glenn Mark Cassel AMH1(AW) USN Ret.

M1911. Nothing else comes close.
The Para Ordnance double column is my official lust after side arm.
I would like to have her taken across the equator………..the way we used to do things. I think she would have an entirely new outlook on things.


I was very unhappy that Lopez imediatly blamed a stan vet. without any knowledge of the situation. I even sent in an email via blackfive to ask her to apologize. Now, I am concerned that I am on another list and would not be suprised if I was contacted by the feds.


Blaming veterans is an historical script.

Veterans of the Civil War were blamed for rising crime rates, anti-authoritarianism, and other acts against the population.

Veterans of World War I were equally blamed for crimes. Same goes for World War II.

Viet Nam saw the first utterances of blame by the very same folks who are claiming this kid was a vet, and a murderer to boot.

This crap is old hat, so if you can’t change the script, change the writers. With the explosion of social media, Facebook, blogs, and Twitter needs to be flooded with rote ‘let due process take its course’ messages. Set a trolling service to attack the lies each and every time they are posted.

The great thing is: had this actually happened in a prior administration, especially prior to Mr. George W. Bush – everyone would have had to accept the newsies and the politicoes words for it.