Another war memorial in danger from ACLU

| January 5, 2011

Another war memorial cross in California, this one in San Diego is under fire from the American Civil Liberty Union. The cross, erected in 1954 to memorialize veterans of the Korean War has been determined to be unconstitutional by, who else, the 9th Circuit panel of judges.

“In no way is this decision meant to undermine the importance of honoring our veterans,” the three judges said in their ruling. “Indeed, there are countless ways that we can and should honor them, but without the imprimatur of state-endorsed religion.”

Federal courts are reviewing several cases of crosses on public lands being challenged as unconstitutional, including a cross erected on a remote Mojave Desert outcropping to honor American war dead. Tuesday’s ruling could influence future cases involving the separation of church and state.

U.S. Justice Department spokesman Wyn Hornbuckle said the federal government, which is defending the San Diego cross, is studying the ruling and had no comment.

So according the article, the court hasn’t ordered that the cross be removed, only that alterations can be made to keep the cross where it was built more than 56 years ago.

Category: Veterans Issues

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Doesn’t the grandfather clause apply to any of these religious emblems so that no NEW ones could be put up? For example, if they were built BEFORE the law was enacted, the grandfather rule would apply.

I don’t belong to any religion, but I don’t see any problem with any religious symbol that represents love and peace being on government property. I can see where some religious symbols should be banned.


You know where else you can find war memorial crosses on federally owned land? Over 250,000 of them? Arlington. Why doesn’t the ACLU sue to get those removed, too?

I’m serious. What’s the difference? One big one or 250,000 small ones. By their standards, it’s still an “imprimatur of state endorsed religion”.

Rhetorical, of course.


If I’m not mistaken there have been rumblings that the ACLU may in fact go after Arlington at some point.


How? The atomic symbol is approved for use on the markers of atheists.

Doc Bailey

this strikes close to home. San Diego is my home, and it is a good place, but my God. WHY is this such an issue? Why is a cross SO vile to these people?

They should leave well enough alone. this will not physically or even psychologically harm anyone.