Napolitano dimisses Israeli airport security

| January 4, 2011

Yeah, like you thought this would go any other way;

But Napolitano said that what is effective in Israel, a nation of 7.3 million, wouldn’t necessarily work for 310 million Americans.

Ben-Gurion is Israel’s only major international airport. The United States, however, has 450 such facilities. Plus, about 11 million people pass through Israeli airports each year, while 70 times that many passengers go through American airports each year.

“So there’s a very big difference in terms of size and scale,” said Napolitano, who granted Fox News exclusive access to join her on a week-long, security-focused trip to Europe and the Middle East.

OK, that almost sounds reasonable – except Israel’s passengers are going through ONE airport. We’ll use Napolitano’s number for the US -“450 such facilities”. How’s that pare down the “70 times” number, Jan? And actually, there are over 5,000 paved airports in the US according to the FAA.

The only reason Israeli security, wouldn’t work here is because it works. The government is not good at actually fixing problems…they’re better at spending money on useless solutions than being effective.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Dear Janet,
Based on your own numbers Israel manages 1.5 travelers per capita. Whereas the US needs to manage 2.5 travelers per capita.

Hardly seems like an insurmountable problem.

Best Wishes,


Oh come on… American is GREAT! What other country can a scarcely trained employee who earns minimum wage get to grope, fondle, and look at naked photos of adults and children for a living? Or maybe Janet is compensating for the fact the only way a guy will touch her is when he’s paid to do so….
As far as Janet’s math goes, it’s typical politician math.


Every day she finds a new way to infuriate rightminded people. She’s just horrible in every conceivable way.


On the other hand, her beer-math is good. 48 joes times 2 beers per day equals 2 CONEXes filled with beer.

Of course, being a veteran of GO #1 on every deployment, I can’t attest to the accuracy of said equation. Anyone know the right answer?


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Doc Bailey

here’s why it won’t work here

#1 the ACLU will NEVER allow us to even think of profiling, which the Israelis do before you even SHOW UP.

#2 Israelis are very liberal with their shows of force. You could never get away with a cop and several undercover packing SMGs and “Assault” rifles. Guns are nasty and icky

#3 even if its in our national best interest the 9th circuit (everybody’s favorite) will find some reason its bad nasty icky and wrong, and how we should sing kumbiyah.

#4 Most Americans can not and will not accept we are under a real threat. “I don’t see danger so there must be none” where as Israel has been under constant threat for over 60 YEARS!

#5 even IF you could some how discount all the factors above, the TSA is run by, composed of, and largely supervised by pinheads. They do not knwo where to draw the line, nor do they understand the danger inherent if they go too far. Instead of common sense measures they have to come up with complex rules regulations and procedures that leave everyone feeling violated. If this were done by a halfway decent security force it MIGHT be acceptable, but they’re totally inept

#6 Economics. While there may indeed be methods available to screen 100% of the people in a way they don’t feel violated as well as provide port security, but these measures are costly, and they are inconvenient.

I think sadly it will take another attack for this admin to wise up. What really worries me is that at some point there will be a terrorist out there that isn’t half assing it. That knows how to make a real bomb, and knows how to do damage.


Can anyone name one thing that the Federal government does right that the democrats are in charge of any more? I don’t belong to any political party, so I am neutral on who gets the credit for what works. The republicans don’t have a very good record either.

“The government is not good at actually fixing problems…they’re better at spending money on useless solutions than being effective.”

You know how our government works. You can’t justify consultants being paid to study things that work to find out how to fix them. They have to be broken first. Something that is broken need studies to be done to find out how to fix them. It’s like the tolls in the states that will close down the tolls when the road is paid for. There is always something more that needs to be done to them that needs more toll money to pay for.


Profiling would kill it all. Have you listened to the former guy in charge and what they do? Janet is nappy and Imus should take her to task.


Also consider a stat I heard this morning–security at each international airport in the US costs about $7 per passenger. At Ben-Gurion Aiport, it costs $57 per passenger.

We willing to pay an extra $100 per ticket? Some are, some aren’t. Just a factor to consider.

Junior AG

“We willing to pay an extra $100 per ticket? Some are, some aren’t. Just a factor to consider.”

Based on the policies of the Dept. of Homeland Stupidity & the Too Stupid for Arby’s gropers & their nakedizer machines a lot of us won’t fly any more… Kind of makes the cost of tickets a moot point…


Fewer people may wish to fly because of the TSA’s incompetence, but I doubt the flying American public would be any happier with Israel’s way of doing things.
We’d be safer, but no more pleased about it as their security procedures are more personally invasive, irritating, and often more time consuming, especially if you intend to fly El Al.


True dat. I can still (if I time it right) get into Logan, park at the terminal, check in (including bags), get through security, and make it to my gate in under 30 minutes. Don’t think I’d be able to say that if we adopted Israeli-style security techniques.