dicksmith; The Party of Perpetual War
Poor Richard Allen Dicksmith at VetVoice has gotten hisself confused after his long vacation. The post at the top of the blog complains that Lindsay Graham, the Republican senator from South Carolina, has suggested we have permanent air bases in Afghanistan.
My question to Lindsay Graham is “how do permanent bases in Afghanistan make us safer”? I’m not even certain that our temporary presence there is making us any safer at this point, much less an unending commitment.
First of all, who died and made Lindsay Graham the mouthpiece for the whole party? I swear, he’s in every news story from the Senate these days. COB6 can’t be happy about that.
Now to dicksmith; we already know what happens when we completely leave Afghanistan to it’s own devices. In fact I remember some Lefties blaming the 9-11 attacks on the fact that we abandoned Afghanistan after the Soviets left. So you guys need to coordinate your message a little better. Which is it?
By the way, having permanent bases in a country isn’t “perpetual war” unless he still thinks we’re at war with Germany and Japan. Spain and Italy. Holland and England. Diego Garcia. I think our allies consider it a symbol of our commitment to their security. But then commitment isn’t a word fully understood by the Left side of the country.
And then on the same day, dicksmith writes another blog post about the war being over in Iraq but troops are still getting killed. Didn’t he pee himself a little when Obama declared the Iraq War over? Now he’s suddenly discovered that folks are still getting killed? Again, which is it?
I’m glad to see that the intellectually vacant ghost of Jon Soltz is still alive and well at VoteVets while he’s getting his ass beat by his NCOs in a motor pool shed somewhere in the Middle East.
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We’re going to see more and more of Senator Graham as the media-approved Bipartisan Maverick Leader In Opposition to those, those TEA Partiers(!)
This dicksmith fellow has his vocabulary mixed up. It’s not “Perpetual War,” but “Perpetual Preparedness For War.”
Gordon Duff is a drooling, slobbering, mental midget. Who let him out of his straight jacket to go to a keyboard? Absolute nutcase. He masterbates to his own posts, fer chrissakes.
“perpetual war” Bah! what a fool. Any student of history can see Communists are far more guilty of “perpetual war” than any democratic nation. Indeed democracy has proven time and gain to sue for peace as much as possible. this blathering idiot needs to pull his head out of his 4th point of contact.
I’m sorry to say that I’m from SC and voted for Graham, a mistake that won’t happen again.
I hope my vote for Jim Demint overode my vote for Graham.
Now, about that doosh Alvin Green. Hell, you can’t win ’em all, you know.
You are being just silly again if you think you can infer a reasonably logical train of thought to people who went into arrested development when they hit about 8 years old. They are not capable of rational thought at an adult level, so logical arguments are not going to phase them, they will just aggravate them. Then they fling shit like monkeys who are frightened of something they cannot comprehend.