American Legion joins in Stolen Valor battle

| December 16, 2010

SFGate reports this morning that the American Legion has filed a friend-of-the-court brief on the Richard Strandlof Stolen Valor case;

The American Legion decided to intervene in Colorado because prosecutors have a stronger case there, said Mark Seavey, the group’s media manager.

Seavey said the Colorado case also is “a little more germane to us” because Strandlof claimed to be an advocate for veterans.

Yeah, and I’m just sitting here thinking where VoteVets and IVAW are in this case. After all, those two organizations had put Strandlof in front of their organizations to spread their respective messages. VoteVets used him in their political ads in Colorado. Stranloff made them look silly while they discussed whether they should admit that one of their stars was a complete fraud. You’d think they’d have a dog in this fight.

IVAW had countless videos with Strandlof talking about his imaginary service and the horrors of dreaming about combat. IVAW had more personal contact with him and might have been more likely to notice that the finger he had shot off was still there and the pate in which he claimed he had a steel plate was scar-less. In fact, at the Winter Soldier hearings, Strandlof was in charge of their PTSD clinic, so someone had to have had contact with him and grounds to testify to the damage that he did while living out his dream as a gay Marine captain.

But, then if IVAW came out against lying about their service, they’d be smearing at least half of their membership, but only beginning with the ones who put on a T-shirt that calls them “Iraq Veterans” Against the War.

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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Old Trooper

Jonn; IVAW is too busy trying to tell kids in the classroom how evil military service is and that they shouldn’t join. Their orginal mission statement was just a ruse. They knew full well that they weren’t interested in actually helping Veterans, otherwise they wouldn’t have put “Against the War” in their title. They are a political group, not a Veterans Service Organization in any way, shape, or form, no matter what some members may say. VoteVets is a PAC and that is all they are.

Doc Bailey

When, oh dear country, did the truth become something that was negotiable? Have we fallen so far that we allow such liars to reign supreme, and to be protected by loopholes in the law? Why are they allowed to do as they please but those that work hard and struggle are treated like scum? its at times like these I wish i were back in the sand box.

Old Tanker

Doc, I’d swear you’re talking about our politicians 🙂

Glad I pay may AL dues, that’s the kind of stuff I like to see done with my money!

Doc Bailey

well you have to realize most of the movers and shakers are as corrupt as sin, or worse in the case of IVAW, HuffPo, WCW, (how does that still exist, that was supposed to be about Bill Clinton boffing interns) etc either bat shit insane, or worse cool-aid drinkers who truly DO believe the bile they spew.


Doc, these are the same people who believe in the Constitution as a “living document”, meaning they can twist it to whatever suits their needs, or “situational ethics”, meaning they take whatever action is easier provided they don’t stand a significant risk of being caught.

Doc Bailey

I’m sorry but did anyone there actually READ it? sure there’s things like abortion, stem cells and Cyber warfare not covered, but COME ON! Fundamentally alter a foundation of a house, and guess what, the damn thing will collapse!

Army Sergeant

I can’t file an amicus brief, because unlike TSO, I am Not A Lawyer, 🙂

Old Trooper

Well, AS, you may not be a lawyer, like TSO, but you are much better looking than he is 😛

I’m just sayin……..