Mom loses job for wounded son

| November 30, 2010

Claire LeMoine rushed to the side of her wounded son, Lance Cpl. Robert LeMoine, when he returned from Afghanistan with five bullet holes in his body. She spent two weeks with him at Bethesda and returned to to her job with Baton Rouge attorney Norma Beedle only to find there was no job;

“I’m frustrated that I have a son who was protecting this country and who was wounded and he may feel like he is to blame for me losing my job,” Lemoine says.

Beedle wasn’t at her office when NBC33 tried to contact her. Several calls also went unanswered.

Apparently, small businesses are allowed to do this, and I understand it to a point, but two weeks absence? According to Mrs. LeMoine, Ms. Beedle approved of the absence.

Thanks to 1stCAVABN11B for the link.

Category: Support the troops

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It may be legal, but it sure as hell ain’t right. I’m guessing that there are a lot of folks in Red Stick, LA, that won’t be utilizing the services of one Norma Beedle anytime soon.

Stupidity should be painful, Norma–and costly. Here’s hoping Mrs. LeMoine and her son are both on their feet again soon.

AW1 Tim

If I were a competitor I’d jump at the chance to hire her, and make sure that EVERYONE in the area knew about it.

That’s just a stupid damned move on her employer’s part. Do they give paternity leave? Do they fire you if you get in an accident and have to be hospitalized?

What her boss should have done was to either spread the work around or hire a temp until she got back.



I’ve got to wonder if there is allot more to this story. This whole thing just seems to stupid on initial read. Why would you fire a woman who took some time off to tend to her wounded warrior son. Either there’s more to this or Ms. Beedle is perhaps one of the dumbest people walking today.


Here is the contact information for Norma Beedle’s law office, in case anyone would like to ask her for an explanation:

Beedle Norma
4913 S Sherwood Forest Blvd
Baton Rouge LA 70816
Primary: 225 291-3237


She advertises as a father’s rights custody specialist, you would think someone like that would be concerned about caring for family. It really does make you wonder if there’s more to the story.
On the surface though, this is awful, and the attorney isn’t doing herself any favors by being quiet about the whole thing. I think Tim has the right idea, this is a perfect opportunity for Beedle’s competitors to drop kick her business into the gutter.

More contact info;
Phone: (225) 291-DADS (291-3237)
FAX: (225) 291-5442

Old Trooper

If it was approved, then either there is more to this story, or Ms. Beedle needs an attitude adjustment.


Apparently an attourney who takes only father’s rights cases and litigates, in court, 80% of the cases she takes, has no qualms about screwing a mother when the opportunity persents itself? Just enter and you’ll get to her website.


I told the 652 people who read a page I run on facebook about it here:
I think Ms. Beedle’s phone is going to be very busy…


Would like to know more about this whole matter as they say there’s always 2 sides to a story, though having your son seriously injured obviously takes more time and commmitment than 2 weeks.

Claire LeMoine

I know this is years old and I just found this site. Thanks to all who rallied in support. My son is doing fine, by the way. Tman, he was seriously injured, 2 bullet holes, not 5 but his groin was blown out on left side. However, I spent the time in Bethesda, brought him home to continue recovery and then his dad came in from out of town job that ended and took up some care so I could go back to work. Thanks again for all your great and awesome support. CSL


I told my family I didn’t want them dropping everything, quitting careers and blowing life savings to come and take care of me in a military hospital if I were wounded… if I were permanently disabled, discharged and unable to work, we could all live in the homeless shelter together otherwise (if I were F-ed up or dead, that’d be bad, but it shouldn’t take them down too).


Even in 2010, employers make very odd decisions sometimes. I have a PFC whose employer told him he was getting “let go” as soon as he told them he’d joined the National Guard. They backpedaled the next day, apparently after talking to legal, but their attitude has been clear from the get-go that they’re hostile to his being in uniform and not available for on-call that one weekend a month.

(Since he hated the job anyway, we found him funding for full-time orders doing language program development (he’s a Russian linguist) until we can ship him off to school to go learn Pashto. We’re not a jobs program, but he was being wasted as a delivery driver, and he’s happier even though he’s bringing home less money.)

I was removed from an IT contract under rather suspicious circumstances just a month before I was scheduled to ship for Basic back in late 2003. Without any warning or counseling or even hints that they were dissatisfied, they trumped up some lame justifications (“not a team player” was an especially humorous one) and showed me the door with no notice. As a contractor in WA state, I had little recourse; as a military linguist in time of contingency operation, I have been full-time for almost all of the intervening time, so I am not complaining.

Retired Chief

This is a bogus story.The military mom was working part time for Beedle and walked off her job because she couldnt have the other secretary’s fulltime job She later tried to forcibly enter the office and a restraining order was placed against her.Norma beedle is an ex military spouse and her office did wills for national guardsmen being activated FOR FREE.Her office received a letter of appreciation from theGuard’s commanding officer.Don’t believe everything you read on the internet or hear onTV

Claire LeMoine

Incorrect. I was the ONLY employee of this attorney and worked not only full time but well after hours and did a ton of personal stuff outside of work for the attorney. Get your facts straight. I never tried to forcibly enter the office. Norma and her ‘temp’ were cowering supposedly in fear because I tried to give her a letter I was ready to return to work, my son didn’t need me anymore? Cowering in fear but it took them 30 min to call police? No one came and arrested me for forcibly entering or causing a disturbance. Because I never did. what a crock. Probably her ex husband – planting this lie.


This is all a crock, the news media is looking for a story to draw your attention and guess what they have! We all get mad when we hear something like this, Who wouldn’t? All I know is that Ms. Beedle is a wonderful Christian lady with more morals and ethics than most attorneys in Louisiana, and she works her tail off for her clients. I happen to know I was one. Also Anonymous she doesn’t screw the mother, she really is fighting for the children to have a relationship with their dad. Why should she come out and say anything, you’ve already found her guilty, The only people that will suffer is the poor fathers that believe this garbage and don’t hire the best (Ms. Beedle) fathers rights attorney in Louisiana.

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I can believe whole heartedly that Norma Beedle did this. I know this is a dead story by now but I’m hoping that people are still running across it when they type in her name. She is a snake in the grass and HATES women. It does not surprise me one bit that she did this. God help the women that have to deal with her.

Claire LeMoine

Thank you.

Green Thumb

Fuck this bitch.



Big J, you are a turd.

Too sad

My family has had dealings with this woman and she is as sneaky and lying as the serpent in the garden of Eden. She does not hesitate to use barely legal tactics to manipulate the mother and she gives suggestions or hints to the father to do things that are very questionable. Just as we all will, she will reap what she sows


My husband and I had a dealing with her in the last week. We pulled his case from another lawyer to go to her with the hope she could help because of a ex wife situation and the way she has alienated him from his children. It was so strange. She was rude from the beginning. Asked my husband a couple of questions and then tossed him out of her office saying I won’t take your case. She didn’t even tell us why. I think she is a little crazy. She then locked the doors behind us and the receptionist wouldn’t let us back in to talk to her. It was the strangest thing I ever saw. Though this post is old…What I have to say is even though you lost your job it appears is was the best thing for you. ….she was the most rude and unprofessional person I have ever dealt with and i honestly think that she is a little nuts.

2/17 Air Cav

@18. You will note that this thread NEVER spoke ill of the attorney. This isn’t the State Bar Association, the Better Business Bureau, or a Feedback website on businesses. You and your husband are involved in a case and you didn’t like the way you were treated. Okay, good luck.