Center for American Progress: Use the troops to make policy

| November 19, 2010

Rurik sent me a link to Gateway Pundit which linked to The Blaze which in turn linked to the Center For American Progress, a Soros-funded group that offered options for the president to make and enforce policy even though he has no control over the law-making body in Congress.

The U.S. Constitution and the laws of our nation grant the president significant authority to make and implement policy. These authorities can be used to ensure positive progress on many of the key issues facing the country through:

* Executive orders
* Rulemaking
* Agency management
* Convening and creating public-private partnerships
* Commanding the armed forces
* Diplomacy

The ability of President Obama to accomplish important change through these powers should not be underestimated.

I have no idea why they call these organizations “think tanks” since apparently there’s no thinking going on there. It’d probably more accurate to call this one a “wishful thinking tank”. It’s highly unlikely that military leaders would turn their charges on the American people over policy decisions like healthcare, and clean energy. Just because VoteVets battles in the political arena for these issues, that doesn’t mean the rest of the military will follow their example.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck

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Holy cow! The stupidity of these people is amazing.

AW1 Tim


What they are saying is “disregard the Constitution, and forget about Congress” They want him to rule by executive fiat, no different that Hugo, Castro, or any other tinpot dictator.


At least they didn’t suggest the “signing statements” that Bush Jr. was so fond of….


George Soros: Sheep-herder extraordinaire.