Zombie presents Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco

| November 14, 2010

For those of you who don’t like Sarah Palin or Alaska, our buddy Zombie presents;

Here’s the link, but I warn you it’s pretty extremely (Not safe for work) graphic…after all it’s San Francisco.

Category: Liberals suck, Shitbags

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You GOTTA post a better warning for that one. I want to wash my eyes out with gasoline after that fright fest, I actually tasted my own bile. God save our Country from those disgusting, depraved individuals.


Aiigh! And these are the f*cktards who want to run my healthcare and “transform” America? No F-ing way!


So there are some things that you can’t just unsee. That’ll be with me forever.


normally I don’t click if you include a warning… but today… I was stupid. some people need help.


Boo–there’s some people who are just beyond help. Time to cut the SF peninsula loose and let that turd float out to sea.


I don’t know, I’m not exactly a big fan of the zombie site/guy.

I mean, did we really need explicit shots of dudes blowing each other and the like to expose what really goes on during “pride” celebration days?


Tman–what guys and gals do in the privacy of their own bedrooms is none of my concern. When they do it in full view of the public, THEN it becomes a concern to us all–or at least should.

Old Trooper

I love all the tough talk that the leftards put on their signs, yet when someone stands up to them, they cry like the pussies they are. Just ask Susie Benjamin about that. These morons remind me of the kids in school, who used to taunt another kid, then when the kid confronts them, they run to a safe distance and continue taunting. Then, if they do get caught by the tauntee, and get pummelled for their trouble, they claim victim status immediately.


I agree with you NHSparky, my point was that there’s a line between exposing things and then crossing a creepy line.

I liked the zombie site until he started taking those pictures. I’m sure lots of things like that go on publicly, but I don’t think explicit sexual pictures of that nature were necessary at all.

Michael in MI

I liked the zombie site until he started taking those pictures. I’m sure lots of things like that go on publicly, but I don’t think explicit sexual pictures of that nature were necessary at all.

I believe “zombie” did have a good reason for doing that, if I remember the commentary from the posts correctly. I believe with regards to the Folsom Street Fair, “zombie” went there to try to prove wrong a Christian group which was criticizing the Fair as decadent and hedonistic and saying there was all sorts of sexual stuff going on out in the open, including in front of children. “Zombie”, I think, supports the GLBT agenda and didn’t like the Christian group classifying the Fair in this manner (which made the entire GLBT agenda look badly, because the Christian group was saying that this was the kind of thing that the GLBT agenda wanted all over the nation).

So “zombie” went there to take pictures of the Fair and prove that the Christian group was smearing the Fair and the GLBT agenda. Unfortunately for “zombie” — and anyone who looked at the pictures of the event — the Christian group was correct.

Just like anything else the Left does, it is important to get these pictures to show just how radical they are, because the MF-ing media will always work to show them as “moderate” and “mainstream” and will never report on the fact that they are anything but “moderate/mainstream” and are actually quite radical.


Juxtapose some of those pics to Ft. Hood, or Camp Pendleton, or Coronado, that’s what those POS’s want. But, they’re portrayed as “moderate”, just as Michael said.
Now, to see if I can stumble around here, looking for the eye bleach.