Tuesdays with Claymore
Claymore has just returned from another safari into the land of the flightless moonbats. We’re putting him through our recently purchased corporate decontamination chamber (bought with your clicks on our ads) at our recently refurbished corporate retreat (bought with completely different money…honest). But, here are the results of his latest foray;
It ain’t just a river in Egypt:
Cause and effect…you’re doing it wrong:
Hey, if telling everyone they’re too stupid to understand my brilliance makes me an elitist…
Maybe they can extend Obamacare to cats…
The Mayor Of Munchkinland speaks:
What is the sound of one hand typing
Wow…you know it’s a shitload when they add ‘nes’ to ‘ton’:
Color me surprised:
Up next, Brown County NAACP meeting pics:
Category: General Whackos
Reading DU nowadays is like reading letters to the editor of Penthouse. You know the ones that start with, “I never would have believed this until it happened to me” variety.
Dear Penthouse editors a lot of those letters were submitted by half drunk GI’s stuck in the barracks of Germany. Not that I have any personal knowledge of such activity. Hey free beer is free beer.
Anyway liberal message boards nowadays are simply pathetic and their membership is shrinking. Pretty sad actually.
On the “Obamacare to cats”:
A 15 year old cat that’s hypothyroid, and needs radioactive iodine treatments? The “treatment” for that poor beast is euthanasia. I held my old cat when the vet put her down because of kidney failure. It’s not fun, but that is the responsibility you take on yourself when you have a pet. There comes a time when you have to let them go.
OMG..too funny, I must admit that is the first time I sortied into a lib message board. They remind me of the black knight that you had to fight to cross the bridge in Monty Python’s ‘Holy Grail’ movie. ‘Tis but a flesh wound’ yea right!
Remember November!!!
Oh, and kids, don’t forget that Alan Grayson is holding a LIVE CHAT today on DU. I’ve already got my shots of tequila lined up to watch this party.
I’m actually more interested in seeing them meltdown next month…should be epic!
Roger that Claymore.
Were are just firing off ranging shots now!
November 2nd will be when we ‘Fire for effect!’
Shot….Shot Out!
My weekly brain cell sacrifice is done.
FYI, here’s the Grayson thread:
accck…or is it Shot Out….Shot! Who cares I was 11bravo,
Just send the rounds down range!!!
Remember November!!!
What class were you, Darby?
6/79 Was at Hunter before they formed the regiment, in fact got there when they were still at Stewart.
Outstanding. The fiance was A/1/75 from 86-88. 🙂
Fantastic! Thank him for his service for me! 77-81
Remember November!!!
Will do. And thank you! 🙂
I couldn’t resist the Grayson live blog…my IQ just slipped by another 3 or 4 points.
More than that, JPJ, listening to anything that comes out of Grayson’s pie hole causes a loss of a minimum of 15 IQ points.