Did your head explode?
Well, dicksmith says it did. He wrote a piece at VetsVoice about our little tiff with the VFW-PAC this week entitled “Wingnut Heads Explode When VFW Endorses War Criminal’s Opponent .”
Of course, LTC Allen West is supposed to be the war criminal because he extracted critical intel from an enemy detainee using proven methods of instilling fear, namely firing a weapon while the detainee’s head was covered and the detainee wasn’t wearing Depends. I probably don’t need to say this, but dicksmith is a gigantic pussy.
Anyway, this line is killer;
So, it’s a well known fact that the PAC operated by Veterans of Foreign Wars doesn’t actually care about Vets. They care about scoring points for their own ideology…
Dicksmith doesn’t even see the irony that someone from MoveOn.prg-supported VoteVets which is financed openly by the Soros Foundation says another organization slavishly follows it’s doctrine. Now, if the VFW-PAC was solely following it’s supposedly conservative doctrine, why was their list of approved candidates mostly Democrats, you dill hole?
The issue that the VFW membership had with the PAC has nothing to do with doctrine – it has to do with the PAC’s utter incompetence. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi support veterans like they support gun owners. There’s no way the PAC should be endorsing those boobs.
Dicksmith rambles on;
Now, I don’t know whether it’s driving them nuts because they love them some torture, or if it’s driving them nuts because the idea that VFW would endorse a Democrat is unacceptable, but heads or [sic] exploding over in the wingnutosphere as a result of VFW endorsing West’s opponent….
Where it says “wingnutosphere” there’s a link to Blackfive – you know, that den of evil Republican assassins that meet nightly with John Boehner for their marching orders. Of course, they could have put a link to TAH there, but that’s what drew my fire in the first place while Beeker was still there and linked to TAH every time he wrote “far right nuts” or words to that effect. Dicksmith didn’t want to make that mistake a second time.
Look, I’m not real comfortable with a Veterans organization endorsing non-Vets at all. If there is no Vet in the race or you don’t like the one in the race, just don’t endorse.
He knows what he’s talking about – in the largest field ever of veterans running for office this year, VoteVets is supporting 10. All Democrats.
In the last election, VoteVets gave us the sexual antics of Eric Masa – their support was given purely because he fit their profile – a vet and a Democrat.
Category: VFW PAC
The vaginitis is strong with this one.
If dicksmith had followed TAH and B5 a little more closely, he would have learned how the VFW-PAC works because I posted the info. What a dumbass!!
War Criminal? thats rich coming from “Pogue 6 Actual” if Dicksmith showed that balls in Iraq he might have gone somewhere. As is he just shows how willingly he fellates marxist propaganda and how low he is willing to sink to be one of Wes the Weasel Clarks minions. Richard Smith if you read this, Your parents should have opted for Oral the night you were concieved.
Bros, Code Pink Rap video on Blackwater with Medea Benjamin
Im off to dunk my retinas in bleach
Wow…I can smell the used Massengill products from here. That must have really been a bad case of “VV-itch”.