Time to lock the old coot up in a padded cell

| September 20, 2010

Since he couldn’t find any sane person who could say it with a straight face, Jimmy Carter said it himself;

Yup, two words I never expected to see in the same sentence; “Jimmy Carter” and “Success”. I guess he thought that someone ought to say it while President Obama is in office because, comparatively, Carter looks more like “success” than Obama.

The first thing Carter did in office was grant amnesty to draft dodgers – creating a class of morons who think they can do anything they want and get away with it.

Now, if you equate success with forming the Energy Department, you might be right. But if you consider that Carter established the DOE with the intent to wean us off of foreign energy, it looks nothing like success. He also intended that the DOE would streamline the process for building refineries and pipelines as we need them. Not one refinery has been completed in the thirty years since the establishment of the DOE.

If you equate success with Mideast peace, you haven’t read any reports from the Mideast lately. Carter tried to shore up the shah in Iran…how’d that work out for you denizens of the Great Satan. It made the world so unstable that Carter was able to walk down through the cheering throngs on Pennsylvania Avenue at his Inuaguration as all of his predecessors had done, but four years later, President Reagan had to ride in a bulletproof limousine.

He tried to rescue Somoza in Nigaragua leading to the wars in Central America for nearly a decade – and the worst poverty in America in Nicaragua…still.

Yeah, so this is in preparation for his new book transcribed by his voice-recorded notes while in office. Let me tell you; I wrote a paper in college about the Carter-Torrijos (when he gave away the Panama Canal – another of his “successes”) and i had to read Carter’s memoir “Keeping Faith”. It was the most arrogant piece of shit ever written. In the book, he admitted that 75% of Americans opposed giving away the Panama Canal, but he wrote that 75% of the people who “understood” the issue favored giving the Canal back to Panama. Remind of any other arrogant people who’ve been in the White House the last year or so? By the way, Carter ran for office in 1976 promising that he’d never give away the Canal.

Yeah, I can’t think of anyone outside of Carter’s cabinet that would attribute “success” to even one day of the carter Administration.

By the way, I voted for him in 1976. By 1980, I was a Republican.

Thanks to jerry920 for the link.

Category: Jimmy Carter

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You should live in Atlanta. Every time that idiot opens his mouth, we have to hear about it. I personally can think of no better application for duct tape.


I was in Ft. Riley when Carter was in office. We had no fuel for our trucks, no parts to repair them. When we rolled to the field 1/3 of them sat in the motor pool for lack of spare parts. The Armor practiced maneuvers in jeeps. We can add the Olympic boycott to his list of successes. I think he has a good chance of being selected as the 2nd worse president history soon though.


What’s worse is not that Jimmy claims he was a great president, or that he’s been a super-dooper ex-president since leaving office. What’s worse is that the reporter, Stahl, seems to agree. Are you surprised?

STAHL: A lot of critics of yours, when you were President, say that you’ve been a fantastic ex-President. You hear that all the time.

CARTER: I don’t mind that

Okay, which one of Carter’s critics has said that?! Seriously. Even his “critics” have told him that he’s a really groovy ex-president? Uh huh. I’d like to meet one of those critics.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/brent-baker/2010/09/19/cbs-begins-media-s-rehabilitation-fantastic-jimmy-carter-cursed-preside#ixzz1059bO4ag


Stahl: “Carter argues that despite the image of failure, he actually had a long list of successes, starting with bringing all the hostages home alive…”

They were released the day he left office!!!


He’s probably happy he’s still alive to see someone fuck up worse that he did. Go put on a sweater, Jimmuh.


[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by A Proud Veteran, Travel Panama. Travel Panama said: This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive …: Let me tell you; I wrote a paper in college abou… http://bit.ly/a1eNMO […]


Wow, ummm, who forgot to give Grandpa his Geritol and Alzheimer’s meds again?


100% booger eatin’ idiot.


Mostly, what I remember is this assclown telling us to turn down the thermostat and put on a sweater. Oh yeah, and 400 plus days of humiliation at the hands of what are now described as goat herders. Yeah, he was a success, all right.

The Sniper

I remember when I was in the second grade we had a mock vote and I voted for Carter. I am still ashamed of that vote to this day even though it didn’t count.

AW1 Tim

I, too can tell of stories of wants when he was President. My crew was bringing back an aircraft to Maine from the Lockheed plant at Burbank. We got a message en route to land at Hill AFB, Utah, and contact the duty office asap. We were informed then that the squadron was out of money to buy gas and could expend no ,ore flight hours. We ended up spending 5 days waiting for the new fiscal quarter to start so we could head back home.

In 1978, the funds for warshot expenditures was slashed massively. Every crew in every squadron was required to qualify in dropping live ordnance every year. The reduction in funding meant that only squadrons gearing up for deployment could qualify, and then, only 2 warshot torpedoes would be available. The remaining 10 crews would have to qualify in the simulator. Can you imagine having to draw lots out of a hat in order to see which crew got to train with live ordnance?

That was the Carter years, and worse. It’s exactly what will be happening if congress has it’s way with the Defense Budget.


In a feeble attempt to always look on the bright side of life, I’d like to point out that I think this is the interview where Carter blamed Ted Kennedy for sabotaging his attempt at health care reform. Whooda thunk that this sack of crap would be the first high profile politician to take an overt, unambiguous shot at the legacy of St. Teddy?


To be fair Carter did graduate from USNA and served his time in the Navy. As a Bubblehead!

And his work with Habitat for Humanity is good.

Even drawing down the military was not unusual. I’m not suggesting it was done right, only that other presidents have done similar.

Those items aside I fail to see how any honest measure could count his presidency a positive era for this country.

Others here have cited numerous negatives, but for me personally, most egregious single element has to be the Draft Dodger amnesty.

Jonn only touched upon the fallout that travesty has engendered, I think.


Except for high interest rates, long gas lines at the pump.

As I recall Carter gave away Iran to the Moslem fundamentalists, through his not understanding the situation. They in return were not grateful and sanctioned the take over of the US Embassy. Had he supported the Shah Iran, while no one knows for sure, might have become a modern state. Carter brought the Shah and his family to the US giving no support for our best friend in the Moslem world. And abandoned the population to a ruler who only valued human life for what its loss can contribute to their cause. In 1978 I had an Iranian major and his family at my house and he said the problem in Iran was between those who wanted to progress into the modern world and the fundamentalists who wanted to go back. If he knew that why did Carter not know it. The fundamentalists won thanks in no short measure to Jimmy Carter. And now instead of a friendly government in Iran we have an enemy dedicated to our destruction.

He did attempt a rescue of the hostages and would have been great had it succeeded. But that would not have changed the government of Iran.

Carter banned Coca Cola on all military bases saying it was too expensive for military personnel. Due to the popularity of Coca Cola he soon reversed that decision.

He did promote the cruise missile. A success, his re election decided that.

Old Tanker

Kinda reminds me of the Dos Equis Guy, the “Most Interesting Man in the World” except Carter is the most uninteresting man in the world.

Cue the flamenco music…..

He once had an awkward moment just to see…….wait, he’s had millions of awkward moments…

He once was a peanut farmer…need not add anything, that’s uninteresting enough by itself…

He once had an encounter with a killer rabbit…really…don’t you beleive him???

His “malaise” is expanding faster than the Universe…

Stay thirsty my friends…drink Bubba beer!

AW1 Tim

Billy Beer! And talking with his daughter in her treehouse.


Jonn, like you, I voted for Carter in 1976. Hell, I figured that an ex-Navy Nuke couldn’t be all that bad, now could it?? They’re SUPPOSED to be intelligent. (right, Sparky??) Arriving at my first command in 76, it was OK, at first. Sure, it was a run down old hangar, which is no more, but the morale was high. Come mid 1977, cannibalization became rampant and we had up to four “hangar queens” at any given time. It finally got to the point in 78-79 time frame where fully functional aircraft would be cannibalized just to get the hangar queens back up and flying. The Wing HATED SPINTAC (special interest aircraft, those that had been broken in excess of 180 days)I. too, recall the lean days where flight ops were cancelled due to a lack of OPTAR funds. The “good old days”. The one nice thing about them was that liberty was at an all time high!!

Old Tanker

s’cuze me Tim….Billy Beer!


My understanding is that a news crew cornered ADM Rickover and asked him what he thought of Candidate Carter. His response was “Who?”.

Carter milked his short time in the Navy for any credibility he could from it. He wasn’t a nuke. He was nuke waste. He was assigned to the PCU Seawolf as a nuke officer in training. He resigned his commission one month after the Seawolf keel was laid. Seawolf wasn’t commissioned for about 4 more years.


2549: Thanks for that. It doesn’t change that he served, but perspective matters.

As little more than pond scum I tend to give Bubbleheads a pass. [grin]


Carter was on two or three diesel boats, I think. The guy did his time bouncing around PACFLT before he got picked up in the program. The whole thing about Carter being a nuke rubs me wrong. And I like spreading Rickover stories as if they were gospel.

Cedo Alteram

What?! What success? Name one accomplishment.

The nation was at it’s lowest point during the Cold War during his administration. Never were ths Soviets stronger or their influence greater.

My father was commissioned in 78′, still talks about the “hollow” army with no funding, and stews about not being payed because Carter delayed signing the Defense bill.

A few years ago, some Carter sympathizer wrote an ode’ to ole’ Jimmy, titled something like the “unfinished Presidency”-thank god for that.

In the words of Homer Simpson, Billy beer can open in one hand, we elected the wrong Carter.


His administration was before my time, but let me be the first to say, any American who straight up says that Hezbollah is good people should be locked in a looney bin!


He always makes me think of one of his mother’s famous quotes:

“Sometimes when I look at all my children, I say to myself, “Lillian, you should have stayed a virgin.””

Miss Lillian Carter

Laughing Wolf

Susan and Jonn: my favorite line of hers was in response to the hostage crisis. Paraphrasing, her response was that Kohmeni (sp?) and those behind it needed to be killed, and our people taken back by force if not returned immediately. Jimmy was not happy with that, but then again as a Georgia boy, most everyone knew that his mama would have made a much better president than he did… Sorry to admit I ever supported him, but it started me thinking and I’m glad it did.

USMC Steve

Hi is just happy as shit that Nobama came along, or he would still be popularly considered the worst president in our history. He is stupid as a stump, reciting all the fuckups he made and then saying he was successful. Or if he is not nuts, maybe he did all that crap intentionally.

What a screaming babbling fuckwit. Jeebus.

USMC Steve

Ponsdorf, it was told to me that Carter got FIRED out of the Navy by Adm. Rickover after running afoul of him, most likely for doing something stupid. It was claimed that he got a hardship discharge to go run the peanut farm at the time. I have been unable to verify this, but given the ignorant shit he has regularly done, I find it credible.

Ten Megaton

Carter-A legend is his own mind.