NYT: Bold stonings

| August 18, 2010

The New York Times shows their biases again this morning with the following headline in regards to the Taliban’s sentencing to stoning of a young Afghan couple who committed the heinous crime of eloping;

Bold? Really? It’s not cowardly or barbaric? It’s bold?

The couple was lured back from their nuptials by family members and then seized by Taliban authorities. Reports are that the village enjoyed the day’s festivities;

“People were very happy seeing this,” Mr. Khan maintained, saying the crowd was festive and cheered during the stoning. The couple, he said, “did a bad thing.”

On the up side, Amnesty International took time out from condemning the United States to notice the Taliban for a minute;

Amnesty International condemned the latest stonings, calling them the first such executions since the fall of the Taliban in 2001.

Of course, the half-measures this administration has taken in the war against these criminals only encourage them. But calling them “bold” doesn’t help.

Category: Terror War

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I guess AI didn’t get the memo that the taliban has executed several people since 2001, including a young boy who was accused of being a “spy”. So, AI is just as guilty about giving the taliban goatfuckers a pass, as well.


Also, “summary justice.”

Justice? Really?


The relatives lured these kids back, knowing they would get stoned?
Maybe we need to start up some spay and neuter clinics over there. We don’t breed ANIMALS that kill their offspring; why should HUMANS that do be any different?
After all, they’re acting like animals…