National Airborne Day celebrated at Bragg

| August 15, 2010

Even though the actual anniversary of the first parachute jump by the Army’s test platoon seventy years ago is tomorrow, the celebration for National Airborne Day was held Saturday in Fayetteville, NC. Video from WRAL;

More video from Channel 14.

I don’t see any Presidential Proclamations which are usually issued before the event, and there’s nothing in tomorrow’s Federal Register.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues

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Bubblehead Ray

Come on Jonn… don’t blame the POTUS. It’s not like the Airborne ever DID anything for America…. oh wait a second… I guess there was that whole WWII thing, and Korea, and Vietnam, and….

Don’t be surprised that a douchbag acts all douchy.

Congratulations Airborne! Happy Birthday



Old Tanker

I don’t see any Presidential Proclamations which are usually issued before the event, and there’s nothing in tomorrow’s Federal Register.

Well color me surprised…..I think he was to busy proclaiming a mosque should be built at ground zero.

In any case, happy birthday to the Airborne!!!

Mike D

Somewhat apropos of which but technically O/T, I just saw something I wish I didnt have to see:

Richard Speight Jr, the actor who did an excellent job portraying 101st Band of Brothers trooper Warren “Skip” Muck appearing in a Pepsi commercial as a truck driver or something.

Groan. Can somebody please get this guy a job on an HBO series or at least a network crime drama?


Thank you for the “shout out” to our Airborne personnel!


Here it is:


Americans live in freedom because of the extraordinary bravery, sacrifice, and dedication to duty of the members of our Armed Forces. From the first official Army parachute jump 65 years ago, our country’s Airborne troops have played a crucial role in the defense of our Nation and our liberty. On National Airborne Day, we pay special tribute to these courageous soldiers who served with honor and integrity…

Oh wait! That’s from the last guy who held that office of the President.


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And then some…


I had the opportunity to see a demonstration jump by the 82nd Airborne at Ft. Bragg many years ago. Pretty incredible!!


31 years since i went through Basic parachute Training at FT Benning.


