Republicans block Homeless Vet Bill
Sometimes I just wonder about people. VetsVoice has a video up of Patty Murray doing her “for the children” line in regards to her bill, the Homeless Women Veterans and Homeless Veterans with Children Act (S.1237).
The title of the video is “Republican Senators Blocks Homeless Veterans Bill” and based on the title, dicksmith goes on a tear – obviously without watching the video.
I never thought that the Party of No would use homeless Veterans and their children as a political football. Apparently, no matter what we owe to Veterans and their families, nothing is sacred to these disgusting Senate Republicans
At about :40 into the video, put on YouTube by the DNC, by the way, Mitch McConnel explains why Republicans oppose the bill – they want it paid for up front instead of letting the Democrats make a promise they don’t intend to keep. Is there something wrong with that? Obviously, the Democrats were just making an empty gesture that they plan on reneging upon later if they object to funding it upfront.
After watching this administration try to make service-connected military members pay for their own health care and leaving thousands of veteran college students hanging out to dry with no benefit checks for an entire semester, I think I’d ask for money upfront for homeless funding, too.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks
I was going to do a piece on this myself. What it shows is that Dicksmith has no clue regarding the emergency vs regular funding methods, the requirements of PAYGO, or anything related to the Federal Budget. Not that that will surprise anyone.
Most people will just read the Head and move on… bad republicans.
I thought you were going to study and not do posts for the next month…
I do a fair amount of work with the homeless. In the years that I have worked with them. I think I have met 1 real homelss Vet. The other several thousand were phony as hell.
My favorite, a dingleberry that told me he was in Fallujah like me, only he was there in 1999. I said ” Oh you must have been part of the Pre-Pre-invasion.” He, told me that I was correct.
Yes, every young Marine learns quickly that there ain’t a homeless guy on the streets of San Diego with eyesight good enough to spot a high-and-tight haircut, who didn’t “serve in ‘Nam (or the Gulf, or OIF/OEF). How ’bout a dollar?”