1 man, six votes

| June 16, 2010

Toothlessdawg sends us this article about a judicial decision to correct a nonexitent problem;

Voters in Port Chester, 25 miles northeast of New York City, are electing village trustees for the first time since the federal government alleged in 2006 that the existing election system was unfair. The election ends Tuesday and results are expected late Tuesday.

Although the village of about 30,000 residents is nearly half Hispanic, no Latino had ever been elected to any of the six trustee seats, which until now were chosen in a conventional at-large election. Most voters were white, and white candidates always won.

Federal Judge Stephen Robinson said that violated the Voting Rights Act, and he approved a remedy suggested by village officials: a system called cumulative voting, in which residents get six votes each to apportion as they wish among the candidates. He rejected a government proposal to break the village into six districts, including one that took in heavily Hispanic areas.

Furano and his wife, Gloria Furano, voted Thursday.

“That was very strange,” Arthur Furano, 80, said after voting. “I’m not sure I liked it. All my life, I’ve heard, `one man, one vote.'”

First of all, why is it so distressing that an Hispanic person hasn’t been elected to the council? And if that’s the goal, instead of giving everyone six votes, why don’t they just appoint an Hispanic to the council and do away with all the camouflage to subvert voters rights to elect the most qualified candidate?

Category: Legal

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Affirmative action government. It doesn’t matter to have a representative government, anymore, because a judge has decided that there needs to be a quota on who is in a city council. We will keep changing the rules until we get the outcome we want. Isn’t that called tyranny?

Adirondack Patriot

The true ignorance is the irrational liberal belief that an ethnic group will always vote for a candidate of the same ethnic group.

Such a bigoted doctrine insults the integrity of the ethnic group and guarantees that their elected officials will be considered nothing more than quota pawns, regardless of how qualified they are.

Southern Class

Another illustration of the incorrectness of Political Correctness. Voting is becoming an embarrassing joke in the USA. Not much more valid than Hugo or Fidel election politics.
I note:
In the last century, the person who accomplished the most, (whether you agree with him or not), was Martin Luther King, Jr. He did this via “Non-violent Civil Disobedience”. Is not this the time for more of the same? Must we stoop, kneel, bow, and accept the status quo in government of today?

Old Tanker

I wonder what they would have done if the council had been all Hispanic….would they force re-votes until they got a white person?

That’s a rhetorical question, I already know the answer to that one…