Stop the Mosque protest at Ground Zero

| June 16, 2010

Stop the Mosque

Our buddy, El Marco has a post up with the pictures, videos and a report from Ground Zero of the protest there on June 6th at Looking at the Left.

Category: Protests/Rallies

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B Woodman

If TPTB don’t cancel the mosque, it sounds like it’s time to take direct action. Some bacon, sausages and other pork products thrown over the barrier wall on a continuing basis should slow down and discourage the construction. Slingshots would help the delivery. Making pig noises as you walk by would help get their attention.
And if that doesn’t work, maybe some B&E and “disassembly” would help get the point across that muzzies, their super-mosque and accompanying fanatacist doctrines aren’t welcome.

Junior AG

Property rights, the Bill of Rights, etc. are the law of the land. If you want to stop the mosque, you respect neither.

B Woodman

I’ll concede your point to my second suggestion.
But in the first, you’d be ADDING to the “value” of the property with your “gifts” ;-). Just because the muzzies don’t like and can’t appreciate the gesture, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t offer it. (snark/off)


The price we pay for living in a free country. There’s things we may not like, but it’s incumbant upon us to put up with some stuff in order to defend both the rule of law and ideals of personal and religious freedom.


Is this mosque going to be funded by any Saudi money?

If the answer is no, I am not sure I see a problem.

If the answer is yes, I see a very big problem.

B Woodman

Yes, it’s a “free” country. And as elected representatives, it is the responsibility of the leaders of the city (mayor & council) to listen to the voices of those what put ’em in office. If those leaders refuse to act on the voices of the people, then it is incumbent upon the people to act for themselves. Otherwise, we would NOT be the United States of America, we would still be an English colony.
And before ya’all get your knickers in a twist about “freedom to worship”, the people that are protesting the super-mosque are NOT denying the muzzies the right to worship. There are plenty enough other mosques throughout the city where muzzies can go to worship.
It’s not like the people of NYC are resurrecting the spirit of Gov Boggs and driving the Mormons out of Missouri on a “shoot to kill” order. Now THERE was denial of freedom to worship!
Given the muzzies penchant for insinuating themselves into a society, then taking over and instituting their own theocratic Sharia “laws”, then insisting that WE conform to THEIR customs (instead of the reverse), I would look very askance at ANY muzzies moving into my neighborhood. Yes, that sounds like, and even makes me a “racist”. But it’s not about race. It’s about Western thought and philosophy vs Islamic theocracy.


Property rights.
Bill of rights.
Yeh, right.
Go have that discussion with a nest of hornets in your attic — see where that gets you.


Actually it’s good to remember we are a Representative Republic, not a Democracy, it’s therefore also good to remember that no, our elected officials are NOT necessarily charged with listening to the voices of those that put them in office, that ‘voice’ was cast when the vote was given, after that it’s the elected official’s job to do what he said he would, in general terms, during his campaign. The people taking the law into their own hands and acting for themselves against the actions of legally elected representation is not the act of a traditional American, it is the act of, well, the very Islamists we all love to hate.
Comparing the building of a mosque, that offends the sensibilities of a good many of us, to the grievances that led to the American Revolution, is absurd. The argument is a ‘straw man’.
Peaceful protest, voting for more like minded leadership when the opportunity arises, petitioning ‘city hall’, etc., these are the actions of an American.
Is there a way to stop the building of the mosque? I don’t know, I don’t live there and am unfamiliar with your codes and ordinances. But I would suspect that if the land was legally purchased, and the building and use meets local code, there is little that can be done other than to keep a weather eye on the property to ensure nothing happens there unseen.
Someone, somewhere, along the way was incredibly short sighted.


“Hornets in the attic” is another example of a straw man argument. I understand the attempted metaphor, but there’s nothing related to the original argument as hornets are insects and not afforded the protections guaranteed by our Constitution.

In the words of Paul Harvey, “There can be no self representation without self dicipline.”



If there is Saudi money going into that mosque, everything changes completely.

amazing stuff here

The Catholic Church has engaged in destroying an unknown number of children’s lives. Would there be a protest against building a Catholic church at ground zero? Excuse me, it’s not actually at ground zero, it’s adjacent to and somewhat down the street from Ground Zero.



Only if there is a violation of law, and like I said, I am not up to speed on the regulations pertaining to the current project. If laws are being broke, then yes, they need to be enforced. If they are not, then there is little that can be done but to close the barn door after the livestock has left by becoming politically active and trying to make the necessary changes.



Saudi Arabia is a foreign entity and a national security threat.

From another standpoint, Saudi Arabia is a totalitarian police state that denies even the most basic religious rights. The totalitarian nature of the state also ensures that any mosque receiving Saudi money serves the interests of Saudi Arabia, which would mean serving the interests of a foreign power.

Lastly, Saudi money would ensure that such a mosque followed the ideological direction of the Saudi religious establishment. Given the fact that the Saudi religious establishment’s ideology was responsible for 9/11, it would be anything but acceptable for Saudi money to be allowed in the funding of this mosque.



All that is accepted to a degree, but you still haven’t answered the central question, is it legal under the current laws governing the situation?

Junior AG

“Property rights.
Bill of rights.
Yeh, right.
Go have that discussion with a nest of hornets in your attic — see where that gets you.”

Don’t be a Jacksonian patriotard, 2nd Amendment keeps any would be Moslem radicals in check… Of course NYC has a touch of the ‘tarded concerning that one.
I suffer no illusions about the shortcomings of certain elements of Islam, have been BOG in several Islamic countries.

Junior AG

“Is this mosque going to be funded by any Saudi money?”
Valid point… the bulk of the 9/11 hijackers came from
Sow-di (disrespectful mis-spelling intended)Arabia and that country still hasn’t been dealt with properly IMHO…


#15 Junior AG:
Okay, I have to ask…
WHAT is a “Jacksonian patriotard”?


#15 is referring to the Jacobites maybe? Or is it Andrew Jackson? Either reference is obtuse to say the least and a long stretch of tortured reasoning.


I would like to address the issue of Saudi money. If you read Robert Baer’s books (a former CIA operative) you will discover that the Saudi’s have, sadly, funded many projects in the U.S.: veterans memorials, veterans hospitals, and their money was a part of the national budget since the 50s. Thank you very much Roosevelt (or was it Truman?). Since the Royal Family is going broke, our national economy is going broke as well. No more funding. So I don’t think it’s a matter of if the Saudi’s are funding the mosque, but are terrorist influences helping to fund the mosque? As has been reported by the so called “liberal” media, we have all been told that funds have been funneled from extremist organizations through proper channels to fund charities and other seemingly innocuous businesses of their choosing. It would not surprise me if a lot of digging were to ensue as to the funding of this project that it too would lead back to extremist organizations. As to the legality of whether the mosque should exist on or near Ground Zero, I personally am behind the people of NYC on this one. It’s their City. They’re the ones who were directly affected by what happened that day. I was the first person in our town in Oregon to put an American flag out for the people who were destroyed (yes destroyed) that day to honor them. To me putting a mosque on that site is like erecting a monument to Timothy McVeigh across from the federal building in Oklahoma City. I think we Americans have taken enough F.U’s the past 10 years. We’ve all been asleep. We’re awake now and it’s time we all stood up, take our country back and set it back on its feet by working together instead of against each other. That’s all I have to say.


Mosquito-Mosque coincidence?


Are there going to to be houses of worship of other faiths there?
ie church temple etc
Having a mosque on the burial mound of American citizens slaughtered by Islamic fanatics seems insensitive in the least.We are so worried about offending muslims and being sensitive to them, why the hell do they matter more than the families of those murdered?!?!? I would no sooner want a mosque on ground zero than I would want a Neo Nazi museum in Aushwitz, or any other radical group given validation or accomodation.

This was a horrid needless act of violence against innocent people. This was not war on some battlefield.