Open Borders Porn
Robert Rodriguez usually directs over-the-top action and horror films which usually turn out pretty good (Sin City) or sometimes extremely cheesy (Grindhouse). However his new film Machete, which appears to similar to Grindhouse in style, can be classified as nothing more than violent open borders pornography.
Here is a brief summary from a Fox News article:
In the trailer for the film, the title character is hired to assassinate an anti-immigration U.S. senator played by Robert De Niro. Protesters are seen waving nationalist signs as the senator speaks to a charged-up rally: “We are at war,” he booms. “Every time an illegal dances across our border, it is an act of aggression against this sovereign state — an overt act of terrorism.”
More below the fold…
Here is a trailer from 2008 (NSFW):
A new trailer was released just a couple of days ago, but it was removed from YouTube. The movie has been in the works for awhile now and it looks like it will probably get released later this year. The fact that Rodriguez can actually get funding for a film like this and in addition get some of the biggest names in Hollywood to star in it is a testament to the perverted mentality that permeates Hollywood. This quote about sums it up how twisted Hollywood is:
“‘Machete’ is a Robert Rodriguez movie through and through, wild and wonderful, exactly the kind of exciting and irreverent genre movie that his fans dream about,” Ashok Amritraj, CEO of Hyde Park Entertainment, said in an interview with Variety Magazine.
So a film that glorifies the assassination of government officials who don’t agree with the open borders line is “wild and wonderful” and “exciting”. Question Mr. Enlightened Hollywood Producer Man: would a film that glories the assassination of government officials who believe in mandating Americans to buy healthcare or politicians who advocate banning the private ownership of firearms be “wild and wonderful”? How bout “exciting”? Maybe I am jumping the gun, but I don’t think his answer would be an enthusiastic “yes”.
Category: Illegal Immigrants, Media
America has no self-confidence anymore. Our cultural elites literally despise their fellow Americans.
This film has been in the works for years. I think you are taking things a little too seriously. That trailer was the concept only trailer and the actual film will be a bit different.
Relax, this movie is not going to be some deep morality tale on immigration. It’s going to be a movie where people get messed up, things go boom, and hopefully a good amount of nudity.
Yeah this will be will helpful with our relationship among the poor oppressed Illegal Immigrant community…All I can say is MOVIES are fun to watch but seldom does the ending work that way in real life…
Quentin Tarantino meets La Raza…You couldn’t pay me to see this movie.
If anyone is interested, here’s my report on the May Day rally in Los Angeles last weekend:
“The Good, The Bad And The Ugly… May Day Immigration March – Los Angeles, Ca”
Casey may have a point, but I still have to wonder. Rodriguez usually has Gringos playing the parts of the villains. So I don’t forsee much of a change for this movie. So it will probably be another movie that I will not pay to see. I pretty much have given up on him after Grindhouse,which pretty much SUCKED.
¿Que pasa, güero? ¡We cultural elites don’t hate all of you out there in the flyover, just the white ones! ¡That’s why the big Hollywood Jews give us all the money to make these anti-white snuff films like “Inglorious Basterds”! ¡My film is just the first shot in the war for Aztlán, cracker! ¡Arriba!
When you don’t have a valid argument….call the others Nazi’s. Now they compare themselves to Jews in Europe in WWII. I just wish everyone with that thought could jump into Mr. Peabody’s Way Back Machine and become a Jew in Europe at one of the Death Camps for just an hour. They would never use that reference again. To me, it just makes the argument for following the laws of this country more valid. Viewing the pics of 1 May makes me glad I will not be alive to see “the future of this country”.
I agree with Casey and Dirty Al. The timing of this movie is kinda bad, but because it is based on a fake trailer I am not taking too seriously. I don’t think that this movie is going to be a wide release, because no matter how cool Danny Trejo is I don’t think he is able to be the lead in a movie.
In ways I do agree with the double standard that this movie represents in our society. If you simply look at the numbers of movies where conservatives or businessmen are villians you can see this.
I’m still looking forward to Thanksgiving and Werewolf Women of the SS. Thanksgiving is being made, but I haven’t heard anything about Werewolf Women of the SS.