That’s kinda the point
This heartbreaking headline from the dense people at the Associated Press;
“Nobody wants to pick us up,” Julio Loyola Diaz says in Spanish as he and dozens of other men wait under the shade of palo verde trees and lean against a low brick wall outside the east Phoenix home improvement store.
Many day laborers like Diaz say they will leave Arizona because of the law….
I guess they don’t feel welcomed here anymore. Maybe they should try coming here legally and pay taxes like Americans.
Category: Illegal Immigrants
What kills me is the statement at the end about sending money home to thru families.
Really? Seriously? They don’t pay taxes to live here like everyone else, yet they’re somehow entitled to pursue a better life and send money that could strengthen our economy back “home”?
I hope they all move to San Francisco. I wonder how their Catholic beliefs will handle the sights and sounds of the gay community in Nancy’s playground.
That’s a big point. Money sent back in from abroad is the 2nd largest source of income for Mexico, behind oil. There is no incentive for Mexico to cut down on border illegal crossings.
And this is a bad thing because…….?
Honestly, I can see NO downside to this.
Here’s the thing, they’re just going to disperse, not go home. It’s harvest season in South Georgia from now until the end of May, so they’ll be down there picking Vidalia onions and then they’ll be moving up the eastern seaboard to South and North Carolina for peaches, corn, melons and peas. They broke the law to come here to begin with, does anyone honestly believe it ends with this crap in Arizona?
A good question is why would Obama be doing amnesty now (er, comprehensive immigration reform)?
Sad thing is, Obama is purposefully trying to inflame racial and ethnic tensions in America, because he think it’s good for Obama and the socialist left. He wants protests and riots. He wants images of young Mexican dudes fighting with older white dudes.
Obama and the Left want to solidify the growing hispanic vote by convincing them the right are all white racists. This strategy has worked well to reliably get 90% of the black vote. But blacks are only 13% of the population. Hispanics have already passed blacks and are quickly headed for 25%+ of the population.
If you can lock in those two groups you start with 40% of the vote (I’m talking a future 2025+ scenario, not today). Then you can win a small minority of the whites (young people, socialists, gays, etc) and have permanent political control.
The left is pretty explicit with their political plans to win based on demographics. But that strategy requires anger and hate, it is based on ethnic tension.
Sad thing is, it has a very good shot at working.
Claymore–if a few employers did the perp walk and had some up close “snuggle time” with Bubba, it might. But until then? Fugheddaboutit.
And every legal citizen in Arizona shouted thank God and greyhoud their gone or going.
And, uh, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
That part that bothers me is not the law, but the perception of what the law is by those who should know better. We’ve got legal-born 3rd generation American hispanics complaining that they’ll be deported if they take a walk without their ID.
I’m pretty sure they have the internet and a passing ability to use google. I mean, they can find youtube but not read the 17 pages it would take to realize that they’re being lied to?
The issue is that the law says that a reasonable suspicion can start deprotation procedures. WHat does that mean? How does one prove they are legal without those papers?
Also, when a person is taken into custody now is immigration status not checked? I know it is in other states. This law seems extreme.
Well, gee–if they HAD papers, they wouldn’t be illegal, now would they? And there are plenty of places where you can’t even ask immigration status, HM–look up Special Order 40, for example.
I was referrring to Kresh’s example of the 3rd generation US born hispanic. You cannot prove a negative. If they don’t have papers because they are citizens yetr are asked for papers it starts and ugly process.
Funny, but when I got my drivers’ license last month, I had to prove that I belong here in the US. When I had just an ID card in DC and Maryland, I had to prove that I belong in the US. Is it really that hard to carry a drivers’ license or an ID card?
My wife is a legal immigrant and had to prove that she belongs here when she got her drivers’ license changed from Maryland to WV last month. It’s not like you have to carry around a ream of paperwork, for Pete’s sake.
Again, incorrect. Case in point: If someone is stopped for a traffic violation (DUI, speeding, what have you) and are asked for the standard papers (license, registration, proof of insurance), any answer in the negative will get the “are they or aren’t they” ball rolling. If that person can produce said documentation, which ALL persons are required to provide to law enforcement upon request, then they’re sent on their merry ways. I’ve seen cases where the courts in CA go positively apeshit over license/registration checkpoints, yet have absolutely no issue with DUI checkpoints. Hmmmmm…double standard here, perhaps?
HM–and as far as Kresh’s example, just “being stopped on the street”? Ain’t gonna happen. We’ve still got this little thing called the Fourth Amendment. If a person gives a false ID or name to an officer, well, that’s a crime right there. If they’re a 3rd generation Hispanic, stands to reason they’ve got “papers” in so far as it’s pretty fucking easy to verify they were in fact born here, provided they tell police the truth, eh?
Didn’t get picked-up at Home Depot? You mean houses in Arizona won’t be built, plumbed, glazed and wired by unskilled day labor? The horror!
ROS–I’ll give you one better. Thanks to our buddies at ACORN, a lot of the illegals will have 3 or 4 tax ID or SS numbers (usually stolen), and they’ll quit one job and move on to the next one, so that come tax time, every ID they have shows a low enough income to qualify for an EIC credit–meaning that instead of just ONE “refund” check, they get several.
Isn’t America wonderful?