Agosto retracts flag-burning statement

| March 29, 2010

IVAW's Matthis Chiroux, Robyn Murray and MFSO's Elaine Brower burn the US flag "This is not my country!"

IVAW's Matthis Chiroux, Robyn Murray and MFSO's Elaine Brower burn the US flag "This is not my country!"

The other day, I wrote about Victor Agosto’s statement supporting Matthis Chiroux’s flag burning drama at the ANSWER protest in DC last weekend. That statement has disappeared from the IVAW websit and today, he half-heartedly rethinks his support;

The flag represents a primary instrument of class oppression, but I’m prepared to concede that burning it may not be in the best interests of building a broad-based movement. I condemn all threats against the flag burners, and I support their right to express their anger at a government that has failed them. I will not publicly burn a flag.

Class oppression, huh? Which class is being oppressed? The idiot class? Apparently, there are dissenting voices at work inside IVAW. Another opinion piece by Valerie Fletcher chastises IVAW leadership for their wishy-washy stance on the issue;

Executive Director Jose Vasquez’s remark that “This action was viewed by some as putting our ability to reach service members and veterans in grave jeopardy…” is a huge understatement. If IVAW accepts this behavior or condones it, the organizations tent will have become so small I believe it will be in danger of creating its own state of irrelevance.

Obviously, the International Socialist Movement-affiliated IVAW members vastly underestimated the reaction from the more moderate membership who have no political agenda beyond ending the war.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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If the tent gets any smaller, it’ll be a sleeping bag.

Old Tanker

If IVAW accepts this behavior or condones it, the organizations tent will have become so small I believe it will be in danger of creating its own state of irrelevance.

You’re assuming IVAW was ever relevant….


Wait, isn’t the war in Iraq ending? We won and are going home. Why are these douchebags still around?

Old Trooper

Hey, I have a question for all those associated with Vets Service Orgs out there: When was the last time that you said anything in your pre-amble, that is recited before every meeting, about class oppression, advocating that active duty troops were to willfully disobey standing orders to deploy, or even murder their leaders, along with burning flags as a sign of protest, or support any group that does?

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

These douchenozzles aren’t even in the running for consideration as a Brownie Troop, much less a Vets org. They are a bunch of spoiled brats that play at being something they never were and never will be. They have no interest in helping Vets, much less doing anything that resembles doing anything for the communities in which they infest.

Brandon Neely

Board members of ivaw have been calling members in Texas to ask them to come to UTH in a couple weeks to burn flags and make a video to post on why they are burning the flags. When I get an exact date of when they will be there I will pass it on to everyone else


Brandon, can you let us know which Board members?

Army Sergeant

Brandon: who?

Casey J Porter

Everything is under control. This proves that Jose is in charge of nothing and has no balls whatsoever. Victor is a chump too, stand your ground. Looks like he folded pretty quick. He’s such a radical revolutionary!

Junior AG

“The flag represents a primary instrument of class oppression”

Yeah, that flag, ‘specially when there were only 13 Colonies oppressed the HELL out of the inbred English Royal Class. Men with balls, who would have been executed had the Revolution failed, like my Great-Great-Great Grandaddy Josiah who served with Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox opressed King George out of his mind under that flag. Lick my balzack IVAW.


Junior, I didn’t realize the 13 colonies had a flag with 50 stars. Thanks!

Frankly Opinionated

While the cowards, (spell that IVAW), are out burning flags, describing this as a country that oppresses “the classes”, and being dipshits in general; troops from the 6th RANGER Training Bn, were in downtown Crestview walking around with a 90 pound Burmese Python on their shoulders. The oppressors even made one of their daughters, (about 12 years old), walk with them with snakes on her wrists and hands. How oppressing of them, eh? And while they did that oppressive deed, our Swamp Ranger booth coerced the innocent of the oppressed out of hundreds of their dollars so that we can support this oppression in the coming year. This same 12 year old keeps things, just like Adam Coke-ish keeps his piss in the fridge, but she keeps snakes in her bedroom. What an oppresive bunch of killers we have here at the Swamp School!
Nuf Sed

Junior AG

“Junior, I didn’t realize the 13 colonies had a flag with 50 stars. Thanks!”

Yes fuckwit, the number of Stars grew from 13 to 50 as more states joined the Union. When a turdsmoker like this wants to slander the Stars and Stripes using marxist language I will respond vigorously. Now go suck start a pistol, looser.

Casey J Porter

Anonymous is probably Victor posting again.


Junior, *you* claimed your kin served under the flag Matthis burned, not me.

Of course I know what you meant, but it’s just kind of funny. I think the choice of the 50 star flag over the 13 star had some purpose to it, that you seem to gloss over. I am sure you don’t think the country then and the country now are the same. Your point would make sense if he burned the 13 star.

Are you suggesting I am loose or a loser? Maybe you meant both? Or I should suck start a pistol loosely? Wouldn’t that defeat the point?