Historic? Why? (Updated)

| June 4, 2008


Martin Luther King, Jr., in his “I Have a Dream” speech said he looked forward to the day when his children would be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. As I troll the regular newspapers and wire services, I see that we’ve failed in that regard. Nearly every headline screams that we’ve got the first Black candidate running for the office of President. That appears to be his only qualification for the office, and hardly reason enough to vote for him.

The content of his character hardly makes him a viable candidate. He associates with racists, he’s wrapped up in crooked real estate deals, he flaunts his friendship with unrepentant domestic terrorist bombers. His proposed policies are regurgitated failed populist policies long since discredited. His negligible foreign policy experience has made him dependent on pseudo-intellectuals and a failed president of a failed presidency.

Even members of his own party have called him an empty suit – hardly supportive of the content of his character. The only reason the Democrats even vote for him is because they think that no one would dare criticize him for fear of offending 12% of the US population. If a white man of Obama’s qualifications and experience were running for president, he’d have been left in the dust long ago during the primary race. It’s almost as if we’ve instituted an affirmative action program in our political process.

I keep hearing about how Democrats are going to reunite America, but their candidate promises only divisiveness, not because of the color of his skin, but because he’s shown that he’s more than willing to hide behind the color of his skin for the entire campaign and probably into his presidency.

So how is Obama’s candidacy historic, other than the fact that his melanin levels are higher than the other Presidents who all looked alike according to my local news program last night. I doubt Abraham Lincoln would concede that he looks like William Howard Taft. I can imagine the email I’d get if I said all of the Japanese emperors looked alike.

It’s historic if you only see race – but being President means being everyone’s President. I don’t think Obama has given us reasons to think he can be everybody’s president.

When he said last night “This is our time” he was only talking to half of the Democrat party, and none of the Republican Party. So whose time is it? Did anyone think he was talking to them?

UPDATED: D. of The Dillard Doctrine answers my “Why?”

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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That’s the trouble, John. He’s not capable of being CIC, be he black or white. Why his supporters don’t get it escapes me! One thing is perfectly clear to me: Obama has issues about his whiteness and worried about ingratiating himself to whites”(Dreams of My Father). I’d say divisive is just the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps I could run as the first Polish female?


From his speech on Tuesday night.

“So it was for the Greatest Generation that conquered fear itself, and liberated a continent from tyranny, and made this country home to untold opportunity and prosperity.”

Liberated a CONTINENT????? Try most of the world, both hemispheres, north and south !!!! He knows NOTHING of history!!!!


young, black and a man who could have written his own ticket to the fast easy life from harvard.

A JD in constitutional law. cant get more KNOWLEDGE about WHATS PATRIOTIC AND WHAT’S AMERICA THAN THAT

he chose the long road to make America the best it can be
for all of us.




If I wanted to live in a socialist country I’d just move to one. So, guess I’ll have to pass on yer ignorant invitation

Jonn wrote: Thanks for saying what I was thinking, Gramps, but I’m sure you’ve inspired him to hit the Caps Lock key again.


I think that unity talk is just a more elegant way of saying Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Frankly Opinionated

DC- The ONLY things,(to use your caps lock communication), that the Obamessiah has going for him is that he is sorta black and that he has an ignorant following. He says himself that he will castrate the military, and gut our defenses. He offers socialist programs that you and yours must be needing. Only the dependent will want his ilk in the White House. And- Any person who must hyphenate himself is not much of a person. Black American? Get yourself a box of 8 Crayola Crayons and show me which one most closely match his skin color. It ain’t black, is it?
nuf sed

Richard Wheeler

F.O. In the Dem.primary those voters with at least a college degree voted for Obama 68%.Those with a high school diploma or less voted for Clinton 64%.My guess is Obama will out poll McCain among college grads.After all he’s an elitist isn’t he?Eight years of “W” has given ignorance a bad name.


“F.O. In the Dem.primary those voters with at least a college degree voted for Obama”

That says a lot for our colleges and the professors who inhabit them, and none of it is worth a damn.


The fact that he got 90% of the black vote says a hell of a bunch more then the college grads does. Racist voters, & liberal white guilt. What a platform to run on.


Oooops, platform should have been constituency

Richard Wheeler

Gramps says he’s black.F.O. says he ain’t.Which is it and what difference should it make?Fact is he’s smart and the coolest cat under pressure I’ve seen in 40 years of voting.McCain best be careful in the debates.


I wouldn’t count McCain out if the debates are allowed to be DEBATES as opposed to content being rigidly pre-approved. The Obamessiah’s polished and smooth as long as it’s all on the teleprompter but he ‘hm’s and ‘uh’s like a Kennedy if there is no script.

But at least with the Kennedys it is somewhat of a verbal ‘tic’, Obama just gets lost.


“Gramps says he’s black.”

No, that’s what BHO chose to be. IMO he’s Arab American.

Richard Wheeler

Three words. Kennedy-Nixon debates.Cool and calm vs sweaty and confused.

Richard Wheeler

Gramps Beautiful!


You may have already read this, if not it’s based on U S law. Actually a pretty good read.


Richard Wheeler

Gramps I’ve read it but forgot what that makes Cheney?


“Gramps I’ve read it but forgot what that makes Cheney?”

Other then very wealthy ya mean?

Richard Wheeler

That’s right he’s rich cousin Dick.


[…] his blog, Jonn-a friend of mine-asked why last night was historic. I’ll attempt to […]