Fishy investigation at Ft. Jackson

| March 1, 2010

Rurik sent me this article, by way of Rick Moran at American Thinker blog about the funny crap happening in that food poisoning plot at Fort Jackson last year. First of all, why are we hearing about it from Congressman Joe Wilson and not from the media? And why have four of the five Muslims being investigated in the plot, been discharged while CID is still holding their computers and investigating the fifth?

Republican Rep. Joe Wilson, who sits on the House Armed Services Committee, said the soldiers’ laptops had been seized and were being analyzed. Congressional officials with knowledge of the case said cell phones and Arabic writings had been confiscated as well.

Wilson said the soldiers were discharged because of unrelated incidents of minor theft.

In his first public comments on the case, Wilson said FBI forensics experts were working with the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division in the probe.

“The initial investigation confirmed that (the five soldiers) had not made any effort to poison food and that allegations about their disloyalty were inaccurate,” Wilson told McClatchy Newspapers. “There was further investigation. I have not received any word of it being over. I think they would tell me.”

Well, then why have they been discharged if there’s a “further investigation”? I can understand the administrative discharge since it the fastest and easiest way to get them out of the Army – but why when the investigation hasn’t concluded? After what I saw in the aftermath of the Nidal Hasan murders, when the Army starts acting funny, they’re up to no good.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues

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They’re protecting their diversity.


Just guessing – I would say maybe because if sufficient evidence is found it is going to be the FBI’s case anyway, in which case the Army does not need to keep them in for prosecution to go forward.

Junior AG

Quit worrying, the investigation has a Togo West seal of approval on it…

Frankly Opinionated

Sounds like more “Political CaCaMammie”…………

Nuf Sed

Dang Straights

Maybe the 5th turned on the other 4, or some type of vice-versa. Not that I have any faith in Togo or any other politician, it just sounds like one of them turned into a rat.


Yeah, they didn’t conspire to do anything with the food supply, but they did conspire, or just go out and commit, “minor theft”? Which they wrote about in Arabic, and recorded on their laptops? And the Army was just looking for hot dates on their cell phones? Right, that’s totally believable


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