dicksmith: Santorum is a meany

| February 23, 2010

At VoteVets this morning, our favorite blogger at VetsVoice, dicksmith, says Rick Santorum is a big meany for things he said at CPAC about the military leadership in regards to Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell;

Some people say: whatever the generals say. I’m not too sure that we haven’t so indoctrinated the officer corps in this country that they can actually see straight to make the right decision.”

Wow. That’s a fairly radical statement, far more bizarre than anything you’d ever hear from VoteVets, where we, you know, have respect for our military leaders.

Yeah, VoteVets would never accuse the military of choosing the politically expedient option. Well, except this one time when Jon Soltz accused General Petreaus of doing exactly that;

General Petraeus was given an order – find a military solution for Iraq where there is none, and without concern for troop overextension or the larger war on terror. General Petraeus followed his orders, giving the president what he wanted to hear, and now the president will hide behind that to justify his failure as a commander in chief.

So when Soltz says that Petreaus has been brainwashed, that’s OK. What about when VoteVets’ parent organization ran this ad;


I don’t remember a hue and cry from Vote Vets. I guess only some issues get their dander up.

dicksmith also disinters that fossilized term “chickenhawk” in refering to Santorum’s opinion on DADT. I wonder if, in this case, whether dicksmith is saying that Santorum has never served in the mlitary, or he has never serviced another man because clearly, this particular debate is not about the war, and the chicken thing doesn’t apply.

I don’t know, it all so confusing.

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Chickenhawk? That’s rich. It’s almost as if he’s saying that people who haven’t served shouldn’t have a say in whether DADT stays or goes.

Well, I’ve expressed my feelings on that subject already. I’m against repealing the policy. I’m a veteran, but I can’t speak for all veterans. I can only speak for myself.

Nonetheless, I find public opinion polls on the subject to be rather worthless. The vast majority of the public has never served, and even larger majority will never serve in some future of Army in which will have to decide how to deal with this issue.

In the words of those gung-ho homosexual activists who refused to allow me to vote on the issue of same-sex “marriage”–“This doesn’t affect you!”


Oh yeah, and for this guy to say that he respects our military leaders is just beyond words.

Military leaders, like all leaders, are created unequal. Some are wise and competent, some are not.

That being said, I don’t think I ever heard a single positive word about top military brass from the Left from 2003 until just recently when leaders such as Petraeus and Mullins decided that DADT has to go. Suddenly–after years of being bumbling idiots, war criminals, and Bush-Cheny poodles–America’s top generals know what they’re talking about!


Leftist dogma dictates that unless you’re a participant in something, you have no right to discuss anything pertaining to that particular issue…unless it’s them, then their participation isn’t germane, only their passionate defense of whatever agenda they’re supporting matters…because they care. No really…


I’ve got a few more pieces on Dicksmith, like his attack on Senator Barrasso that need writing, but this searching for Sgt Owen’s family is taking a ton of time.

i will have an update on that later BTW.