Hasan investigation reveals that pogues act like pogues

| January 15, 2010

A two month investigation into the shooting of scores of soldiers at Fort Hood by a REMF-ass doctor who was being sent to the war has been completed and arrived at the same conclusions that have been known to every buck sergeant since the beginning of time – pogues skip PT and no one does anything about it. From the Stars & Stripes and the Chicago Tribune;

Investigators found that the [Army Medical Corps] places too little emphasis on being a good military officer. Hasan was promoted because he was an adequate doctor. But he was a poor officer and should have been forced to take corrective action. The review determined Hasan was overweight, avoided physical training, was frequently late and did not meet standards for appearance.

So, the Army is going to reprimand some other pogue officers for allowing pogues to act like pogues. Does it guarantee that pogues won’t skip PT and get porky? Nope. It just covers the Army’s collective ass for this investigation.

But Hasan was a difficult person to work with and at other times pushed back forcefully against counseling. At one point, the review found, a supervisor insisted he get help by seeing a Muslim psychiatrist.

Hasan refused, saying his religious views were none of the Army’s business. The supervisor backed down, a decision the review found was a mistake.

So, Hasan was able to throw the “Islamic” card and everyone let him slide.

Despite the failings, the review did not conclude it was a mistake to send Hasan to Fort Hood and found no clues that he would become violent.

Despite the fact that Hasan was a marginal performer, they promoted him and sent him to work with real combat soldiers – not a mistake at all. The troops don’t necessarily deserve good services. It’s more about the Medical Corps and their career development.

After all, the real reason Hasan went off was because of gun laws;

The report also looked at weapons policies. Hasan had two weapons, one given to him by his brother in Virginia and one bought in Texas, when he arrived in Fort Hood.

Because he resided off base, there was no requirement to disclose he owned those weapons.

The review does not recommend a specific weapons policy, but does say there should be a unified department policy, rather than one that varies by service or installation.

When the Army is doing it’s best to look beyond the real reasons for this incident, it’s always best to blame the guns.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Military issues

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Well, you could blame an SUV,instead. I mean, that’s what California does when people are run over by one.


Well, atleast CID didn’t go off completely fucking half cocked and go after outside parties that had jack shit to do with this issue, eh?


Having served as an Armorer on Ft. Hood, i have a questions.
Did the report mention anything at all about the fact that FT. Hood is a “gun free” zone. A simple review of post policies would show the dog and pony show you have to go through to bring a weapon on base.
I love the fact that they are practically (veiled) complaining that soldiers, who are expected to be responsible enough to be in close proximity, possession, and use weapons on a daily basis, should not be allowed to own weapons privately!
It is like telling a cop that he is not an officer of the law when he is not at work and therefore should not be allowed to carry a weapon or a badge in his pocket.
If gun laws worked (in general) Hasan would not have been able to kill the soldiers, because he would have had to register his pistols at the MP station, drive directly to the range or arms room (which ever his destination) and then if he had gone to the range, directly off post.
This incident is further evidence that the only people who follow the rules are the people that don’t break them (OWW, the logic.. it HURTS)

Old Tanker

Sounds like a REMF officer to me…..screw up, move up…

When I was at Ft. Hood the CO told us troops that lived on post that if we had weapons for hunting or otherwise, store them off post. He wasn’t coming in on the weekend to sign them out if we wanted to go hunting. I had mine at a married buddies house…..come to think of it, I sure miss dove hunting in Texas, we’re not allowed to hunt doves in Michigan…..

Cdat (Retired)

Same old story. Got a screwup you don’t want to deal with? Promote him and pawn him off on another unit. When I was stationed at Hood, the gun laws and reg’s were a lot better then any where else I had served. Hell, I spent more time shooting my handgun there then all other duty stations combined.


Where about in the big Mitten?


Old Tanker, that’s ok about the doves, the gov is going to let us shoot paroled, violent felons instead. Can’t shoot doves, because they’re “cute”.
But the governor decides to let scores of felons out of prison early, because it’ll save some $$$.

Old Tanker


Southern Michigan, Jackson…just south of Lansing.

I did at least get out during the trial hunt. My wife’s family has a farm in Hillsddale county which was one of the trial counties. Then they curtailed the remaining 2 seasons. Where I live, there was a large prison. As soon as the felons get out they get as far away from here as possible, tough hunting when the felon hurd around here is low!! Can’t waqit for Jenny to be gone. I hope she heads back to Hollywood…..


Are you guys saying that The Grandmole isn’t a good governer? Wasn’t she a part of the O’s economic advice team. I get to hear about every shitty idea she has when my wife talks to my Mother in Law. My in laws are just north east of Flint.

Old Tanker


Where Micheal Moore is? Next time you’re there say hey to him for me would ya? Didn’t Obama forward the idea that we should just bulldoze the abandoned part of Flint?

Cdat (Retired)

We are bulldozing the abandoned part of Flint. Gotta’ keep workin’ somehow! Now quit harassing us Flintstones! Flint might suck hind teat but we disowned union poster boy Mikey Moore a long time ago. He lives elsewhere.


Cdat: As I recall, it has been said that blimpo Moore has a posh apartment in NYC, Manhatten I think.


But he keeps his address in Michigan, because it has lower taxes. Another ironic thing about him is that he hasn’t ever hired union workers during any of his projects. Another liberal do as I say not as I do…

Old Tanker

Cdat….ouch, hit a nerve eh? Lucky you got rid of Moore, of course, he only likes to say he lives in Flint just to seem like an everyday guy…….how screwed up is that, to actually want to be from Flint…

Actually, wasn’t he from more of the Grand Blanc area?


My family is from/lives in Jackson. Mostly by the country club on the south west side by Portage.

Old Tanker

Iron Knight
No kidding? Which CC? I grew up across the street from the C.C. of Jackson and spent a fair number of years caddying there and I currently live down the road from Arbor Hills CC. Both of which could be considered “southwest” CCofJ is more south, Arbor hills is more west. I’m not familiar with Portage, is that a street? There is a Portage lake but it’s in the Northeast corner of the county and I don’t believe there is a golf course near it.

USMC Chris

Hey all.

IF, and this is a giant IF!

IF this is true, that the simple reason that this shitbag terrorist continued to get promoted was because of a lack of discipline of the officer corps and the pogueness of pogues….

I dare say, I don’t think that would ever happen in the Marine Corps.

I don’t say this as a service rivalry and am completely serious. Its my experience within the Marine Corps, and interacting with soldiers in general, the army’s version of discipline, minus combat arms MOSs, leaves a WHOLE LOT to be desired. i’m not a “sir” or anything, and i’ve run into quite a few turd bird officers on our side of the house, but i really can’t imagine a scenario like this occurring in the Corps. plus i’ve led a dual life of non-pogue and pogue, so i’ve seen my fair share of disgusturds. but i simply can’t imagine the amount of leeway that this guy got happening in the Marine Corps.

again, not so much a “look at how bad ass Marines are”, just a “what the fuck is wrong with you army guys?” post.


Jason, LMAO at the Grandmole hit. Yeah, she was on 0’s economic team, looks how well that’s worked out for the country. Now, we have Obama picking our next governor, he’s settled on Denise Illitch.
Love what her family did for the Tigers and Red Wings, hate the thought of her running this state, seeing how the last democrat did such a great job for us.
Fat Mikey claims Flint as his hometown, but if he comes around at all, he just goes up to Traverse City for his very own film festival. Isn’t that just special?


USMC Chris, ahh, you would have a heart attack if you spent too much time around the Army REMF’s
Chair Force isn’t too good either.
I had to ask for a translation when an e-3 airman said she was going to talk to the smaj- she said is as a word you know “smaaj”. I couldn’t believe it, and forget about parade rest.

the CC in Jackson is the actual Jackson Country Club. My mom and some other relatives lives just across the street off of Horton Rd. I mispoke and ment vandercook lake.

My grandma lived off of Race and seymour by portage lake.

Shoot, My whole family lives all around Jackson.

But, Every day I thank my lucky stars I live in Texas (by God)!

Old Tanker

I grew up just across the street, just off of Horton Rd. in the same neighborhood. Happy Valley and Brookside Blvd. My parents still live there. I had to ride my bike 3 whole blocks to caddy there


The Hasan case again points out the complete lack of effectiveness of the Army’s attempts to curtail our Second Amendment rights. I believe that every post requires you to register your guns if: you live on post, or want to bring your weapons on post. These records are not just kept locally but are entered in a nation-wide database in direct contravention of the Constitution. Some installations (such as FT Carson in ’98) attempted to make soldiers register weapons regardless of their residence. Even this was too much for the Army JAG and it was struck down. Current regs at my post require that you keep the gun unloaded and locked up. Good luck getting to it before you’re another victim. Whether you comply with the existing regulations or not, the chances of you getting searched as you enter the installation lie between none and zero. Most of the gate guards do not even know what the regulations require, nor do they seem to exhibit any interest in learning. I can’t even begin to count the number of times that I have had to explain the rules when I bring weapons on post to go to the range. Just as outside the gates, the only people the Army’s regulations are law abiding soldiers. The crimminals come and go as they please. In fact my current installation has had 3 fatal shootings in the past year. All of the guns were unregistered. It is beyond comprehension why we can ship soldiers downrange for a year and put a weapon in their hands 24/7 but will not allow them to have a weapon readily accesible for defense of themselves and their families. Regardless of rank we took an oath. “to support and defend the Constitution”, yet we are denied the very rights we would give our lives to defend. While I understand that we make some sacrifices of our liberty when we become soldiers, the right to self defense ought not to be among them. The Army has yet to demonstrate that they can effectively protect us in the one place we… Read more »


Old Tanker.
You might know my Aunt and Uncle that live on Happy Valley.
My Grandpa, who lives in that area used to teach at East Jackson High.

I have an important question about your character though.
How to you feel about Virginia Lunch and Andy’s Pizza?

lols, just kidding Coney’s is the single greatest thing about Jackson, but everyone has their favorite place to get them

Old Tanker


While growing up I lived in 2 houses on Happy Valley (Down towards Vrooman) and 1 on Brookside Blvd. (My parents built on the “curve”) The last name is Robb.

Andy’s Pizza has the best rice pudding in town and NOBODY in Jackson has a bad Coney! (although I prefer Jackson Coney next to the train station)