Enough Bitching About the Cold Already

| January 8, 2010


The photo above is from Fort Benning, Georgia where Ranger Class 02-10 began training on January 4th. It is currently 24 degrees and feels like 14 at Fort Benning.

But that’s okay, this vacation is just getting started. In a few days these studs will be off to a mountain retreat in Dahlonega where it currently feels like 8 degrees.

Next time you’re praying, thank God these men are on our side.

PS: Here is a seriously NSFW Ranger Promo. I’m not kidding, really NSFW. If you email me saying you are offended that just means you’re an idiot who can’t read.

Category: Politics

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Just A Grunt

Sung to the tune of Strangers In The Night

Rangers in the night
Comparing azimuths
Should we go left or right?
Wondering who is wrong or right?

Dahlonega, GA can be extremely cold this time of year. Once, way back when, I was detailed to go up there in January to act as an OPFOR for the Ranger students. It was so cold that water froze in our canteens. When it came time to be extracted we were told to hunker down since helicopters were grounded and no ground transportation could get up the hills. That also meant nothing could get in either in the way of resupply. We wound up hunkering down for an additional 48 hours before getting extracted. The good news is that since we weren’t students we could start a fire, which we did. Still didn’t help fill our bellies but damned if we were going to die of hypothermia.


I thought Marines were suppose to be the stupid ones 😉


I would like a ranger tomahawk


This morning I saw this on a forum I read and I just clicked on the site to e-mail it to Jonn and TSO, but it seems very appropriate to this post.

enjoy 🙂



Is that water actually in LIQUID form?

Frankly Opinionated

And here in the Frigid Florida Panhandle, RANGER Swamp School is going on in below freezing temperatures. Something about “Swamp” and “below freezing” that makes this so obscene. Wearing Long handles and hooded sweatshirts in the Bikini State is also obscene. It just plain SUCKS. Damn Algore and his Global Whining.

Never Forget the Ft. Hood Texas 14 of 11/5/09!”

B Woodman

Two points:
Anyone who makes it even halfway through Ranger school is worthy of SOME bragging rights, compared to those who never started.
The NSFW Ranger promo & the jedi-ru-nick post were both just-plain-ROFLOL-funny.

Thank you for brightening my day, in more ways then one.


Why are they all in BDU’s? I stopped wearing them in 06….

COB6 Wrote: Obviously an old pic. I was the Installation Training Officer at Benning in 90’s when this photo was taken.


If SF are snake eaters, what do Rangers eat?

Just hadda ask?

Did enjoy the video thing. Thanks.

Debra Clark

LOL.. Even I had to laugh at that ludicrous video. So true in so many ways. As I’ve mentioned before, the only close one-on-one contact I ever had with Rangers was when the Rangers at Hunter Army Airfield came back from their little operation in Granada back in 1980-whatever it was…well, never mind. Never did know what that was all about. The only other close contact I’ve had with the Rangers was with an infantry captain who went to Ranger school and flunked out (probably a first lieutenant when he went there). He later shot and killed his wife, also a CID agent, who was my best friend in the Army, then committed suicide. Always wondered if it was flunking out of Ranger school that made him snap.

Frankly Opinionated: It sure is cold as hell in the Florida panhandle. I heard the other day it was colder here than it was in Alaska. I believe it. My car door was frozen shut the other day at 0500 when I was trying to leave to go to work. Finally got it open, then I couldn’t get it closed, until it melted some more.

Just A Grunt

COB6: You were the installation training officer in the 90’s? I was an instructor with the 2/29th from 95 – 99, when I retired. Maybe our paths have crossed.

Mr Wolf

In this weather, those guys deserve WHITE tabs instead of just the white stitching. I mean, damn…

Anyone that signs up for Ranger School in the winter- hats off. That’s one mean feat. And they’ll need the conditioning for AFGH for sure.
