CIA was looking for Detroit bomber

| December 29, 2009

The story is Drew M’s at Ace of Spades. Apparently the CIA was looking for a guy with the undecipherable code name “The Nigerian” who was training in Yemen. Of course, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s father telling the State Department that his “Nigerian” (whatever that means) son was hanging out in Yemen with undesirable elements wasn’t enough of a clue.

It seems to remind me of something;

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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jonn – thought you might find this thread a tad interesting. Seems like some Mr. Pantybomber was an anti-war activist who had some interesting connections to other anti-war groups…

Don Carl

How is it that this ass’s father, a respected businessman in Nigeria reported that his son “left on jihad” to the US Embassy and was still allowed on a US bound flight on a US airline? Simple answer: The State Department, which runs our embassies worldwide, dropped the ball. Whose responsibility is that? Ultimately, the Secretary of State, who is that? Hillary Clinton.

Damon Rammers

This is from BBC for God’s sakes! Where is Obama taking US?

“If we can’t catch a Nigerian with a powerful explosive powder in his… underpants and a syringe full of acid, a man whose own father had alerted the US embassy in Nigeria, a traveller whose ticket was paid for in cash and who didn’t check bags, whose visa renewal had been denied by the British, who had studied Arabic in al-Qaeda sanctuary Yemen, whose name was on a counterterrorism watch list, who can we catch?”
That withering criticism of the Obama Administration’s handling of national security was not penned by a Republican firebrand on a conservative blogsite but by the high-profile liberal columnist Maureen Dowd in the New York Times.


Seems that some of the plates rotating on all of those poles are really starting to wobble. The solution? Go to Hawaii for golf, of course. If one of the kids falls and gets a boo-boo, mount up in the motorcade and run assorted Hawaiians and tourists off the road to get back to the “compound”. If someone tries to blow up and airliner, study the unwelcome intrusion into your golf time for a few days, then make a totally milquetoast statement, followed up by another milquetoast statement the following day. While your minions attempt to blame Bush for this, too.