Anti-war movement has petered out
The anti-war crowd had a protest yesterday at the White House called the “No You Can’t” rally. It’s gone virtually unnoticed by the media (and unnoticed by me, too – I was pimpin’ my crib yesterday). Despite being headlined by the most famous of the moonbat ranks, even the LA Times wasn’t impressed by the 300 participants;
“People are burned out,” explained the rally’s organizer, Laurie Dobson. As she and other antiwar activists struggle to remake their movement, they also acknowledge there are obstacles.
“We’re fighting a harder fight right now,” said Dobson, who said antiwar efforts had been upstaged by the battle for healthcare reform and had been hampered by the bad economy. She and others also acknowledge a certain awkwardness: Activists now find themselves up against the same politician many of them helped elect.
“The peace movement has a new adversary in front of them,” said Tom Hayden, a former California state senator who was a leading critic of the Vietnam War. “He’s intelligent, speaks the language of the peace movement and is trying to reach out to the center-left of the country with his message. It’s much more formidable to argue with Barack Obama than it was with Bush or Cheney.”
Hayden said many of the activists who once used antiwar protest to convey their contempt of President George W. Bush have been reluctant to criticize Obama, who, while he was a candidate, made much of his opposition to the war in Iraq.
Some media outlets are pumping up the numbers of protesters to 1500, but even on Matthis Chiroux’ Facebook page World Can’t Wait admits to only 300;
So Brower is still tossing shoes – that’s so last year, Elaine. But that’s kind of the story of the whole peace movement, isn’t it?
Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects
Was it a shoe off her own foot or was it John Kerry (he was in Vietnam, you know) like where she was given a shoe by another person to toss?
Elaine, you do know that in the U.S. tossing your shoe is not the same as when people do it in Muslim countries, right? Short of getting your sock wet, what did it show?
Smelly Hippies, Deserters and other cowards just don’t realize that Peaceniks have never, ever caused one moment of peace, and never will. It is plain to anyone who has anything at all between their ears, that Peace is obtained only through Superior Firepower, adequately dispensed.
“Never Forget Ft. Hood Texas 11/5/09!”
Those who turn their swords into plowshares will be buried by those who don’t.
Peace is a theoretical state of affairs, whose existence we deduce because there have been intervals between wars.
Hell hath no fury like a pacifist.
Obama has ‘souled’ (bad pun) out the Peace Movement and they don’t know what to do?
Their so-called Messiah is really just another money-grubbing politio?
I did not see that one comming.
Most of these A-holes aren’t really anti-war, there just anti-American war. The majority would support the violent overthrow of any Democracy.
What the Anti-War Movement has really run up against is total lack of credibility. Congress is controlled by Liberals and the White House is under Socialist occupation. You got what you wanted and were totally blown off. Your fifteen minutes were over 12 months ago and you have turned your Anti-War Movement into last night’s fish dinner left in the sink. When you continue to tilt at windmills don’t be surprised at being viewed as pathetic and hearing a collective, “Enough already, go away”.
I found it interesting that that Obummer is getting the credit for the troop reductions in Iraq that were negotiated by President Bush after the success of the Surge. The timelines and associated troop levels were in place with the SOFA agreement prior to the 2008 elections.
Three words for those “anti-war” nutters: get a job.
You can see Matthis Chiroux on the sitting here (5:52) in the video. Brian Becker speaking
Seems alot smaller than 300.
What Yat Yas said…
Hell YatYas,
I think the majority of these clowns would support a Wahhabi subversion of Western Democracy. Their European cousins sure seem to like such an idea.
Tommy, Good catch on that video. Matthis seems bored when he is not the center of attention. Oh well.
[…] news, the anti-war crowd is burning out. A protest against Afghanistan only attracted 300 people. Not even the LA Times was impressed. “People are burned out,” explained the rally’s organizer, Laurie Dobson. As she and other […]
[…] – but i hope she doesn’t hold her breath for any $$. with the ascention of obama, there is no anti-war movement left. the anti-war lefties say they’re ‘tired’. and frankly the media is no […]