Dirty Hippie Debate Style
I’ve never really understood the method of discourse that revolves around drowning someone else out. I’m certain that somewhere my side has done this as well, so I disavow those attempts as well, but I don’t remember Jonn and I ever showing up at a IVAW rally and trying to chant. It’s just ridiculous. I can’t fathom any disagreement that I would ever side with the group trying to stop the other side from speaking.
I would make a marketplace of ideas argument, but it is fairly clear that this side doesn’t believe in the markets.
Category: Politics
That was Tim. Staying classy! heh. Love his demeanor.
So, here’s the funny thing. We find out, accidentally, of course, that temperatures have not risen, that man is not so evil after all as GW is cyclical in nature. You would think that these people would be happy about that, right?
Ach! Who am I kidding?
Were they chanting “Creamed Corn Now”? Mmmmm…creamed corn.
Its simply Jonn, these people are far too uneducated on the facts to have a rational discussion about what they want, and a reasonable means by which to get there.
If all you have to do, is throw a grown up temper tantrum, they think they can accomplish real change
Because they’re leftists: Leftists only believe in freedom until they have the power to silence everyone they disagree with.