Nicolás Maduro challenges Elon Musk to a fight, Musk accepts

| August 10, 2024

A little dated, but a change of pace… Nicolás Maduro spoke on national TV, in Venezuela, criticizing Elon Musk’s actions. Musk generated posts, on X, detailing what the actual vote count was for Venezuela’s presidential election. Maduro talked about the “failures” of “right-wing” politics/politicians, and he also challenged Elon Musk to a fight. Maduro “flexed” by declaring himself a son of Bolivar and Chavez.

From New York Post:

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro challenged Elon Musk to a fight on national television after the Tesla tech mogul alleged that the country’s presidential election was fraudulent — with Musk later agreeing to a fight.

Following the results of Venezuela’s presidential election, in which both Maduro and his opponent claimed victory, the Tesla CEO took to X to accuse the socialist leader of “major election fraud.”

“Maduro, leave! Venezuelans chose to end the communist dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro. The data announce a crushing victory of the opposition, and the world is waiting for you to recognize the defeat after years of socialism, misery, decadence and death,” Musk wrote in a second post.

Musk’s posts quickly caught the attention of Maduro himself, who called the billionaire a threat to Venezuela and, in a bizarre turn, challenged him to a fight on national television, the Anadolu Agency reported.

“Social media creates a virtual reality, and who controls the virtual reality? Our new archenemy, the famous Elon Musk,” Maduro said before adding, “Do you want to fight? Let’s do it. Elon Musk, I’m ready.”

He continued: “I’m not afraid of you, Elon Musk. Let’s fight, wherever you want.”

By Wednesday afternoon, as news of Maduro’s challenge against Musk spread online, the X CEO responded to a tweet about the confrontation, simply writing, “I accept.”

Additional Reading:

Keane, I. (2024, July 31). Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro challenges Elon Musk to fight on national television. New York Post. Link.

Category: Society

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Green Thumb

Whatever happened to the days of dance offs to solve our problems?

Last edited 1 month ago by Deckie
Green Thumb
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Let me add one more

Hack Stone

You left out the best part. Maduro closed with “Alegra mi día.”

Last edited 1 month ago by Hack Stone

I’d lay Elon about 3.5:1. Maduro is a little bit bigger, but too old to be effective. He also looks a little bit punchy and paunchy out of shape and drunk most of the time. Elon looks in much better shape and is 8 years younger.

I think they should have the match in Mexico City, and both fighters should wear Luchador Masks.

Green Thumb

Motherfucker can probably use a switch blade.

Slow Joe

Elon Musk is a retard.

Rich people should working hard creating new wealth and paying billions in taxes, not risking their lives (and the loss in revenue).

If Musk dies all his companies will go down with him, and the Left will retake Twitter and celebrate.

Leave the risk-taking to people like me that have no idea how to create wealth or value to contribute to society.


It could be, that Elon Musk is smarter than you. He may have realized that the empty threat from Maduro, was just that and he turned it around into free publicity. You might recall that he was supposed to have a cage match with face book boi, But that never happened either.

Slow Joe

Anyone is smarter than me. And Musk is one of the smartest people in the world.
What I was bitching about was about smart successful people who risk their lives instead of making more wealth and creating more jobs for the rest of us.

I don’t know how to create jobs. It’s like magic or wizardry to me, so I want rich people to know their place in society and stay there, creating wealth, jobs and serving as society’s Guinea pigs for new medicines and technologies.

When the first cellphones came out a lot of people were concerned they would give brain cancer to people, but after rich people bought the early phones and walked around with those bricks and didn’t get cancer, I knew it was safe for the rest of us and when the price came down I got my own. The same happened with virtually every other technology.

Hell, I know we haven’t found the cure for cancer because rich people keep dying of cancer despite trying all kinds of new experimental medicines and procedures that obviously don’t work.

So rich people, stay in your damn lane.


Elon is creating jobs and wealth with his fight, Slow Joe. Putting on a major fight creates all kinds of jobs and the bookies are gonna make bank on all the bets. WIN WIN!

And don’t put yourself down in the smarts department. When the fecal matter hits the air handling unit, I’d heap much rather have your kinda smarts on my side than Elon’s. That North Wall ain’t gonna shore itself up against the coming storm.


Risk taking is their lane unless they were born into it.

Hack Stone

Wasn’t Joe Biden supposed to cure cancer by shooting them to the moon?


He was going to do both, but that oil cancer damaged his brain.

Green Thumb

I think All-Points Logistics got that contract.

It never happened and the money is still missing.


Don’t sell yourself short, young man. Your service is important. Without leaders of trigger pullers like you, this country Musk would not be able to perform his magic. We warriors saved this land of free enterprise from Communist totalitarianism.

I was a leader of trigger pullers for about ten years and I spent over 30 years as a litigation attorney; I don’t have the skills to create thousands of jobs and successful businesses either.

Green Thumb

Slap a bitch in the face with a Phildo.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

That’s a match I’d pay good PPV money to watch.
I’d even place 3:1 odds on Musk, that Mad Dog Maduro wouldn’t even show.