Joe’s Consolation Prize

| August 5, 2024

San Fran Nan

Pelosi Wants to Add This ‘Consequential’ President to Mount Rushmore

Madeline Leesman

In an interview aired on Sunday, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said that President Joe Biden should be engraved in the national monument Mount Rushmore.

In a clip in the “CBS Sunday Morning Show,” Pelosi claimed that Biden deserves a spot on Mount Rushmore next to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln because he’s been a “consequential” president of the United States.

In the interview, Pelosi said Biden is “Such a consequential president of the United States, a Mount Rushmore kind of president of the United States.”

CBS correspondent Lesley Stahl retorted, “Are you really saying that he belongs up there on Mount Rushmore? Lincoln and Joe Biden?”

“You’ve got Teddy Roosevelt up there, and he’s wonderful,” Pelosi claimed. “I don’t say take him down, but you can add Biden.”


Dammed decent of her. The hilarious part is I think she’s serious. Hat tip to AW1 Rod for the morning laffs.

Category: Biden, Good Idea Fairy, Guest Link, Points-and-Laughs

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Hack Stone

So, we’re not doing the “Mount Rushmore is racist” thing anymore?


It’s an inconvenient argument now.

The fact she can say the man who (with a little help from his friends) destroyed America deserves to have his stupid face immortalized on Rushmore is pants-shitting hilarious.

Yeah, sure… let’s toss his puzzled debate night face up there… on the side of the mountain nobody sees.


I’m not sure which pose I like better for Bite me.

Head down on the desk, eyes closed, like after the Afghan catastrophe?

Normal view, staring off into space?

Lost and confused look like at the debate?

So many good choices.

They could get the artist Burna Boy to complete the commission.

RGR 4-78

Carve 2 smaller facial images of old Joe side by side on the far side of the mountain so it looks like TR’s ass cheeks.

Forest Bondurant

This one is probably most fitting.

Green Thumb

Put it on a mountain in Afghanistan.

Hack Stone

His image will looking over his shoulder at a squirrel eating some Cheetos. No joke.


It isn’t racist when democrats do it.

I’m just disappointed that she didn’t even mention adding Obama. Obama was a much more successful president than Biden ever was. I guess it’s her way of extending an olive branch until he gets out of office. Reports are that he was highly pissed at her organizing the overthrow of his campaign. Especially since he is Three years younger than her, and probably more lucid.

It’s interesting that she picked Roosevelt as being wonderful since he was also a big racist. They had to take his statue down from the New York History Museum because somebody read history I guess. The kids will never understand Night at the Museum now. Or maybe it will have to be canceled because it’s also racist because Teddy Roosevelt is in it?

Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC
Green Thumb


The statues have repeatedly been called racist.

And now Pelosi is good with it.

In other news, Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls.

lawrence todd

Joe will have his name on monuments in China and Ukraine


But not on a marker at Bourne National Cemetery like me.


How does Nancy say she’s shit-faced before noon on Sunday without saying she’s shit-faced on Sunday before noon…

If you were adding any presidents, I’d say FDR & Reagan are the 2 most influential since Teddy.


FDR was definitely influential. He grew the power of the federal government like nobody ever before. After WW2 the military industrial complex was pretty much unassailable. They also went out of their way to protect rich people with federal bank insurance. They also protected told people with social security, but that’s about to fail now. He was able to end World War II, which the Democrats gave us because of the end of World War I, mostly Woodrow Wilson. But we can’t add him because he was a hardcore racist.

Reagan was a great president and he fought the good fight, but he wasn’t able to stem the tide. He was able to end the Cold War, ironically doing the exact things that the Democrats told him would cause World War III. I guess his longest term achievement was making sure that the military was resourced properly. We’re still using a lot of the equipment that was designed and implemented during his presidency.

Forest Bondurant

FDR was a shitbag.

AW1 Rod

There must be an open bar at the House every Sunday morning, and Vodka Skeletor is the first in/last out.

A Proud Infidel®™

Nanny Lugosi regularly spent six-digit sums on alcohol while she was House Speaker, and of course it went on the taxpayers’ tab.


And she didn’t even climb out the bathroom window while skipping out on the tab.


They were saying the same thing about Obama.

Basically every democrat President of modern times was the best in history in their very vivid imaginations.


Oh yes. Biden on Rushmore. How will they capture his vacant, lobotomized-like stare??
I wonder if Paul is still hosting his crazy liquor and hammer parties with ‘ rough trade ‘?

RGR 4-78

They could always do young Joe and his 11-year-old daughter in the shower.


Gettin’ hammered on both ends…

Hack Stone

To be fair, Joe Biden’s skull is full of granite, so it wouldn’t be much of a stretch.

A Proud Infidel®™

Joe Biden has a concrete mind, it’s permanently set and all mixed up!


It’s the rebar that keeps him in form.

Hack Stone

No joke.


Nancy looks almost sober in the lead photo. Or is it AI generated.


If by “AI” you mean “alcohol infused” then yeah… sure.


Sure put the worst (p)Resident up there next to three (3) of the best Presidents. And since so many Monuments now have to have a tablet explaining the “context” of what the Monument means, be sure to list all of sniffy creepy prezzy’s “accomplishments” in furthering the destruction of These States United.

The “They” keep talking about adding to Rushmore, but one thing “They” keep forgetting. IIRC that empty space was left empty because the stone was not of the type/structure to allow any carving there. Fracturing/splitting/sloughing off or something. One of the Park Rangers I spoke with on a visit there spoke in depth on the subject. Dood was a school trained geologist.


How about the 13 dead service members that were murdered by ole joe? Put their faces up there, they did more positive for this country than pedo Joe has done in 50 years.

Skivvy Stacker

Oh, he certainly has introduced a lot of consequences to the people of this country….

Amateur Historian

I’d sooner see JFK added to Mount Rushmore than see FJB.


Never gonna happen, and she’s just beclowning herself by suggesting something so stupid..

Hack Stone

They should erect a monument similar to this one, but it would be Joe Biden on a lifeguard stand and Corn Pop rubbing the hair on his leg.

Prior Service (Ret)

It would be epic if they carved him on the next mountain over, facing the other way, with a gnarled stone hand extended to empty air. Or maybe looking upward out of the ground from where he’d fallen.