Rally for SEALs
Today in Norfolk, VA, supporters of the 3 SEALs who’ve been put on trial for fattening the lip of the terrorist, Abed, who was responsible for the murder of four contractors in Fallujah. Here’s an interview Fox did with retired SEAL Don Shipley who’ll be on hand for the protest.
Why: Show your support for our Navy SEALs, their families and our military serving throughout the globe
When: Dec 7th, 2009 Pearl Harbor Day
Where: Gate 5 of the Base, Norfolk, Va Hampton Blvd and B Street.
Time: 7 am until noonish? Depending on how many citizens show up…. a PEACEFUL RALLY for support is the optimal goal. The media will be there to share with those that can not make it.
Thanks to Concrete Bob and Bubba for the link.
Category: Military issues
Our son, Josh Irving, of Fort Worth Texas, who is passionate about supporting our military, has within the past few days single-handedly organized a huge support rally to be held on Monday, Dec 7th on the east coast to show support for 3 U.S. Navy SEALs expected to go before a judge that same day at the Norfolk Naval Base in Norfolk, VA and …plead not guilty for assaulting one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq. Ahmed Hashim Abed is the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. Petty Officers Matthew McCabe, Petty Officer Jonathan Keefe & Petty Officer Julio Huertas all face charges including allegedly punching Abed while he was being detained.We have attached a copy of the interview, but would like to give you a little more details w/regard to the rally.
As mom and dad, we did not even realize what all Josh had done w/regard to this rally until last Thurs evening, nor how large this event had become. This rally has grown to several hundred and Josh, just this past week, welcomed the help of the Norfolk local Tea Party. It is reported that Fox News will be at the rally and Glenn Beck will bring coverage of the rally to his program. With much local encouragement, Josh is on his way to Norfolk, as we write, to attend the rally that he single-handedly began and organized. And yes, as his mom and dad, WE ARE EXTREMELY PROUD!!
Your son is to be commended for taking this and running with it. OOOOORAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Hand Salute
Does anyone know if Jesse “I wasn’t really a SEAL but tell people I was anyway, kinda like when I said I hunted men in Vietnam when I played basketball in the Philippines” Ventura has spoken up in support of these guys?
As a mother of a Navy SEAL, I am sicken to see where our country is headed. The liberals, are sending/leading this great Nation into ruin! Who will want to defend our nation when this is how we show our thanks to all those who put their lives on the line every day!Anyone in Washington want to trade places with these brave young men for even one hour?? I think not? YOU SHOULD ALL BE ASHAMED! I AM!!!
I arrived at the rally about 0745 and found around 50 patriots already there since before 0700. Attendance wasn’t as good as expected but those attending were more than enthusiastic enough to make up the difference. We showed our support and the Navy and Civilians driving by showed theirs. Navy Seal Matthew McCabe (accused) stopped by and met and talked with us for almost an hour (he couldn’t have gotten away anyway, he was surrounded). An especially poignant moment was when the mother of one of the Blackwater victims came up and hugged Matthew … and neither would let go of the other. It was a good day …
Kansas Mom,
Myself, I don’t think that even the libs give a s**t on this one..they’ve got a health care bill to get going!
Dawg..lovely story to tell there. I’d have cried my eyeballs out if I had witnessed the Blackwater mama hugging Matthew. Heck, I’m starting to now just thinking of it.
What is our country coming to when some dignitaires want to court marshall Navy SEALS who go through extensive training in order to defend this country? How disgusting to put these three men on trial who are willing to be Navy SEALS and put their lives in danger to keep us safe. Thanks Don for speaking out in their defense and for Josh who organized the rally in Virginia. I was there in spirit and with prayer that these men will not be found guily of anything.
Concerned Citizen
God Bless all our Service Men and Women
Our politicians are spineless cowards. They send our boys to war and then turn their back on them because they don’t know what the hell they are doing. Whose side are you on Mr. Politician? Why are you so scared of what other countries, that terrorize us, think about us? Don’t you realize that you have to kick ass and take names when you go to war. That means beat the crap out of your enemy, even if it doesn’t comply with the Geneva Conventions. What they gonna do about it if we fight dirty? Huh? Your double standards are why our men are dying. Cause you won’t stand up for them when they do their job. Screw you Mr. Politician!!!
Spineless cowards isn’t the half of it, Sam. This smacks so much of command influence it’s not even funny, and yet what sickens me the most is that the person or persons pushing this punishment don’t have the raisin-sized sack necessary to stand up and admit they’re the ones pushing this sack of shit around.
I pray the SEAL’s walk, but sadly I also am realistic enough to know that this will likely end their careers regardless, not to mention send a chill through the SpecWar community regarding how to fight their battles while the current administration remains in power.