Wright under the bus? Think again.
Since I turned on the TV this morning and fired up this internet, the only worn out phrase I’ve heard is about throwing someone under the bus. First they told me that Wright threw Obama under the bus in his speech yesterday, then after Obama came out and disowned Wright in public, we hear that stupid bus metaphor again. From Ben Smith on Politico (by way of Blue Crab Boulevard) we get the words that did the deed;
“I have spent my entire adult life trying to bridge the gap between different kinds of people. That’s in my DNA, trying to promote mutual understanding to insist that we all share common hopes and common dreams as Americans and as human beings. That’s who I am, that’s what I believe, and that’s what this campaign has been about,” Obama said.
“I am outraged by the comments that were made and saddened by the spectacle that we saw yesterday,” he said.
Obama also distanced himself from the man in a way he has been reluctant to in the past.
Don’t count on it – remember it was just days ago that Wright predicted that Obama would have to distance himself from Wright for political reasons – lo and behold Obama did it right on cue. It’s a ploy to convince us all that Obama has changed from the guy he was last month, the guy he’s been for the last twenty years. I also believe that Obama’s parents met in Selma, that he didn’t send an emissary to Canada to calm their fears over his NAFTA stance, that he meant the ‘bitter speech’ to be constructive. Anyone know if the Brooklyn Bridge is still for sale?