Navy Sailor attempted to access Joe Biden’s record

| July 12, 2024

A Navy Sailor attempted to leverage his access to medical records to locate Joe Biden’s medical records. However, he was unsuccessful. He plugged Joseph Biden’s name into the health system’s electronic health database for the military. He was disciplined for making that attempt.

From USA Today:

The sailor, assigned to the Navy’s Medicine Readiness and Training Command at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, had searched for the name “Joseph Biden” in the military health system’s electronic health database, according to a statement from the Navy.

The sailor was disciplined for the attempt, the Navy said.

Biden’s health has been under intense scrutiny after his halting debate performance against former President Donald Trump late last month provoked calls for him to drop out of the 2024 race.

The sailor, who was not identified, conducted his search “out of curiosity,” the Navy said. A co-worker reported the potential breach. The Navy Criminal Investigative Service investigated the incident and determined in April that the record the sailor had accessed did not belong to the president.

Additional Reading:

Brook, T. V. (2024, July 10). Sailor caught after trying to breach President Biden’s medical records: Navy. USA Today. Link.

Category: Big Navy, Joe BIden, Navy, Veterans in the news

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Hack Stone

So, there are two Joe Biden’s in the military medical system? Maybe the Democrat Party can pull a switcheroo and get the other Joe for the second term.


This was an excellent film:

Hack Stone

So which film is closer to a Joe Biden biography, Being There or Weekend At Bernie’s?


The implication of The film Being There is transcending reality into a new reality. This is why he is walking on water at the end of the film, something that does not take place in the novel. It is very much in line with the Richard Bach transcendental movement taking place at the time. Also while Chance is clearly an illiterate, mental defective, he makes sense when he talks, even if it is left wide open for interpretation. He doesn’t confuse living and dead people nor misidentify important world leaders seconds after talking to them. When he is misunderstood, which is frequent, it is because people have made assumptions about what he is trying to say and not because he stumbles all over his words.

Bernie is dead and doesn’t talk. In many ways this is an improvement on Biden. Because he makes no mistakes. The odor is probably similar though.

I would say it’s a lot more like One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Biden is a composite of all of the characters in the asylum. He pretends to be crazy to avoid criminal prosecution like Randy, He has a bad stutter like Billy, he throws temper tantrums like Charlie, and he is delusional like Martini. Of course he is medicated like all of them and they take his ice cream away when he is bad. Jill is a stand in for Ratched.

Really, the only thing we’re waiting on for the 25th Amendment, is somebody that can poll high enough to beat Trump. That person has yet to appear.

Hack Stone

Excellent critique of Hack Stone’s post. A+.


Curiosity may not always kill the kitty cat but it can certainly kill a career. Gotta wonder just what the “punishment” for the sailor was.

My sympathies lie with the service member with the same name as prezzy sniffy creepy. Bless his heart.

Hack Stone

Only one Biden listed in the Air Force GAL, Navy LTJG stationed at Coronado. Not named Joe, luckily.

Hack Stone

A tone of Trumps listed, but none named Donald.


I wonder how many more lists you were just added to after those searches. Are ya tryin’ to set a new record? LOL

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The squid could’a said, “I was just testing the system to see how secure it is. Or not.”

You think???
comment image

Hack Stone

Hack Stone say this movie before, it was called Multiplicity.


What happened to the original copy of Biden, and why do we get the idiot version.

It is time, Commander…

Amateur Historian

Damn, wish that idiot luck in not losing his job/getting thrown in the brig. It’s obvious to everyone by this point that the pResident is not well. Never violate HIPAA.


Seems fine to me. Just think, if Joe loses he will still be eligible in 2028, when he will have totally not died from a neurological disease already.


Don’t think those records matter at this point — with donors now withholding almost $100 mil unless he steps down in his bid for reelection… stuff is about to go down.

The real show is about to begin.

Hack Stone

You know it is over when even Meathead won’t support your campaign anymore. He can always make a ton of money after January on the lecture circuit. So, will he be pushing reverse mortgages or buying gold?


Nah, William Devane has gold covered.

Reverse mortgages? Maybe. Or time shares.


Tom Selleck has reverse mortgages. Diabeetus hasn’t had a spokesman since Wilford passed.

A Proud Infidel®™

That is NOT going to look good on his resume’!

Hack Stone

Whose resume? The Sailor only looked up Joe’s medical records, Joe Biden destroyed the country.


For looking up his records, or attempting to, he will be punished by death if democrats have anything to say about it.

Pay no attention to the better paid, better benefits, free travel about the country folks coming across our southern border… wait, that sounds like a military recruitment sales pitch.

Hack Stone

Accessing Donald Trumps tax records and releasing them to the media = Good.

Accessing Joe Biden’s health records = Bad

Any questions?


I must say that got it all backwards last fall in a rather ironic twist of fate.

Near as a I could tell the Democrat plan was to convict Trump at trial of a bogus felony after the primary season was done. They predicted that a friendly media would paint him as an evil villain and his popularity would crater. With him having the nomination a lock the Republicans would have to scramble and contort the system to get a new candidate.

Yet every time something happened legally against Trump, his standing in the polls rose. As their cases were built on nonsense and b******* and lies, even a fifth grader could figure it out.

Now the shoe is on the other foot. Biden imploded at several points, that is every time he was not in front of a teleprompter telling him what to say and giving him stage directions, and even then. He has the nomination a lock, and his party is in pure panic trying to figure out how to get him out.


Old tanker

He found another joe biden??? Holly crap I feel sorry for that poor schmuck. The other joe biden, not the sailor, he’s just an idiot. Why would anyone think that the potus medical records would be on the open web?